There is NO reason that NC and TR tanks should be able to shoot aircraft out of the skies.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HowCanSheSlap, May 5, 2013.

  1. Revel

    Aircraft aren't vehicles?
    • Up x 2
  2. Armchair

    Didn't you get the memo? Aircraft are supposed to be avatars of god that dominate everything that lacks wings with impunity.
  3. The King

    You said this has been going on since the beginning.
    And also pointed out that the ONLY difference is that TR has to shoot 2x.
    However, I said it isn't true because both NC and TR cannon shells are much more faster than the VS. The difference is huge in favor of the higher velocity weapons. That's the main difference.

    VS is more luck based. You have to be lucky that they continue going that one route. With a higher velocity weapon, you do not have to lead so much and pray that they go in that same route like you would do with the VS weapon.
  4. tbot

    Best example is the german 88. Which was developed and primely used as an AA cannon. It also performed very good as an anti tank cannon (not intended) so that it was later advanced and mounted on the Tiger I.

    The problem with this is, that we have a game here.
    Developers don't like it when weapons / skills or whatever are used in an unintended way, because it could break the balance.
    I remember one game where some guy put C4 on his cannon exit to give his shot a better punch. He was laughing his *** off while he was OHK other tanks :)

    Maybe i should put some on my pods and try that ...
  5. GhostAvatar

    Check the post date on the video I showed you, Sept 2012. So yeah, it has been going on since the start (even for the magrider). And you can check this thread for pre-velocity buff Vanguard footage as well to reiterate this point. My original response was to whether it was actually possible (not how difficult it is) to one shot an ESF for all factions, the only difference being that a Prowler takes two. So again, all true.

    So again, it has been happening since the start for all faction. VS has not been left out of this at all.

    As for the ease of use issue, if you want the velocity nerf, you will most likely have to take a big nerf to the Magrider to compensate. If you buff the VS velocity to match, you will again have to take a big nerf to the magrider. So you what it boils down to is, either put up with the fact that this is easier for the TR/NC (but still possible for the VS) or have a crappy magrider instead. What would you VS prefer?
  6. The King

    The magrider is already crappy.
    Not many actually take it out anymore.
    Especially now since the Harassers are out, this is our MBT now.
  7. cc2001

    Nope I went and actually tested opposed to making hostile accusations and assumptions.

    Max Magazine is 44 rounds for the CAS30 too not 42, and those Prowlers still looked quite alive after even 44 rounds.

    This post still stands:
  8. Yasa

    Im one of those who wants more realism (in terms of physics).

    Increase mbt bullet speed, damage and splash.
    Actually, increase all the rocket speeds. This is ridiulous.
    Increase height limit. Make maps bigger.
    Increase esf speed, make esfs stall.
    Limit esf maneuverability in hover mode. Increase rocketpod damage, reduce number of rocket capacity to 2 volleys.

    Or write some fiction/lore that explains why people with spaceflight technology have airplanes and rockets that fly slower than cars.