Worst K/D you've seen BR 30+

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname6587, May 16, 2013.

  1. vulkkan

    Hello tere, sunderer-vaporizing-light-assault player here. Let me explain the most useless aspect of this game: death. Players die, they respawn at the nearest sunderer in about 5 seconds. Now, to help my team, I (and similarly minded explosive-lovers) usually track down that source of never ending spawning zerglings: the sunderer. Now, two sticks of C4 instantly kills that thing if even one heavy launched a rocket at it. Now, consider that I usually find damaged sundies. I place two bricks of C4, and TRIGGER THEM ASAP. I dont give a **** if I die in the blast, that sunderer is down and I can happily yell to my squad that the sunderer is down and respawn at a friendly location in seconds. On the other hand, the enemy now needs a new spawn point and my faction can turn the tides.

    TL;DR KDR is pointless.
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  2. Accuser

    The OP thinks K/D is a critical statistic in this game. I'll let you decide how that reflects on his character.

    For my part, I have a high K/D primarily because I spend a lot of time as a Liberator gunner. My pilots' K/Ds are significantly lower, but we're phenomenally effective as a team.
    Then you have the Sunderer drivers, repair guys, medics and other non-combat roles that are just going to have lower K/Ds than Heavies and ESF pilots. But then, I shouldn't even have to say this...
  3. holycaveman

    K/d ratios don't win battles. Team work does.

    This is not space invaders. There are goals. Reaching these goals often require multiple casualties. Chances are if your not dying your not contributing much to others. Just to yourself.

    Shoot just look at the top esf guns. Do you really think they are winning battles for anyone? LMAO
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  4. holycaveman

    That is great. And I am pretty certain you are not worried about you k/d ratio even though it good. You are just getting the job done.

    And your area does not require as many casualties as a ground man. Even though you are getting something accomplished as a team.
  5. EWarren

    My K/D represents lots of shooting couple shells in the direction of enemy infantry and frantically driving behind cover. When there isn't cover, I am in trouble.

    Yesterday my tank was destroyed by a suicidal driver who drove a flaming Sundy into my tank at top speed... very embarrassing
  6. malden

    K/D is the most useless stat in the game. I think a lot more people would enjoy the game more if it was not the primary thing they worry about. My favorite parts of the game is when I turn to a squad mate and say "hey watch this" and then I do something really cool or I die very badly. K/D and Deaths just need to be removed for the good of the game. I think everyone would have more fun.
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  7. EWarren

    That is the spirit of the opponents who gave me some of the most memorable fights - "Wait - there is no way the person is about to do that"... "OMG that crazy NC is doing just that" It does not always lead to their victory, but I bet they had fun doing it
  8. Liquid23

    the only reason I really dislike KDR in a combined arms game like this is that it doesn't differentiate between targets ... if you die twice as a medic to C4 an MBT that is holding your entire group in the spawn you still get the same 2 deaths to one kill as if you died twice to kill some random infiltrator who is doing nothing but sniping at random people in a non-contested base from a hilltop all by himself... the former is obviously contributing to the battle far more than the latter but they score exactly the same
  9. usages wnbgrintooth

    Then you have people like me...first time ever playing any game like this of any kind. I had no clue what I was doing when I started and died what seemed like a thousand times the first day I played and think I managed maybe 1 kill...don't make fun of people for a lack of experience...maybe that is why you can't keep people playing...me personally I could not care a less about it...figured out I just suck at HA so made a whole new TR toon that I play as just one class and have been slowly inching my k'd ratio up...but I just play to have fun...not to impress any of you...and hope that in some small way my pathetic k/d ratio ( which is now .08 after about a month on the new toon ) can help my team out at times. I am happy enough as I can see where I get better all the time even if I am not a major stud as most of you claim to be...but then not one of my kills have come from using a vehicle and a lot of my deaths are from getting farmed by vehicles and just plain ran over by friendly vehicles.Trust me...I can see your studliness and skill every time you run me over and kill me without firing a shot...it gives me goals to strive for.

