What's the deal with TR on Matherson?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DXtreme, Jan 3, 2013.

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  1. BuzzCutPsycho

    "Haters will broadcast your failure, but whisper your success."
    Will Smith - The "Fresh Prince" of Bel-Air.
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  2. NoctD

    And people think we're exaggerating if we say that if you took vehicles away from Vanu, they wouldn't be able to win the game ever.
  3. Imperium Assault

    The smaller outfits can be embraced, but they will bring no results. Especially with their **** attitudes

    Do they? And who cares. They are losers

    What pain? You VS really seem to like confirming your stereotype as the girlymen.

    Hehehe, that is pretty funny isn't it
  4. Natir

    Official "BAD BAD BAD" Music Video.

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  5. Linedan

    Thing is? They could. Seriously. VS infantry has a lot of things going for it--more accurate weapons enabling them to engage well at longer ranges, hard to see at night, a lot of skilled players, and the organization from the bigger squads. They'd be able to hold their own, they've proven that before. The VS do tend to lean very heavily on armor and air, though, that's for sure. I guess I shouldn't talk, seeing the size of the Vanguard swarms I've seen us do, but we just can't use the Vanny for the quick-strike quick-camp stuff like the VS can the Magrider.

    The biggest difference between TR and VS on Mattherson is that the TR has one massive organized outfit--TE--and then loads of smaller ones, not all of whom get along with BCP for whatever reason, so cohesion is lower. Whereas the VS have three or four big groupings--AT, GOTR, GOKU, TEST just off the top of my head--who are closer together in size and willing to work together. I don't know how the politics roll on our NC side, but I do know in addition to GOON, we've got a whole bunch of medium and small outfits that are starting to work together more closely.
  6. Linedan

    I get what you're saying, and maybe BCP is a swell guy to kick back and have a beer with outside the game. But it's not the masses that project him as a screaming lunatic, he projects himself that way. In his own videos and his own stream.

    I'm in an outfit that's military-style as well, a bunch of the leadership is in fact currently serving, and they don't act like BCP. They don't yell, they don't scream. They lead and they teach. If one of us screws up, we get told why it was wrong and how we could do it better, but not in an f-bomb-laden tirade. Of course we're running with 10-20 people, not 100-150, but still.

    If you're having fun, more power to you, and if TE works with Buzz's somewhat R. Lee Ermey style of command, so be it. It's not like I hate TE, in fact some of the stuff they do is pretty cool at times even if I'm on the receiving end of getting steamrolled by it. Watching 50 HAs foot-zerg across the plains of Esamir was neat right before I got CARVed. It was a nice break from "oh look, more Magriders." I just question whether BCP's leadership style is the way to go for the rest of the TR on Mattherson, y'know? A server needs three healthy and balanced factions to really thrive. We have that on Mattherson, sort of, and it'd be nice to keep it going.
  7. SOE-MOD-08

    This thread has ran its course. Locking it down.
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