There is a total of 10 ppl whining about C4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hoki, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Liberty

    This simply isn't true. If you play your tank aggressively pushing with your infantry forces to try and give them cover there are simply too many areas which enemies can pop out/drop down from to C4 you. It is for this very reason rear tank armor was buffed so tanks had some sort of chance to actually act like a tank rather than be stuck shelling from 300 M.

    There needs to be a "Mineguard" equivalent to C4 that tanks can cert into if they choose to. The armors work slightly but the fact for tanks they only cover one area (top, front, sides) is just dumb.
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  2. Stargazer86

    One, I agree.

    Two, I agree.

    Three, difficulty is objective. The tank kills I get when using C4 are usually a result of one of two things. Either the tank was far too focused on shelling at long range and allowed me to easily sneak up him due to inattentiveness, or the tank was parked near or next to cover/buildings, allowing me to approach him from said cover. I can tell you for certain that I have never C4'd a moving vehicle, or a vehicle that was sitting at a distance. They're usually too close to a base (such as vehicles driving beneath base towers. I never understand why they do that...) or aren't paying attention.

    And I've been shot plenty by tanks after being spotted, and they simply decide to back up. It's quite the sinking feeling when you sprint after a retreating tank and watch their cannon recede into view.

    I just don't understand the mentality some tankers have. It's fine for them to kill dozens of soldiers with ease because they're in a tank. But a single soldier killing them is suddenly overpowered? Sure, there's a timer and resource cost, but that doesn't really make it entirely equitable, in my opinion.
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  3. 8BitArchitect

    Meh, for me, I feel like Tanks should be 'scary' (good damage, very high armor) but hard to pull (Maybe even higher resource costs than now, if the buff is enough.) A dedicated tanker should be able to get lots of kills against infantry without heavy cover (buildings, canyons, mountains) but he shouldn't have a large number of engagements primarily against infantry (unless a zerg is running without proper armor support) balancing out the power.
  4. TrainerS2

    :D hehehe And everyone that dont like C-4 he dont like play as Infranty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Stew360

    you got it ( or play at 15 fps )
  6. TrainerS2

    I know that in this gaame half of players are brainles usless vehicle trolls :D
  7. Jachim

    Sorry, your excuse of 'inattentive tank drivers' is stupid and wrong. I can literally run outside in the midst of a tank zerg and kill tank after tank until I run out of C4. I just find the one busy firing at someone else first. Oh and TR have to lockdown to be useful so they can't even get away when I am after them.
  8. Jachim

    Combined arms game, kiddo. CoD is that way ------------------->
  9. Jachim

    Such a terrible, flawed post. Infantry can also kill infantry without spending a single cert. Just because you wasted 700 certs to cheese-kill tanks doesn't make you good.
  10. Fang7.62

    1. Sit somewhere near a fight
    2. Hold down RMB to see glowy little dudes without the need to strain your eyes
    3. Click on them
    4. Get certs
    5. Dont move, dont look around you, dont pay attention to the minimap and sound, dont attempt to play and communicate with other people that might tell you something is coming your way. You got that? Invest as little effort as possible, that is the most important part.

    Also history is full of examples why driving clumsy big vehicles in narrow spaces full of pissed off infantry with AT weapons is the absolute best thing to do ever, keep at it genius.

    If you want to be aggresive and charge in the middle of infantry and fight them in close range you better get a lightning or a harraser with rival chassis and keep your a** moving, weave in and out of cover, dodge dumbfires, fire on the move and pop smoke when the lockon has been fired. Its actually fun when you have to do something to earn your kills other than click on glowing dudes that sometimes can fight back, I know its crazy.
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  11. Jachim

    I wouldn't mind a C4-variant like 'reactive armor' or some such, reducing damage of say... C4 and engy AV's or something.
  12. Kunavi

    It's not C4, it's C4 from Drop Pods and C4 + LA causing grief. Get your stuffz straight. It's too easy to use too.
  13. Jachim

    You obviously don't "get" how tank is supposed to work. You're obviously biased and would rather there be no combined arms gameplay at all. Tanks shouldn't even exist, because all they'll ever do is farm infantry ONLY AND THATS IT. They'll never fit 2xzoom AP lockdown with AV secondaries like any good outfit tank driver would, right?

    And STILL get instagibbed by zero-teamwork C4 spammers.
  14. illgot

    Then the C4 needs to be persistent and not vanish upon death.

    Too many times a person will drop their C4 only to die instantly by gunfire while waiting for that 3 second timer to end so they can detonate.

    Odd, why would someone who plays mainly from a tank want what can kill his tank taken out of the game...
  15. Fang7.62

    Wut. I run zoom AP and Enforcer on my Vanguard, I kill infantry only when its necessary and otherwise focus on vehicles. And thats pretty much what the rest of the tank squad in my outfit does. Thats right, in an outfit that has dedicated infantry, air and tank squad, and I'm one of the tankies and I defend C4. Well, it is sad that the space soviets have sitting still as their empire specific tank ability but, having your secondary gunner scan the area with thermal works even when sitting still unless you sit next to something that enables infantry to drop down on you without noticing, which is a bad place to be. But the problem might be that you dont have a gunner or he is tunnelvisioned. Which is one of the reasons I'm considering swapping the enforcer for a halberd because its single shot and the reload time gives a regular pause to do a 360 scan instead of constantly pewpewing at something with the enforcer.

    Also I'm surprised that as a supposed AV, longish-range tanker you have a problem with C4 which is problem of close range vehicles. What actually is stupid, spammable, free, does ton of damage and often is out of render distance and truly spoils tank skirmishes in desert is the engi AV turret yet nobody rages about that as hard as about C4. But something that costs 100 resources, works only at hugging distance, is easily wasted because of lag and cant be picked up is for some reason spammable and the bane of vehicles.
  16. illgot

    ever run Radar for your tank?

    I'm not sure if the secondary can see the enemies on the Radar.
  17. P4NJ

    Well, it is kinda crazy when I kill off half an armored zerg outside of Quartz Ridge by drop podding and C4ing =P
  18. illgot

    how do you use a Drop Pod and C4? When I drop in I can't exit the drop pod and glide until land first.

    If you have to land first, why not just use your Drifter Jets to climb the cliffs?
  19. P4NJ

    Just drop on them, there's no chance for them to see what's going on before you instagib them. If you drop directly on the turret and then fly above, it's very likely that in the heat of battle they won't even hear you and their gunner won't be able to hit you since you're too high up.
  20. Voiidd

    Sure why not.