The EM1 !#@$^& SUCKS!!!

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by badname123, May 25, 2013.

  1. BuzzCutPsycho

    Pre-GU8 and post-GU1 the TMG-50 was the undisputed king of LMGs for the TR and mandatory weapon for The Enclave. Due to heavy handed "balance" changes in regards to fore-grips and generally poor hit detection and net-code I and my outfit have since switched from the TMG-50 to the T16.

    The T16 brings a couple things to the table that work well for us such as:

    1. High velocity - Makes hitting targets much easier at range especially in the laggy environment.
    2. More Ammo - See above.
    3 .Adv. Fore-grip - Only TR LMG with an adv. fore-grip. Huge advantage.
    4. Accurate - You can hose people with this weapon and land hits on targets even at range. Very easy to use.

    It has less damage than a TMG-50, no compensator and lacks a 2x which makes no sense but it's otherwise a solid weapon. If net-code, ADAD and gun-play ever increase we may switch back to the TMG-50 but for now the T16 is solid.

    I can't speak for the EM1 but when you have an NC6 why would you ever use another LMG?
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  2. MrDerpAssault

    Get the EM6 instead. Arguably the best LMG ingame ;) .
  3. badname123

    Use another weapon they say. Even if i use another weapon the EM1 will still be bad. As beta tester and some one who's spent money on this game i don't want to ignore the problem by using another gun.

    What about all the others who have spent SC or 1000 certs on this gun? I wont tell them to use another gun i will tell SOE about the problem.

    Also the primary reason i use the EM1 is because it has cool looking model. 200 rounds is nice to.

    I got the auraxium medal for the default guass saw so i thought hey what the hell lets buy a new LMG. I like things that look cool so i bought the EM1. It's so weak though it makes me feel... uuhhh whats the word... helpless?

    Today i saw a guy who was using an EM1 so i just ran circles around him while zig zagging as that was more fun than simply killing him.
  4. KnightCole

    Yeah, the 652RpM guns do suck. The T16 has the same damage as the CARV, but less RoF.....

    EM1 has greatest NC RoF but it shares the lol dmg of the T16

    VS, well, idk about them......but im sure the same applies here.

    As for guns im killed by, yeah, when im TR, its pretty much everything...but it used to be always a AF19, NC6 and NC14

    On the NC, Shotguns...always shotguns...Or the Hailstorm...SMGs seem to really whoop my ***.

    VS, ive not played them..I cant play a dude who has skin tight purple spandex on.....

    But the EM6, yeah, its a good gun overall. I like it.

    EM1? If it was given to me for free I might try i...oh wait, nope, I still wouldnt subject myself to that kind of torture..did itfor 24BRs on the TR, wont do it again..
  5. TeknoBug

    On paper yes the EM1 and T16 are supposedly identical but in actual use, they're nothing alike, the T16 I can use at any range and still hit targets but the EM1 won't cooperate at mid-long range and the GD-22S is a better choice at close range than the EM1 anyways. So the EM6 is the better choice for both close and long range, especially because it has the 2-burst shot mode.

    Oh here's my old post
  6. hansgrosse

    The EM1's big advantage is its combination of magazine capacity and reload speed. Your chances of getting caught with your pants down are very slim with this gun, which counts for a lot in close combat situations. Moreover, I've found it to remain fairly effective out to mid-range and workable out to long-range with bursting.

    While it's not the best option available to the NC, it's still a perfectly viable weapon. Besides, you get to imagine the look on your enemy's face when they realize what they were just killed with! XD
  7. TheBloodEagle

    You don't understand the distribution of weapons in this game or are unaware of it. All the LMGs are either 143, 167 or 200 damage tiers. You can argue there should be more but that's a different discussion. NC already have the hard hitting weapon trait.

    Each faction at the beginning was given 6 LMGs.

    NC get:
    ONE 200dmg LMG
    FOUR 167dmg LMG's
    ONE 143dmg LMG's (EM1)

    VS get:
    TWO 167dmg LMG's
    FOUR 143dmg LMG's

    TR get:
    ONE 167dmg LMG
    FIVE 143dmg LMG's

    The NC already get more variety in terms of hard hitting weapons for medium & long range. But the developers also gave each faction at least one weapon that would be similar to another faction in playstyle. For the NC it is the EM1 (VS/TR). For TR it is the TMG-50 (NC which is super similar to Gauss Saw S and EM6). They were simply giving players an option to have some sort of equivalent. This of course means, not exact or better but similar as an option. If you're using the EM1 for long range, you're doing it wrong because as NC, you already have FIVE other options for medium-long range. Before Shotguns & SMGs, the EM1 would have been the short range option.

    Shotguns & SMGs have really changed the game though.

    (not counting NS-15M)
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  8. ladiesop

    Shotguns have been around since the start.

    The EM1 was never really a better shorter ranged option then anyway, as every single other NC LMG kill faster and the Anchor was better as an Advanced Laser option.

    I get the impression the EM1 was meant to be like the T16, but they mixed up the attachments so it got the Advanced Laser rather than Foregrip, which is totally unsuitable for a low DPS weapon like the EM1, which should be aiming at shooting accurately over medium ranges.
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  9. blackboemmel

    forehand grip / extended mag... - why on this gun?
    i'm using the EM1 with advanced laser, soft point ammo and the NV scope... - i like it.
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  10. KnightCole

    Because the NC6 does occasionally fail the user in CQC. its not the ideal hipfire or CQC gun, but in some circumstances it works. I did fine with it.

