Red Lantern Powers

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Connor Kent, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. Lwee New Player

    Well first I think the OP meant just changing the color of the powers and not having actual Red Lanterns as they use theirs very differently (the whole spoiled blood-plasma-vomit thing) compared to Green or Yellow which focus more on light constructs and blasts.

    As for which faction, Red Lanterns are not evil, they're anti-heroes for the most part, usually fighting for revenge, consumed by rage.

    On topic: Why not? Why not give the option to customize our powerset colors? Don't think it would be an issue for DC as they made it clear that HL users are not Green Lanterns and are just able to make constructs which are powers derived from exobytes...And why would they care? I mean the heart of the franchise is the GL and they already agreed to green constructs... Why would they care if the constructs on my character are green, cyan or purple?

    And why stop at Hard Light? I would love to be able to change the fires color on my tank, maybe make it light blue and more ''propane-like''. I just think its not that big a deal and a great idea, would greatly improve customization.
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  2. Lwee New Player

    Like the show or not they just used ''Red Lanterns'' because it was the most obvious contrast to green for kid under 9 y.o. They don't behave like RL should according to what has been established so far by DC... The fact that they all talk is already kinda weird (only their leader talk except on very rare occasions)...

    I just find it sad that they reduced them to that to appeal to a younger, less devellopped audience... Sad a DC show died but this one was kind of a fail.
  3. Delta795 New Player

    I just want to be able to change the colors of my constructs. I've always been a fan of the GL's but c'mon man let me at least use an aura I have like blue or purple!
  4. Rolls New Player

    Ive been a huge fan of green lantern books since geoff johns took over so theres a part of me thatwould love this, but given the breadth of the dcu theres just too many other characters that havent had anywhere near the attention the 2 current corps have received.

    You couldnt just change the color of the constructs because each cores powers work differently. If dc is so concerned with protecting their intelectual property they wont allow green auras i cant imagine theyd allow all the different corps morphed into one basically for the game. As noted only atrocitus and rankorr make red constructs. Blue lanterns cant make them w/o a GL around... etc. So they would have to go totally against the comics to just change colors of the current build. While adding new powersets is appealing, i think there are other areas that should be explored before returning to different light corps.
  5. Lwee New Player

    Lantern rules and cannons don't apply here as we are not lanterns... Just able to make light constructs... so why force a color on us?
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  6. Rolls New Player

    Apparently so people can complain about the most inane aspects of the game..
  7. lukelucky Devoted Player

    there is alot of lantern content but i like the fight for the light dlc. a red lantern in legends would be sweet but i am not a real dc fan. i was with the other guys, lol but dcuo is my favorite game by far. a hardlight raid mixed in coulda been cool
  8. Sionn Committed Player

    A little known fact, Bruno Mannheim has Red Lantern powers in this game.
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  9. Havoc Leader New Player

    I think villains should get red,yellow and orange while heroes get green,blue and indigo.
  10. Lwee New Player

  11. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    2 duos.
    1. Metropolis city hall (classic game)
    2. Ferris aircraft (fight for the light DLC)

    And you forgot the Christmas seasonal is about the orange lantern, Larfleeze.

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  12. Eärl New Player

    Am I the only one who wants oan t4? About red lanterns, I prefer some new powers for green/yellow lanterns first. Many ppl says hl is boring. That's true, because you spam only 5powers, and others are unnecessary. I would like to use some powers like John Stewart used in Justice League:p
  13. BerzerkerUnit New Player

    I'd be content to see some of the other lanterns be represented on the Iconics list, a Violet heal, blue "cleanse" the red puke and an orange Glomulus or even just blank construct pet. Indigo powers are weird and Exobyters are already like the Indigos (using others powers), black and white are just too out there.
  14. Ednonymous New Player

    I agree with this. This has been on my mind ever since I've started playing again, it would be nice if we could change the color of our constructs as an extension of what our makeup color is or something. Hard Light doesn't mean we are Green/Yellow Lanterns, there's even a mission you do in Metropolis where you're helping recruits and they're surprised you're helping without a ring (even if you're playing as Light). I don't mind not having Red Lantern powers, but I'd love to color my green constructs red.
  15. Rhydian New Player

    I would rather they add more racial skins so lantern players can feel more intergalactic. They really need an entire expansion to make character creation better, not to mention light weapon packs. But Red and Blue lanterns would be good options. Having only the option of multi colored humans has always peeved me off about this game. Not to mention only 3 travel powers.
  16. dovakin New Player

    How about iconic vise power of the red water rage atk
  17. CAm New Player

    While I understand that a color modulation would really go far in making us more unique visually, it somewhat breaks what should be DCUO cannon.

    Yes, I just used the words DCUO and cannon in the same sentence. Not happy about that.

    Anyway, while we are just measly deputies, we still tap into willpower which is green across the board.

    I think I'm being too much of a purist over something that really doesn't warrant it. I would be all for it but I have a concern that someone might see a green lantern with red powers, get interested and start trying to get into the comics, and then get confused. Green is green, Sinestro is Yellow, so on and so fourth.

    As was mentioned, I think we need to focus more on the constructs themselves. Possibly even extend HL to the realm of tanking. Hard light armor wouldn't be that far fetched.
  18. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Just an idea. TBH making red lanterns out of the yellow or green is just wrong. Red lanterns generally don't make constructs especially the wide variety we have. They barf blood and are generally badass.

    So... what could we get to mimic that?

    Iconic power "red lantern blood" sets a DoT field around you. Basically give us an iconic power similar to Vice's power in the ferris aircraft duo.

    You could even be cool and give a "neo venom" type thing. A clippable buff, increase crit chance, crit mod, prec, might, hp and defense. Call it "blue lantern aura". Make it so in controller role it's a PoT as well. Heck could even make it a smaller buff and make it a group buff.
  19. Neptune New Player

    Agree with you. We need HL raid.
  20. OMAAR New Player

    Say Red for Heroes or Villains, what would the opposite be?

    We already know there is a yellow vs green. What about red vs ???