Roadmap, Players Site and Server Merges!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. TintaBux

    It's not about title of being the biggest server, it's all about server population, most players want to play on the servers with the highest populations, which currently is Miller. This will now change, players will do server transfers to play on the "Higher" populated servers, Miller will potentially go to a lower state. The attraction for players to Miller will be lesser due to other EU servers overtaking it on population. After all one of the main attractions to PS2 is the massive amount of players on servers.

    Heres that pie chart combined as is planned. (After server Merges)

    1 - New Waterson USE - 91415
    2 - New Mattherson USE - 82124
    3 - New Ceres EU - 63802
    4 - New Cobalt EU - 63670
    5 - New Helios USW - 58117
    6 - Miller EU - 57294
    7 - Connery USW - 45520
    8 - Woodman EU - 41521
    9 - Briggs AU - 17625
  2. Kastrenzo

    Jaeger and Waterson both have already huge NC and TR populations, *the TR/NC on jaeger are not as big as the waterson pop, but the point is that VS is tiny on both servers compared to the other two*

    looks like I won't be playing my Vanu alt anymore, Since all that ever happens on waterson is mindless 60% pop TR zergs all day/night. I'm mainly a TR player, but on Mattherson, the Waterson TR are an embarrasment, a joke. There is never an actual fight on that server, it's either A - Crownfight, or B - NC or TR zerging the map with the opposition abandoning the fight due to being grossly outnumbered, and they jus scuttle off to ghostcap esamir, or log off

    I'm glad for server mergers, but waterson didn't need to be merged with anything. certainly not with Jaeger, because my whole complaint is that they're just making a bad situation worse, it's a bad day to be a VS on either of those communities.
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  3. ChickenCurrys

    sounds like a plan to me!
  4. BasSTiD

    As a Jaeger Vanu, i don't want to be merged with anyone but SolTech. I'd rather not be merged with anyone. The population difference is bad enough, sure we cap esamir and amerish fairly frequently, but only when we abandon indar, and 90% of enemies. The last thing we need is more enemy tanks running around from base to base.
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  5. Alexander Angelos

    Good outfits keep the population on the server stable. Sadly there are not a lot of those on the VS side on Connery to keep the pop.
  6. the pestimist

    how will briggs get med pop?
  7. sneakbyte

    Briggs is pretty much dead its only playable during weekends (Feel sorry for South East Asia community the same thing happened with SC2 if you want a good match then its either the US/EU servers for AUS/NZ/Singapore players).

    I have a solution offer Briggs a merge into New Connery (If the pop is still bad merge all the USW servers into 1 USW server trust me the only time there will be queue issues is during the weekend and even so most people are happy to wait 5-10 minutes to get in an ACTION PACKED SERVER).

    Woodman players would get the option of a free token to either New Ceres or New Cobalt.

    So Merge Briggs and All USW servers into 1 server.
    Offer Woodman players free transfers to the other two USE servers.
  8. ironeddie

    A lot of folk seem to be worried that server merges are not helping Vanu numbers. If Vanu numbers are low across the board the issue is bigger than what a server merge can fix. I've been wondering since beta if Vanu are the least appealing side to join for new players.

    I'm on woodman & I was surprised that its not being merged. I only play on Indar because that seems to be the only place to find a decent battle or enough Vanu players to play alongside. I normally play off peak as that fits in with the rest of my life but I would be happy to que it's better than being bored with no body else playing.
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  9. Gary

    The population on these servers is on a borderline.. Already we are forced to play indar due to lack of population and players willing to attempt to populate the other continents. With the implementation of other continents can we expect to see even less players spread across the increse number of continents?

    Or is this some crude marketing scheme to get us to pay for server transfers further down the line when the population does tank with the introduction of more continents?
  10. Gary

    Vanu numbers dropped due tot he 4 faction leaving them and spreading between both NC and TR when the Magrider got a fix.
  11. Kvjavs

    I have a character on both Mattherson and SolTech, both separate factions. Will I have access to both characters still?
  12. JackD

    I don´t think it is true, it didn´t happen in the past months so why would it happen now? Iam from Lithcrop and population was stable for quite a while, also there were always good fights going on. And Miller is 1-2 times the size of Lithcorp so you can´t tell me it is bad.
    So your gameplay doesn´t change at all. I have no pity for that you are saying it is not about the title biggest server, but yet you are saying Miller will loose attraction if it loses that title. And even when it does it still is better and more attractive than the server iam currently playing on.

    Also High populated Servers are not *** attractive as you would think, the biggest fights in this game are also the worst, just zergs clashing. Whoever changes Server to be in a bigger zerg, is no loss.

    And @ Woodman. I created a Char months ago on Woodman for times i like to play on a populated Server... yet i never used it because even the empty Lithcorp had always eough action for me and we even did get good fights started on Amerish.
  13. Gary

    Yes you will, There is no faction lock in the game, You can have multiple faction characters on 1 server :)
  14. Yug0sRouge

    Yep, I once drove on Amerish for over 15 minutes with my lightning tank trying to find any kind of battle. :/
  15. MyOdessa


    Also, I have TR char on Jaeger and Vanu on Waterson, I really not looking forward to having both on the same server.
    Please don't merge Jaeger and Waterson.
  16. MyOdessa

    So true.
  17. MyOdessa

    Another vote for Jaeger and Soltech.
  18. MyOdessa

    There is a theme developing, players on Jaeger do not want Jaeger/Waterson merger, but Jaeger/ Soltech will be cool. And keep Jaeger name. Good name for the server.

    For those who don't know. Jaeger in German means hunter. It is also used as a name for specialized light infantry units (like US Rangers) in Germany and Austria.
  19. MyOdessa

  20. MyOdessa

    Can Higby really say no to cookies? I'll thrown in milk, if it helps. :D