Worst K/D you've seen BR 30+

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname6587, May 16, 2013.

  1. Consumer

    Worst logic ever. There's obviously powerful players on the front lines as much as there are weak players. What, do you think everyone in the front line is getting sniped from afar?

    Really, any KDR from 0.5 to 4.0 sits pretty with me. It's a strong indication assuming the players go after similar goals that higher KDR players are more reliable in surviving and completing the task efficiently. But when you get down to the individual level, I've seen exemplary play from low-KDR teammates and terrible help from those with better stats. To an extent, it's often more fun to play in small groups with people who have modest K/D ratios (1.0-2.5, I'd personally estimate at) because it's about that happy medium where you'll find many decent or strong players that like to have a lot of goofy fun. Obviously, that estimation easily bleeds into stats above and below, but it's largely what I've observed and come to expect.
  2. Fortress

    Map design, lack of cont locks, and players enjoying being the ducks in spawn room duck hunt?
  3. Jrv

    My outfit almost exclusively goes into outnumbered fights. When I'm playing alone, I'll average like a 3.0. When I'm with my squad, using vehicles, going MAX, etc, my **** is above 5 easily. Never, not since early beta, have I averaged a 1.0. In fact, if our playstyle wasn't so suicidal by default, it would be higher than it is.
  4. Dis

    When the SCU timer is at 10 seconds, let the duck hunt begin.

    I'm referring to the tryhards who won't step foot outside the spawn room once things start getting a little hairy.

    But yes...due to derp design choices the joke, well it's on us I'm afraid.
  5. LT_Latency

    Doesn't matter how good you are, If you fight equally skilled players your kdr 1 one.

    If you are the best player in the world and you fight the second best player in the world. Your KDR is one.
    If you are the worst player in the world and you fight the worst player in the world. Your KDR is one.

    Which means if you are racking up high KDR you spend most of your time beating up people who are worse then you instead of look for good fights with people who are equal to your skill.
  6. Jrv

    I know you think you're making a point right now, but you're not I'm afraid.
  7. theholeyone

    ... and even more in mine :D

    Seriously, this thread topic should bring nothing but sarcasm to the table.
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  8. GrumpyArse

    Good for you, here have a cookie and give yourself a pat on the back.. ohh wait, you have already.. nvm.
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  9. Jrv

    I'll take another cookie if you've got one.
  10. LT_Latency

    You can ignore it but that is the way it is. It's like starcraft. The best players all have win lose of 1. Because they are all master league fighting other master league in good games.

    FPS is totally *** backwards where people think they are good because they beat the crap out of players who are much worse then them and bang there chest about it.

    KDR is not a good system for measuring skill,
  11. CrimsonDaemon

    I remember back in beta, they had a stretch where they didn't have the KDR working. I felt a lot better not having to worry about it. I try to hold myself to a certain standard when I am in combat and it bothers me when I don't meet the expectations I set for myself. With it not working, I felt a bit more liberated with my gameplay and was a lot bolder and enjoyed myself more. I wish there were more stats that were class specific that would give a better gauge of how well the person plays their character than just a couple kills and deaths stats.
  12. Jrv

    Only this isn't starcraft, it's planetside, and there are no leagues dependent on skill. Everyone's got the same chaotic, unpredictable mess of a game, some people make the best of it and others cry about it. Yeah, an equal player to me is about a 50/50. But I don't run into equal players every time, I probably fight 10 stupid zerglings for every talented player i come across, K/D will be stacked regardless if you're doing it right.
  13. LT_Latency

    No you don't because I can stay in spawn and get 40 kdr.
    You can always have someone healing.
    You can only use good weapons.
    Someone might just not care about it every life and die for stupid reason.
    Use joke guns.

    There is a million things that affect it outside of skill that effect it.

    Last night there were 2 people with 3 kdr complaining about how there main weapon got nerfed and now i have to switch armies. They wouldn't leave spawn because things were ugly for there team.

    So there is no good tool except for fighting the person to see who is good and who is not
  14. Jrv

    I doubt you could stay in spawn and get a 40 kdr.

    That being said, I agree, there are a variety of factors that can affect it, but that doesn't factor into the extremes. An incredibly high k/d is a sign of cheese 99% of the time, less than a one is a bad player 99% of the time.
  15. LT_Latency

    ok, that is fair.

    KDR just bother my in FPS because so many of my "good" friend, run from hard figths because "WAHAHAHA my KDR"
  16. GrumpyArse

    Who cares!. What does it matter if this person is bad or that person is good?
    Do bad players offend you ? Are you funding said bad players and feel your not getting value for money ? What does it matter?

    If said bad/good player is enjoying the game then who gives a s.h.i.t, isn't a persons enjoyment all that matters ?

