[Suggestion] Redesign the VS so that they are less annoying to fight

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IberianHusky, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. minhalexus

    Sure, I just want rail-guns instead.
  2. minhalexus

    Why not just make TR black, and NC darkish blue?
  3. [NNG]WillTerry

    Mag scatter /post
  4. Pootisman

    100% agree. I had to set brightness to a very high level to see Vanus at night and on Hossin. The damn Vanus are forcing me to play with ugly graphic settings.

    @ all people who say that the bright muzzle flash and tracers of VS weapons makes dark camo balanced: When you see the muzzle flash of an enemy gun its usually to late. TTK is <1s for most weapons.
  5. IrishPride

    I really think it isn't so much black as it is the lighting in the game, even if VS camo was black or not the problem is the over glossy textures and the blinding light it is just so bad and the overall blurriness especially when firing they need to tone down that stuff trying to be edgy with a sun that seems 2ft. from Auraxis.
  6. Renuse

    An Light Machine Gun should not have the movement speed of an SMG. SMG users strive off of movement speed. Giveing an LMG a mag that size, with the accuracy and versatility as well? No. Any LMG should not be allowed to dominate SMGs in their engagement range. As it is the Orion handles like a charm while ADSing, shoots super straight, and has a huge mag compared to most all the SMGs in the game.

    Ill I want is for the movemnt speed to be reduced. Ive used the gun, ive asked other players, a few of which are some of the most skilled and competitive players on Connery that we have to offer. The movement speed is a big deal.
  7. Renuse

    My entire argument is not invalid. Thank you.

    Another thing to think on is the fact that most of the 'dark' effects are purple ish.
  8. Ghlain

    The NC Engineer has way too much yellow. A bright yellow back pack and a big yellow arm band that glows at night. That class is begging to get shot. Can you please tone down the back pack at least?
  9. ComradeHavoc

  10. gigastar

    Oh, its just another colour thread.

    Let me say, this game is coming to the end of its second year in release. During that time, all factions have had adjustments to thier camo coverage, both default and otherwise.

    And the fact that VS infantry still appear the way they do after getting one of the first redesigns, should be telling you that SOE doesnt think its an issue.
  11. Dracorean

    I never have trouble seeing vanu at night.
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  12. Pacster3

    That's not dark tho. If we are talking about night then they are all grey...with Vanu having the brightest lights on them as you can already see in this picture(granted that they don't cover the whole body...but seriously...I just need to see a part of the body to know where the rest is).
    At the end of the day this will be like the weapon discussion. When Vanu jump around like christmas trees with connected personal nuclear plant to produce the energy...then people will be all over TR camo...or NC camo. And once we all shine like the sun at night, we gonna talk about TR helmets being bigger than Vanu helmets and hence the TR can be seen a pixel easier....

    I don't think that you can compare pictures to a real game. You do not find solid black walls without shadows and people that do not move at all in front of them.

    I don't think that the real reason is that you can't see Vanu(cause seriously...I can see them...and believe me, as Vanu I see more Vanus than you will ever do. ;-)). The problem is that you do not know whether that's a Vanu there or one of your own faction....and that on the other hand means that obviously the Vanu are exactly as grey as your own guys.
  13. Stigma

    I think it's a bit weird that my vanu heavy assault in dark camo can look like a ninja in all black, while my infiltrator on NC and TR essentially can't ever hope for any reasonable degree of camoflague (or even color coordination) because they have these big patches of signal red/yellow on them.

    Now to be fair - I don't think that camo plays any real role in this game. I see people based on movement and silhouettes in this game, not shape recognition. Personally I'd prefer it if all the factions had the superb camo coverage of the VS so you could actually make your character look like you wanted. Vanu coverage can make any camo look good. When anything you wear has to also match signal-rd or signal-yellow however it is a lot harder to make it look decent.

    I suppose that could break the empire-uniform-consistency thing though. Veterans would never be confused but newbies might. I honestly think that this is already broken though. Like for example when you deck out your vanu in yellow'ish desert colors they look surprisingly a lot like NC-yellow. Many other colors are just shared across all empires, like white.

  14. a-koo-chee-moya

    I would be able to overlook Raven, Falcon, and Phoenix spam; