Well when the servers were down I could get in no problem. Now they are back up and I'm stuck at 96...
First time I had the 96% issue - but either Steam or SOE f***ed it up. Tried the "verify cache"-thingy with Steam; 4086 files will be downloaded - so in normal speaking "The whole game" So, as an advise: Verify Steam files could be a bad way to fix it And there goes my Outfit-Op
Got past the 96%, but now it hangs up at Character Select. Guess I just need to go distract myself and try again later.
Do you guys even compute? Imagine how many guys are trying to do the same has you, stuck on the login server, now imagine what happens when a big ammount of people try to pass through the same door. That it is what is hapenning. If not, validate game files, works for some and you do not lose anything.
Never do it through steam, so many people already said the same. And btw, who does OPs in paches days, do not people learn?
But, but, I'm the skinny guy! I'm supposed to be able to squeeze through those narrow cracks between all those other "big" people and the door.