What's the deal with TR on Matherson?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DXtreme, Jan 3, 2013.

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  1. Flarestar

    Yeah. And I see VS and TR fighting "side by side" a fair amount too.

    Most of this kind of crap happens because the factions have a tendency to go wherever action is - meaning that three-way brawls are frequent. NC and VS on Mattherson, in my experience, do not go out of the way to avoid shooting each other. And if for some reason they do both open fire on a TR guy, it's only to open fire on each other immediately after.

    Paranoia makes you look silly.

    The biggest problem TR has right now is that, put simply, a very large chunk of your active players are in TE. And that means that they're not interested in competitive play, or map capping. They're interested in doing one thing only, which is baiting the other factions into attacking them at a biolab. Thankfully people are finally starting to learn to just ignore the biolab packed with 150+ TR and leave. It'd be nice if they'd learn faster.
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  2. Pacra

    Have either of you ever heard of the logical fallacy 'confirmation bias'? You two are living, walking examples of this fallacy.
  3. Cl1mh4224rd

    And it would only work if it was strictly outfit-vs-outfit-vs-outfit. Since any decent fight is going to create a hotspot that draws in non-outfit players, collusion would quickly become ineffective. As a "lone wolf" I can say that I've never seen any "orders" suggesting that everyone ignore an enemy outfit. Result? I attempt to kill every enemy I can.
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  4. h00n

    I'll keep that in mind the next time I leave an NC and VS corpse lying next to each other.

    Oh wait, Mattherson is functionally dead, nvm.
  5. Mojo_man

    I played all through last night and the TR at one point had a commanding portion of the population. Highest pop on two continents and an equal measure on the third. It got less severe as the night wore on, and I can only assume it's because most of the TR had logged off to go sleep.
  6. Kunotron

    I need to start screen capping / video capping the map screen. Today on Indar we had 4 areas in TR territory with "multiple platoons", but when i looked down that whole 15 hex VS / NC border, the whole thing was "no activity".

    I'm going to have to start laying off that booze I don't even drink, since I must be seeing things.
  7. CrashB111

    (numbers pulled outta my *** for comparison here)

    If you take 10,000 horrible players and pit them against 3,000-5,000 good players in a game like PS2 the horrible players will win. It is compounded by vehicles being so easy to get because even if you have 1 ace pilot killing tons of enemy air, eventually 1 of the enemy will get lucky and while the smaller force has lost a critical asset the larger force really did not lose anything since they will keep drowning the enemy in a tide of bodies. GOON is basically the Orks/Tyranids of gaming.
  8. GTGD

    When your faction's premier outfit is the enclave you should expect to get your teeth kicked in every night.
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  9. h00n

    Yea, that's why I left Mattherson.
  10. BuzzCutPsycho

    This thread makes me laugh.
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  11. h00n

  12. Natir

  13. Vlas

    The Enclave make me laugh.
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  14. Pockets

    Meh. I bet we'd do better if people ever made an effort to direct the zerg. I rarely see it though.

    pretty much. they're even better than the other TR outfits which is sad. I've killed BuzzCut so many times he thinks I cheat LOL
  16. Vargs

    Yes, sometimes the NC zerg will happen to be focusing on the TR at the same time that the VS zerg is. What are you expecting? For the VS hive mind to get together and evenly distribute forces along both borders so that the NC doesn't feel lonely? It's just a major VS outfit or two making a big push up north, with the rest of the faction following the hotspots/activity. Meanwhile the NC happens to have the same thing going on at the same time. There are only two groups of people to attack, so it's not even like this is an outstanding coincidence. It happens naturally all the time, to every faction. I've heard countless people in the NC accusing the other two sides of collaborating, and it's just as dumb when they do it.

    As a GOON, my stats actually read that I have significantly more Vanu territories captured than TR. Although I do have more TR kills than VS kills, but I blame that entirely on the fact that every Vanu has himself glued to the seat of a Magrider at all possible times.
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  17. forkyar

    check again.
  18. Dedayius

    VS and NC don't work together, they just hate TR more than each other. Indar is always a perfect example of this with TR holding the northern half while NC and VS hold their quarter right down the middle of the map with little fighting between them. It's just because they have a common enemy and don't mind the other holding territory/continents as long as it means depriving the mutual enemy of things, which is often The Enclave.
  19. Bavieca

    Had some hella good fights today. First we fought several TR outfits on Esamir until a triple crash in a biolab followed by a massive TE Max crash totally demoralized my guys (no I do not think the crashes were some TE exploit, it doesn't make sense, that fight would have been amazing if our maxes hadn't been blown by the crash, though with the numbers I saw, we would have lost anyways, it was still a good fight, but we lost our respawn before I could say GG). I had to spend the next 15-20 minutes explaining to my guys why I didn't think they did it on purpose, while we fought on indar against a force that massively outnumbered us.

    We managed to take back tawrich and lose it again, our pilots ran out of resources so we hopped continents again. We went to Amerish where TR and NC were pretty close in pop and VS were around 20%. Once we got there we maneuvered around the TR zerg there until we caught them spread out over a few hexes then took them out. They tried one more push from their warpgate then all but 5% left. Part of the problem could be a zerg that appeared after the first breakout attempt by the TR that brought our numbers up to 50%. Unfortunate, I hate a losing situation but hell, that warpgate has 3 directions to attack in, you could have broken out if you all had focused. The VS made a last ditch push with only 27% after the TR left. They had a smaller percentage of the total numbers than the TR had when we were warpgating them. They still tried and almost prevented the cap. We honestly only succeeded by seconds. Vanu never let down for a good fight, and honestly TR has good orgs but you can't rely on three of four orgs to do all your work.
  20. Vanon

    I can sum this up in 3 lines...

    NC Zerg: Every point being capped at the same time with a medium/large main zerg, friendly firing when bored.

    VS Zerg: MagRiders/scythes capturing multiple bases, but only one guy gets out to cap the point.

    TR Zerg: 25% of the zerg caping one base, 10% flying Mos's aimlessly in search of libs, 65% of Zerg in Bio Labs reguardless of it being capped
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