    For those of you with the high k/d ratios...grats on your farming success and likely driving away new players...Now stop complaining in the forums about the population drop...you probably have a lot to do with it as most don't like to join a game just to be farmed while trying to learn...those who are not so hot...don't sweat it...just play to have fun and give it time and watch yourself improve over the weeks. You will get better in time if you stick with it...even part time.
  10. Laraso

    K/D is generally a pretty meaningless statistic. Even so, if you have a 0.0001 K/D ratio (over 1000 deaths for every 1 kill), you suck and you should probably just stop playing before you hurt yourself.
  11. Kuriby

    I honestly love these KDR threads... so much defensiveness comes out from people!

    At the end of the day,


    You want to be a dedicated taxi driver, Go ahead

    You want to be a silly lolipodder, Go ahead (f**king trolls)

    You want to camp in the spawn room, Go ahead

    As long as you are having fun, its all that matters.

    But hey, i'm still going to laugh at the <2 KDR players, because a high K/D is how I've always had fun since Half-Life 1.
  12. Smalltown

    K/D Ratios is still like YOLO.

    For douchebags.
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  13. Kortan

    This guy gets it.
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  14. Liquid23

    maybe said person just plays hardcore dedicated support so constantly dies because s/he does nothing but get shot with the repair/med tool in hand? I'd actually prefer that fellow in my squad to the engineer/medic who runs over a squad of dead bodies or past a group of flaming tanks ignoring them to shoot at an enemy who will probably kill him... or worse the one who runs away instead of rezing/repairing because he is afraid he might get shot
  15. Bankrotas

    meh, only one word I could contribute to this blabering: e-*****.
  16. Jrv

    Good teamwork=high k/d

    What you do in your zergfit is not good teamwork. It's zerging. Our tactics don't require our guys to throw away their lives. Our tactics teach our guys to stay alive and continue to influence the fight.

    Also, SPM=garbage. It's affected by boosts and membership, that's an immediate dealbreaker. You want a TRULY pointless stat, there you go.
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  17. HellionX

    JRV Please give it a rest. Ever wonder why in every single post you post in you are in a fight with someone? If your not sure its because you are a self serving megalomaniac own tire pumping jerk. No one wants to hear from you any more.

    K thx

    PS if you aren't sure what megalomaniac means:

    Definition: Megalomania is a psychopathological disorder characterized by delusional fantasies of power, relevance, or omnipotence.
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  18. Jrv

    I never wonder. You jump to conclusions, neglecting to see the real picture, the real motivations. Ever think, you know, maybe I have fun being the bad guy? Nah, that wouldn't fit well with your insults. Hey, wanna know some actual facts?

    You're a bad player. Your outfit is quite possibly the worst on the Helios VS. Your leader is a bad player, it's no surprise you've got no tactical cohesion to speak of. I'll always be getting the last laugh because our outfit farms you scrubs every day.

    See you on the battlefield, friend!

    (Or, more accurately, I'll be seeing you, and you'll be looking at a respawn screen.)
  19. Ronin Oni


    I spent some hardcore lib piloting time and my K/D tanked while my gunners shot through through the roof.

    Course this was beta with wipes once a month... nobody cared anyways....

    Though I did do a lot of lib piloting after launch for a couple weeks too.

    K/D is relevant to someone who only does direct combat.... and then only in relation to others who play primarily for direct combat.

    And farming, which always happens, skews it....

    and throwing yourself at a breach in an infantry push really skews it.

    K/D almost reflects playstyle more than skill....

    selfless or reckless players will have lower K/D's than cautious, advantage seeking players... always.

    Both are needed.
  20. MrHenderson

    As others have mentioned, quality > quantity.

    If I go 1-5 but finally c-4 or tank mine their last sundy thus winning the fight, I'll gladly take that over the guy who goes 5-1 sitting in the spawn room duck hunting.
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