There is a total of 10 ppl whining about C4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hoki, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Fang7.62

    Was it between Quartz and Indar excavation or between Quartz and Hvar? Because that damn valley to Hvar should be called the valley of death.
  2. P4NJ

    Indar Excavation and Quartz Ridge. They tend to get stuck on the wall and sit there. It's possible nearly anywhere else though. Enemy tanks at the Bastion? Squad deploy, C4. Enemy tanks camping? Squad leader fly over them, drop C4.
  3. NinjaTurtle

    Damn right, Infiltrators should have it also
  4. Larington

    Do I think C4 is overpowered or perhaps merely imbalanced? Let me put it this way, if there was a defence slot certification that gave me extra C4 resistance and only C4 resistance, I'd put it on my tanks without a second thought.

    Why? Well, I can usually do at least some kind of reacting to ESF's, Liberators, AV MANA Turrets, Wall Turrets, Heavy Assaults with everything from Dumbfire to lock on (For the most part), even anti-tank mines if I steer/break well enough, but with C4 you have to be wary past the point of paranoia.

    What especially amazes is me is that I'll be in the middle of a large group of allied forces including tanks and infantry (On Esamir which isn't exactly known for having lots of cover with which to sneak up on people), and all of a sudden I'm yelling over Teamspeak because somehow an enemy has managed to get through a zerg to run up to a tank being run by an outfit-mate. People have even taken to exiting from their drop pods at high altitude with drifter jets and acting like miniature one man liberators with a faster time to kill (Even if it is with limited ammo capacity).

    I sometimes wish they swapped the functionality of ammo packs & C4 around, I can't help but be of the opinion it should be C4 that takes effort to place not the other way around.
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  5. Menelek

    Nobody is campaigning, there is no conspiracy against C4, people express their concerns is all, i think personally that C4 is fine but tanks need more HP, at least double HP as you doubled the resources to get them, or give them the equivalent of 5 C4 sticks to kill, harasser can stay at 3 C4
  6. Caydn

    yeah you see how some people like to campaign to get what they want because they are lacking as players in the game
  7. Stingrayl

    Using this logic I as a Infiltrator player want it too.
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  8. Shoza Nakh

    I complain only about droppod + c4 scenario. Usually I hear them and deal with them, but sometimes they drop on my roof just in the middle of hot fight with another tanks or Harasser or something, no matter. I can and MUST control everything aroud me, but I can't control droppod or ESF taxi just 1000 meters above me. Don't ever have an option to look that high.
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  9. Rift23

    Okay, I'll go back to dropping 2 mines into the middle of that semi-AFK clump of Maxes/Engies/Medics. It's about the same as a C4 but harder and less common so the baddies whine about it less.
  10. deggy

    What makes this even worse is that if you're in a Magrider, the drop pod's carcass gets tangled up in your hover stuff and PREVENTS YOU FROM MOVING. Yesterday I got a THUMP on my roof, and my angle changed slightly. As I tried to move out of the way of the C4 fairy I knew was coming, my tank became stuck on the debris from the drop pod. Completely immobile. Free kill.
  11. KlyptoK

    Not really. Like I said, if a medic is having issues with armor or MAX he should either change class or rely on teamwork.
  12. Xae

    It is true. You made the choice to advance into an area where you could be C4'ed.
    You made the choice to stand still (No one is C4ing vehicles moving at 50kph).

    You made the choice to negate your vehicles primary defensive ability (mobility).
  13. Thrustin

    Funny how you people seem so sure about that, I doubt it. I'd bet you if they made a poll about C4, the people who want to nerf it will be outnumbered by the people who think it is fine.
  14. SgtScum

    Welcome to the forums. Where armchair pollsters and carpet baggers come to play. :)
  15. SuBs

    And here lies the incredibly simple solution to this problem that pretentious, pseudo-intellectual forumsider twits would rather ignore for the sake of jumping into yet another convoluted "debate".

    Either that or allow mineguard to soak up a percentage of C4 damage, too.
  16. Stargazer86

    It's not, though. Grenades are cheaper, detonate on their own, and can be tossed much farther. With C4, you're essentially dropping it at your feet.

    But, you know what? I'd be perfectly fine with a defense slot option that gave tanks better protection from C4, provided that it also caused them to take more damage from AP rounds from other tanks. Instead of giving them a clear and simple buff, how about a little tactical trade-off instead? You want protection from close-ranged infantry? Fine. But you make yourself weaker to dedicated anti-tank tanks in the process.
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  17. NaySayer

    The people who hate c4 never heard of proximity radar.

    And a harasser surviving 2 blocks and a mbt not?? That's an issue with the harasser and tank, not c4.
  18. deggy

    Wait... What?

    Okay, let's do that, and let's make Flak Armor cause troops die faster to gunfire.

    Why stop there? Let's make a list of some cool tactical trade-offs.

    While you are carrying C4, you can't fly. Too much weight.
    Carrying Medical Kits or Restoration Kits decreases the amount of damage your guns do.
    If you get shot in the hip while carrying a grenade, it will detonate and kill you.

    Aren't these awesome? We can't just limit this sort of thing to armor, you know. Infantry have to put some skin in the game. Here's a good one:

    If you die while carrying C4, you lose that C4. You have to run back to the spot where you died to get it back. If you don't get there within 30 seconds, it will despawn.

    Mmm, tactics.
  19. Stargazer86

    Actually, I'd like that a lot. I'd love to see some more actual tactical trade-offs in this game instead of clear buffs. If infantry want to be protected against small arms, they should take more damage from explosions. If they want to be protected from flak, more damage from small arms. I think values would need to be adjusted some, perhaps increase the damage protection a touch to compensate for the increased weakness, but yeah. I'd like it. Doubt many others would, but I sure wouldn't mind.

    Armor also has a larger tactical effect on the battlefield. They're plain better than infantry, right? They're stronger, sturdier, and can farm plenty of footsoldiers. Wouldn't that mean that they should be the ones better suited for the need of tactical considerations? They already squash 4/5 of infantry without an issue, with only HA having the ability to fight armor without spending any certs. And only 2/5 of infantry can attack you from long rang, those being, again, HA and the Engineer's with AV turrets.
  20. deggy

    There's your misinformation. Armor is, in many ways, plain inferior to infantry. Armor renders from farther away, armor can't hide, armor can't cap points. Armor has a much lower tactical impact than infantry does in many cases (think Bio Labs) and it can't change its loadout. Armor is less adaptable, and in a game where anyone can pull anything almost anywhere, that's not a good limitation.

    With some of the new RLs out there now, infantry is actually better at killing armor than armor is. An Engi's AV Turret certainly does more damage than my Mag's AP cannon does.