Worst K/D you've seen BR 30+

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname6587, May 16, 2013.

  1. Badname6587


    I dont know how it is possible, but hallejuah....

    and i've been killed by him 4 times... same faction. FTW.
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  2. Mrasap

    This thread is dumb.
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  3. Teegeeack

    He is probably a player who tries to get things done
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  4. XOLiD

    K/D matters?
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  5. Jaloro

    OP is .015 and hoping someone can find something lower.
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  6. Epoch/Eep

    The guys with low kd are usually are selfless and play for the win at the cost of dying.
    Prefer those guys to some ********* who still think k/d matters.

    Prefer some guy charging the point side by side with me and dying horribly than the countless muppets standing on a hill spamming rocket launchers at doorways.
    k/d isnt hard to manipulate and your an idiot for considering it something to compare others by.

    Use session k/d to rate your current performance at whatever your doing at the time.
    Lifetime k/d is just pointless.
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  7. Chinchy

    I don't understand where you get K/D is useless, I throw myself selflessly into battle and play medic 75% of the time and I still manage a 1.78 K/D over all. What your thinking of is people who pad there K/D by running Vehicles when there K/D is 4-8 they are a vehicle ***** and that K/D is not a representation of skill.
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  8. Badname6587

    roar - k/d doesnt matter rage machine in force! It does matter to a degree, but nowhere was it said that it is the be all end all.

    I was entertained by how bad someones K/D was over 35+ levels. I've never seen anything like it. Just like if I saw someone with a 40/1 KD at that level I'd be equally as shocked.
  9. GSZenith

    OFC it does! you only says it doesn't cos of your 1.6kdr noob!
    -kdr kid.
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  10. holycaveman

    I boast a .287 k/d ratio at Lev 41.

    The way I play the game this means nothing. I pick tasks to achieve and if I die 10 times in a row to achieve the tasks I could care less. I personally don't play the game to kill people constantly. I can play cod if I want that.

    If our base is over ran with enemy and everyone is hiding behind the spawn shields. I am the guy that runs out in a hail of gunfire facing the enemy head on. I may die several times just to take one out. Or die 10 times trying g to capture a point. Many times I am the only one risking it to win.

    No rewards no glory. That's OK.

    I fail to see what a high k/d ratio does except to show who is out for kills only.
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  11. MarlboroMan-E

    There's no way to tell if someone is worth a damn as a player without actually playing with them. KD might mean something depending on what you value ... spawn camping ... Killwhoring ... resecuring points ... capturing tough bases ... support player.
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  12. Kuriby

    We can sit hear and argue about K/D all day.

    But if you are below a 1.0 KDR at BR 30, it is safe to say that you are a scrub.

    There is still a minimum threshold in KDR that makes a player effective. <1.0 KDR at BR 30, you really gotta question your level of skill and tactics.
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  13. Farlion

    It puzzles me how you can have such low K/D ratios

    Even when I was playing with 7 FPS I managed to get to 0.73.
    Ever since I have my new PC, I've been at a solid 2.8 - 4.0

    But by that point I already had 2k deaths :(
  14. Drealgrin

    k/d doesn't matter. It shows you play like a coward who accomplishes nothing.
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  15. crazyoldfart

    Worrying about your kill/death ratio is kinda like buying a 4 wheel drive truck and not wanting to get it dirty.
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  16. holycaveman

    You have no idea how mistaken you are.
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  17. Nocturnal7x

    He probably gets like 5-10 fps. People actually play the game like that, idk why but they do...
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  18. holycaveman

    Not everyone plays for kills. If I was concerned about my k/d then yea! I got a problem.

    But I don't care. If a guy that's level 60 with a 5/1 kd ratio faces me head on I would probably take him. But this is not a one on one game. And I don't play to kill.

    I play to achieve goals and tasks no matter how many times I die.

    Shoot it would be easy to get a height k/d ratio if that's what I focused on.
  19. Nocturnal7x

    Not true at all.

    Why do you continue to throw yourself in front of hords of enemies if you can't kill any of them?
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  20. Drealgrin

    because sometimes when you catch them off-guard and manage to kill 5 of them all in the same room you feel like a muthafuggen badarse.
    AKA having fun
    AKA something you deny yourself when you run away like a poosayyy