Simple physics for why 0.75 ADS is not OP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yuukikun, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Yuukikun

    Have you ever looked up in the sky and wondered why we say the sun is rising and setting when everyone knows that Earth is the one traveling around it? That my friends, is because spacial motion is relative. Since our universe is considered infinite and we have no real or exact point of center from where it started expanding from, we use what is called spacial relativity (may not be the exact term, but everyone will understand what i mean later).

    With spacial relativity, it's all a question of point of view and the point of reference. Let's take 2 people who are in front of each other. If the person A moves to their right for a distance of 1 meter, they feel like they move to the right, while the other person sees them moving to their left, but in both case, the person moved 1 meter.

    So if you can imagine being somewhere where there is no gravity, no landscape, nothing to have a reference point except a single other person, and you see that person makes a whole ''lap'' around you, there is no way for you to prove if you are the person who made the lap or if it's that other person, but for both cases, the movement was at the same speed and the final result was the same, when it comes to you guys' relative position to each other.

    Now let's imagine a more complex and 3rd case where both of you actually moved and made it look like one was doing the lap of the other, the distance will be divided by both people's movements but the relative trajectory of one in relation to the other will be the same.

    What does this have to do with ADS movement speed? Well in 3D games, and even in 2D games, when you move your character, don't you see everything in your screen going in the opposite direction in relation to you? That means if you move 1 meter in front of you, it has the same result as if you moved the whole map 1 meter behind you (insert funny Futurama reference of how the Planet Express moves the universe around it instead of traveling inside it).

    Now that we are this far, we are surely smart enough to understand that when you consider that you moved or the map did, they were both at the same speed right? We can now use vectors to explain this. Every vector has a length (distance or distance for a period of time (that means we involve time and speed)) and a direction, which is why we need a reference point to keep track of our direction.

    Now let's say that we have 2 points which are 3 meters apart. Both of them go 1 meter in the direction of the opposite point in 1 second. That means each point was going at 1 meter per second to a 3rd reference point, but to each other, they were both getting closer at a speed of 2 meters per second, because in one second, they went from 3 meters apart to a single one.

    Now that you understand this, you can also understand that points don't have to be right in front of each other so that their relative speed can be added up if they are going in the same/opposite directions.

    What does this have have to do with ADS movement speed (again D:?) When a player moves at 0,50 speed from another, it means that in the other's screen(eyes), that person moves 0,50 speed too, even if only one player moved total. What does that mean? It means that if you have someone moving 0.75 to the east, and the other moving 0.5 to the west, they will both see the other moving at a speed of 1.25 in relation to each other. This means both have to move their mouse for the exact same amount (if same sensitivity) to compensate for the movements.

    ''but yuuki! why do we ADAD if it's as hard to aim for both players but only the player moving loses the movement accuracy?'' Well darling, that's because when you suddenly change direction, it takes a little moment for our primate brains to take account for it and going back on target, and this is why the person who wins in an ADAD fight with exact same weapons, no matter which move speed it is (0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.50) is the person who can ''juke'' it's opponent the most with the sudden changes of directions.

    So everytime you guys see someone saying 0.75 ADS speed is op, link this thread to them.
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  2. HamOnRye

    If it's all relative, there would be no harm in making all weapons 0.50 ADS then? Or conversely we could make them all 0.75 yes?
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  3. Nehlis

    Hit detection and netcode issues. Your argument is invalid.
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  4. gibstorm

    It stupid cause you are guessing where to shoot.

    You will notice it the most if you use a low rate of fire weapon. Like a semi auto sniper rifle where you are required to get head shots, You simply can't rely on get head shots you shoot and pray your enemy doesn't change directions even at close ranges.

    High speed ADADAD favors high rate of fire guns.
  5. Ztiller

    There is no point in makingn calculations, it's really quite simple.

    Is the SVA-88 OP? No, it's not. Nobody is complaining about it, despite it having 0.75 ADS.

    The reason the TR and NC complain about the Orion is because they get killed by it all the time. And why is that? Because like 90% of all VS use the Orion due to how hard the other LMGs suck. So they get killed by the same weapon all the time, and immediately think "Omg, such an OP weapon"

    The whole "ADAD-Spam" thing is something that less than 5% of the playerbase actually does. I'm almost BR 90 and i don't do it. Whenever i encounter a NC/TR SMG-player, they don't do it. It is NOT a common problem.

    If 0.75 ADS is so OP, then go play with the NS-15. It's a straight upgrade to the Orion in almost every single statistic apart from RoF.

    The whole "Nerf Orion" BS is nothing but straight up whining about one faction having something the others do not. Except they do. It's just whining really.
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  6. Schizomatic

    Don't nerf my Orion, bro! Don't nerf it! AHHHHHHH!!
  7. Yuukikun

    Exactly, there should never have been any complaining in the first place.
  8. Nehlis

    To be honest, all LMGs (NS-15 included) shouldn't have 0.75.
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  9. Yuukikun

    can always check my char stats, last time i used the Orion is to aurax it and that was almost a year ago, you should take time to read my thread and educate yourself about grade school physics though.
  10. gibstorm

    Good lord please stop. You know when you are going to change your directions, You enemy does not.

    That makes a HUGE difference.
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  11. Yuukikun

    This is a PSA though, i'm giving a free grade school physics lesson <3
  12. Yuukikun

    Guess you didn't read the last paragraph of my OP.
  13. Yuukikun

    Are you saying we should balance the game around its broken state? Maybe we should balance the game around players playing with 500 while we're at it, or those getting 5 fps.
  14. Fellgnome

    It's the .75 ADS combined with HA durability and a close range competitive TTK. The difference between NS-15m and Orion TTK makes a lot of difference in practice even if it doesn't look that substantial on paper.

    SVA-88 is still fairly strong too, it's just there's no point using it over an Orion at the moment so of course no one complains.

    All LMGs, and I think even ARs, should lose .75 ADS. LMGs have no business having mobility advantages like that.
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  15. gibstorm

    The more movement speed you have the faster you will get out of your enemies line of fire. While they try to catch up.

    You will stop taking hits faster and the enemy will take longer to get his aim back on target.
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  16. Yuukikun

    Except that both players can change their directions, read my last paragraph and stop saying nonsense please. I made a PSA to educate you, read it before commenting at least.
  17. BobSanders123

    Simple physics:

    Try holding a heavy wooden board horizontally while looking down the length of it. Now try moving left and right, let and right, while holding the board. Notice how you can't change directions immediatly at the same speed. You have to first decelerate to accelerate in the opposite direction.

    In planetside 2 you just move at a constant speed even when changing directions.

    So to nerf ADAD weapons, the most realistic solution would be to make it so changing directions decelerates your character to 0, then accelerates back to full speed. Of course this would happen rather quickly.

    this could be applied to 0.5 ADS weapons as well, arguably making 0.75 ADS speed weapons still better.

    Or, this nerf could just be put on 0.75 ADS speed weapons.
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  18. Yuukikun

    the movement speed is the exact same for both players relatively they're going at 1.25 from eachother no matter who got the 0.75. So even if it's the 0.5 changing direction or the other player, it's the same result speed for both, so the same time to get out of LOS.
  19. gibstorm

    see my other post
  20. gibstorm

    No it not, it how much advantage do you get when you change direction.

    The faster you move the more advantage you get from a direction shift.

    You can easily control your own cause you know when it's going to happen
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