What's the deal with TR on Matherson?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DXtreme, Jan 3, 2013.

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  1. Negator

    Only as long as you keep making up bs with no real info. until you log in during prime time and let us know how many are actively participating in ops all this is irrelevant.

    And to the last guy, post some info about goon and test working together instead of this "i feel like" bs
  2. Negator

    If their total # to active player ratio is like ours, 1000 players means 2 platoons on at prime time.
  3. TheBaronofSD

    well, i can think of one reason.

    an entire AOD platoon i was in just redeployed from indar, which had at least 3 spots that said "platoons detected", to amerish. not a single space on amerish said more than enemy activity detected.

    i logged off in disgust. i play to fight, idc if i get my face kicked in as long as there is a fight. i will not be part of an empty map zerg, i just won't. crap like this is a disservice to the game as a whole. now what could have resulted in some fun platoon on platoon action, even possibly a good ole fashioned menage a trois ended with one side bugging out to an empty map.

  4. Kortez12

    As someone who has a Vanu main and a TR alt on Matherson here's my perspective. The issue with the TR is that the big outfit that could bring everyone together drives a huge wedge through everything. You literally have BONK(?) and TE players TKing each other combined with BCP calling everyone in chat a moron. They don't like each other and as a result don't work together.

    VS on the other hand are completely friendly and have large alliances which work together on multiple fronts. I'm not in a big outfit because I much prefer working in a single squad or a group of people I know well but you can definitely tell when these guys get going. On top of that people are never at each other's throats.

    I don't really know what goes on with NC but they seem to hold their own especially on Amerish and Esamir. Seem like good bros to me.

    Also people should never brag about taking Amerish. Precisely ten people from each faction are on Amerish at any given time. The 'crown' is Indar and everyone knows it. Esamir to a lesser extent.
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  5. Mirakk

    Honestly the coordination level between different outfits is where it's at. That's why NC is able to hold a lock on Amerish AND a big chunk of Esamir many times.

    Outfits like WMD, Goon, and Man Up, ... these outfits often coordinate ops together with one another. Many times I've been in an op with three major outfits communicating with one another. Guys in MU talk about what the GOON orders are, and when in WMD ops, I've heard likewise. These outfits often run open groups that help to train freelancers how to run an operation with an outfit, follow orders, and be successful.

    Buzzcut is kind of a sociopath from what I've heard, and discourages players from participating in this kind of meaningful cooperation. I'm not going to blame one guy for it, but I think I do have the problem nailed down. You guys need to start working together. Having 2 platoons is awesome sure, but you could do better. Large outfits running open ops is what's teaching many NC players how to improve rapidly, and it's bringing the bar up.
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  6. h00n

    Last time I went to log-on on "prime time" it was 25% TR, I'd have taken a screenshot, but I went to play on a server not filled with the absolute scum of the internet.

    I'm not making anything up, keep on defending your secret internet club buddies, everyone on TR on Mattherson knows the truth.
  7. h00n

    And there is no "I feel" to this.

    I have SEEN Magriders with TEST tags ignore GOON Sunderers and let GOON infantry swarm facilities. I've been there where VS and NC infantry were on either side of Ti Alloys facing each other waiting for TR infantry to try to break out. I have seen with my own ******* eyes these scum bags in scythes flying escort for NC libs.

    This. does. not. happen. in. other. servers. PERIOD. I don't care if you don't believe it, I've fought both factions at the same time and spilled both of their blood in the same doorway both gunning for ME.

    Mattherson is a sinking ship, and the only rats left are the outfits. Everyone else has left.
  8. Isila

    I wouldn't say I've seen definitive proof of NC and VS collusion - not that it matters you understand, Anything That's Not Red Is Dead - but I have on more than one occasion had the pleasure of encoutering VS in positions that make no strategic sense for them to be in. Just the other night my squad had a drop at Blackshard Platinum, with a couple of Scythes taking time out of their undoubtedly hectic lives -- being that they were on the opposite side of the NC-owned Zurvan from the VS lines -- to leisurely spam a couple magazines of photon rockets at us without so much as a peep out of the NC.
  9. T D B

    Oh no my faction isn't dominating for once, let me go complain on the forums!
  10. Aleksiel

    I think NC and VS are about to see a lot of things change on Matherson, hope you guys are ready :)
  11. Vargs

    Man, I wish we had 1000 active players. [GOON] tends to field around 2, sometimes 3 platoons during prime time. We're a large outfit, but acting like we run around with 600 people is absurd. Our huge roster is mostly made up of people who joined us immediately or almost immediately after starting the game for the first time, played for a day or two, and then never logged in again.

    And this is also pretty hilarious, knowing how much goons and redditors hate each other. Especially lately, with [TEST]'s penchant for repeatedly ruining the game with the C4 mass client crash bug. There's actually a bunch of goons who rolled VS instead of NC and they teamkill TEST and only TEST on sight. The thought of us working with them is ridiculous. Even if somebody ordered it, nobody would listen. The only outfit we dislike more is The Enclave, which manages to reach the esteemed #1 spot due to Buzzcut constantly spewing unbelievably racist, homophobic, misogynistic garbage on his stream. I don't know why you TE guys follow him - he seems to treat you all like trash and has no interest in concepts like "fun in a video game".