    But the EM6, now thats a gun that should never be not used. Its an awesome gun. I had like a 3.6KD when I Auraxium'd the SAW. After unlocking the EM6, I am now at a 3.82. Its only gone up since then. The stat page on the website wont update for some not at 3.77 like it says in my sig haha.

    Its what the TMG50 would be with 23 more RpM. Awhile back I posted about the TMG needing 600RpM...the guy replied along the lines..."like 23RpM really would make a big difference". My response....yes....yes it really does. EM6, 600RpM...its a real winner.

    As for the T16, I used it way back when. Wasnt real impressed with it. I did notice an increase in accuracy over th CARV, but the slower RoF saw me dead alot. The TR really dont need anygun but a T9 with a x1 and laser.

    UNless something has changed, the T16 and AFG didnt even seem to make a difference back when I used it.
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  11. Bill Hicks

    Before the the flinch change it might have been decent.
  12. TheBloodEagle

    Crap you're right that the shotguns were originally in for some reason I was thinking they came a month or two later. I see your point about the advanced grip instead of advanced laser. I meant more in terms of the EM1 being NC's closer range choice because of a higher ROF, not that it is optimal at all. But was just pointing out it was a higher ROF. Doesn't matter at this point I suppose.
  13. YesNoMaybe

    I'm confused with your post. You mention that the TMG-50 is no longer good due to the changes in foregrip and that hit detection is generally poor. So it sounds like you don't like the post GU8 vertical recoil of the TMG-50 and that you also prefer higher rof lmgs due to net code and ADAD players. But then you say if you have the NC6 why use anything else. Which is confusing as the NC6 has the most vertical recoil and lowest rof of all lmgs, so it will suffer the most from netcode and ADAD players. :confused:
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  14. Flashtirade

    The EM1 is weird.
    It makes for a respectable hipfire weapon with the double laser, but its lower ROF (compared to other faction weapons with the same 143 damage tier, think 750 ROF) hinders it in 1v1s against those weapons.
    Mid-range is all about bursting. Damage is lacking obviously, but bursts can be longer than those of its 167-damage brothers. I can't say much about COF or bloom rates because I'm not too keen on how to read the accuracy stats, but I talk from experience.
    Long range is a crapshoot. Any other gun is a better option.
    The reload is pretty fast for a 100-round magazine, which can be bumped to 200 (at the expense of the double laser). This makes it slightly better as a CQC option (but only indirectly).

    Comparing this gun to the Rhino is an understandable, but slightly incorrect comparison.
    Indeed, they share many of the same stats, and the ones which differ them don't change them that much.
    However, the Rhino is and is meant to be a mid/long-range option. It's got the advanced foregrip (which is fantastic on it), and though it lacks the compensator (not that big a deal) and universally sexy 2x scope, it's still great out to range.
    In comparison, the EM1 is supposed to be a close-range option, but it is not good enough as the competition. The double laser helps greatly, but it is not enough.
    If someone told one of you TR to use the Rhino for CQC, I'd ask him for some of what he was smoking.
  15. KnightCole

    NC6 has the most vert recoil, but the highest damage. Yeah, strafers would kill me a fair bit of the time, but for the most part, 200@500RpM beat out the 143@750RpM...the math simply added up in the NC6 favor more often then not.

    I demonstrated this on BuzzcutPsycho once at an Esa AMP station. He was using I think a CARV, me, my x2/comp/afg Gauss SAW....

    ^^Ok, the final score of BuzzCut vs KnightCole

    I killed him 5 times, he killed me 3.
  16. RX530SS

    I believe you just answered your own question before you asked it.
  17. KnightCole

    Lol, why get the EM1 for CQC when a GD22S, Anchor or EM6 does the job better? The EM1 gets a Adv Laser? Lol, seems like overkill. I spend alot of time in towers and crap and been doing just fine with my Handgrip/x2 EM6...the GD22S is a good one to. Mine has Laser and x2. I was on a rampage in a tower with it until my own sniper killed me....

    IDK why any NC guy would ever unlock a TR equivalent gun when they have like 3 or 4 other options that are simply better.

    However, the poor TR, they have no choice but to go with the TMG50 if they want a weapon that tries but fails to be an NC equal.
  18. Nakar

    The Polaris is so bad I forget it even exists. The EM1 I only remember because I think it was the first alternative to the Gauss SAW available in beta and I tried it and boy howdy was it cruddy even back then. Of course back then it also had droopy pee-stream bullet drop, but nowadays you have the GD-22S, Anchor, and EM6 in addition to the tap-firing god that is the NC6. Any one of those is probably a better all-rounder than the EM1, which is just sad.

    I've tried extended mags and never seen the point on an LMG. Yeah, you can pack 200 rounds on the CARV-S and EM1. When are you going to need to fire that many and not have a few seconds to reload? And if reload speed is an issue... get the MSW-R or GD-22S. And extended mags on Vanu LMGs are just sad. Oh boy, 150 rounds in a Flare! Oh wait just use the SVA-88 and get 75 rounds and good reload with all-rounder performance.
  19. lilleAllan

    200 rounds is very good with concussion grenades imo. Also, you pretty much never get caught while reloading.
  20. pada0

    I love the polaris for the accuracy on the first 5 shots at range with foregrip and compensator. The recoil is very little and it is very accurate such that I can go full auto and unload a full clip on a big target like a walking MAX keeping the crosshair at the upper torso and make more than 90% of the bullets hit the target that the MAX needs to run. At close range without laser sight it is still very accurate at hip fire. The advanced laser sight is overkill on the polaris I sort of regret getting it as I run with compensator and foregrip now.