    I really don't understand this obsession with a stat.
  17. Ivalician

    There's an interesting observation I've made about high KDR players. And I'm talking linesmen here. Not vehicle guys. Not reverse spawn campers. And not players who exploit cheesy as **** weapons when those weapons are imbalanced ( T9 Carv, Dalton, Hacksaws, pump action shotguns ). As a little bit of background, I'm a lifetime 2.3 - 2.6 KDR 90% infantry player in BF3. In Planetside 2, I'm a lifetime 2.5 - 3.0 KDR 90% infantry player. I watch a lot of streams of FPS players at all skill levels, and I personally believe I am a great FPS player, but not an excellent FPS player and will never be an excellent FPS player.

    When you're in the 2.0 - 3.0 KDR range, you are probably a good player who has learned to be even better. You probably have a significant deal of talent. I'm talking things like good hand eye coordination leading to good accuracy ( 25% range ), but perhaps not superb leading / tracking. Good reflexes. But more importantly, you have good tactical reasoning. You usually make good decisions that keep you alive longer. When to move, when to take cover. Pathing ( how to get from point A to point B ). When to ADS and when to hipfire. You've learned to pick your fights. You avoid conflicts where you're likely to die and you engage when you have advantage. There are some of you who will say a good player will seek out other good players and will have a 1.0 KDR as if FPS is some kind of gladiatorial arena. This is not true. There are no leagues and there is no way to cherry pick your opponents. If you're good at the whole FPS thing, you have every reason to pick your fights. Maybe this means taking one for the team to put a rocket in a Max. Maybe this means creeping up on a heavy nest and spraying four low BR players while they're distracted ( how were you to know they were low BR anyway? ). Maybe this means running like crazy when encountering an equally good player when he's behind a rock and you're in the field.

    If you're watching one of these guys stream, you can probably learn a lot. Their loadout selections, their gameplay. They will do things you can do to improve your game, even if you might not be as successful as them.

    When you're in the 3.0+ KDR range, you are probably an excellent player. You have absurd amounts of talent. Accuracy is probably in the 29%+ range. Lightning quick reflexes. Incredible hand eye coordination.

    If you're watching one of these guys stream, unless you're a novice to FPS games, you will learn little to nothing. These guys rely on their talent. They will dash across open fields and take stupid chances, but because of their ability, they will more often than not come out on the other side. I'm not saying their pathing is bad, but their good pathing decisions are more subtle than just a good player. If you try to imitate their gameplay style, unless you were already near their level, you will only get worse.

    I watch players like Treble and Kudo all the time and I think, I wouldn't have done that. But they do. And they succeed.

    It's like there's some kind of inverse bell curve in action.

    Now I'm not saying KDR is an incredibly important stat in a game like Planetside, this is just an observation I've made.
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  18. bNy_

    I'd take him over you without thinking twice about it.

    People that are afraid to leave spawn rooms or enjoy them because it will eventually grant you a kill or two with no risk involved are the worst kind of players in this game.
  19. ColdCheezePizza

    The infantry guys with insane K/D usually have a 20/1 defend/capture ratio, it's much easier to defend from a tactical position knowing what point the enemy is intent on taking. Nothing wrong with defending, its vital at times if you play the land grab game, but I prefer the feeling of accomplishing something like taking territory and pushing out instead of spawn or sunderer camping. I get a bigger rush when I look at the map and go damn we took alot of territory, then checking my k/d at the end of the night and patting myself on the back, even if I know that territory will all likely be gone the next night or even a few hours later.
  20. Bottar1

    You can't say outright that ''K/D matters in no way''. That is simply untrue. It's ONE of MANY statistics that a person can view and analyze of a player. It doesn't mean everything but it can indicate to a certain extent of how well the player is doing.

    I don't know why people in this thread keep coming in saying, ''oh yeah I have 0.2, but I run out all the time blah blah, I survive 1/10 times and do something''.

    That is simply a waste of time, you would be better off letting those bases fall and capping other bases. Your not being useful and your giving the enemies xp and certifications.

    It's also untrue that people are ''not on the frontlines'' if they have a ''high K/D''. I have above average K/D (1.62) but my most played infantry role is medic (apart from engineer in vehicles) and I'm constantly on the fronts with my revive grenade a' throwin, and medic gunning people while strafing rapidly to avoid incoming fire. With my trusty SABR-13 I take down opposing enemies too.

    There's a ton of other stats to take into account but K/D is one of those stats. No more crap about how your so amazing because you die heroicly. Yeah you may be having fun and good for you, doesn't bother me how you enjoy the game. BUT DON'T MAKE IT OUT LIKE YOUR DOING US ALL A FAVOUR.