    As for organization with other NC, sometimes Snuggles talks with a coalition of smaller outfits. It doesn't usually happen, but occasionally we help each other out. A handful of common squad leaders like using orders chat for stupid jokes, which is about the extent of what we get out of that channel. I get the impression that VS has the most cross-outfit organization, but their largest outfit is TEST which doesn't do them any favors.
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  12. TriumphOfMan

    Hate it when idiots do that. We spent the beginning of our night playing on underpopped Esamir because we couldn't get onto Indar. Then when the TR pops jumped on Esamir as the NC left for Amerish we went after them, equalised the populations over there then camped the NC warpgate until they rage quit out of frustration. Then went back to Esamir as the population yo-yo'd again.
  13. Stigler

    Can people please stop posting INDAR population or off hour population statistics as normal World population statistics. I have pics of three of the busiest EST server's that have world populations between 11am and 11pm that are very different.They also shift a bit during that time.

    The biggest issue is how off-balance the continents have become individually. NC tend to all mass in either Amerish or Esamir. Leaving the other two continents untouchable for solo players, spawn tank ride to battle no air, rocketpod death. Heck I find it difficult in the TR sometimes to find the zerg (since that is all there is at times) or a decent battle that is NOT Bio lab even with the extra population.
  14. TeknoBug

    Ugh TEST, I've been TK'd by them more than anyone else. Luckily enough when I was in my magrider I saw a group of TEST running down a road and just mowed them over.
  15. LineTrap

    From the outside looking in, as a frequent VS tanker, I think the reason TR hasn't been able to cap Indar in ages is due to consistently losing the air war. TR, led by the Enclave, looks like hot stuff from 5-7 pm as the zerg crashes through the Quartz-Allatum corridor and onto the Vanu Plains. As the night wears on, around 8-9 pm, VS outfits start to rise to full strength, our good pilots get on, and slowly but surely the air becomes more and more purple.

    With air control, armor can thrive. When our armor thrives, the TR zerg is headed back to Indar Excavation and from there the warpgate cantina to drink away their sorrows. Meanwhile, the Enclave "loads up Gals" and looks for a Biolab treehouse to hole up in on Esamir or Emptyish. Hail Vanu!

    Tl;dr: he who controls the air, controls the armor. He who controls the armor, controls Auraxis. The Mag must flow.
  16. Linedan

    Wait, we're supposed to leave the VS alone and double-team the TR? Well, I didn't vote for that. I thought we were an autonomous collective.

    Anyway. TR had secured Amerish and Esamir when I logged in about midnight (EST) for a little bit. I logged in just now (0820 EST) and NC has gotten them both back, Esamir is still NC dominated but Space 'Murrica may go red again. Apparently we've got some insomniac mofos on our side who like capping empty bases.

    NC gets double-teamed a LOT by the other two factions but I think it's more geography than collusion. Or, the TR don't want to face the VS for various other reasons (we're easier kills, VS harder to see at night, crash exploit, etc.) Eh, just means more targets, I guess. No worries, we deal with it.
  17. Bejita231

    Level 1 Magriders stronger than ****** out Prowler, players are tired of the imbalances

    Scythes best dogfighting ESF, incredibly easy to handle even without stability and hover chasises, most noob friendly ship leads to Scythe zergs overwhelming TR and NC ESF which are even hard to land for some players, the average Scythe will always beat the average Reaver/Mossie in a duel and its not because the Scythe player is good, its because the Scythe is given a advantage manueverability which is all that matters in the sky

    Presence of Scythe zerg leads to presence of Liberator Zerg, so many liberators on Vanu on a daily basis, when TR are forced into a infantry zerg because Prowler suck so bad, those Liberator Zergs just destroy them, TR hide in crown and hide in Biolabs when they can, its the only thing we can do to get any amount of certs going

    Ive been playing Vanu alot, as a Level 1 no station cash Magrider i feel more powerfull than the $30 prowler i wasted money on, Vanu need to be adjusted downward or its just going to get worse, there's a reason SkyExile is rated 1 as a Vanu player, its not because hes good but its because of the scythe zerg leting his Liberator farm in peace
  18. Flarestar

    The only times I've ever seen this happen on Mattherson were when both TEST and GOON ran into TE at the same time. And that's because it's more fun to drive BCP into a frothing rage-fit. That's not deliberate collusion, it's the net result of TE behaving like a pack of mongoloid twits. I can also tell you that at no point have I ever seen VS and NC on Mattherson, regardless of outfit, deliberately fight side by side.
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  19. D0n

    Ok I am guilty as charged for that one, I did not know it was going to scale so fast or what this post was really about, now I do.

    I almost forgot about that day, rofl.

    Ah mischief *sighs*
  20. ScrapyardBob

    Population balance across the 3 continents is a huge issue. I spend 80% of my time on Indar because it's the only one that seems to maintain a stead balance between the factions. The developers really need to figure out how to even out the populations (XP boost for being the underdog would probably be best).
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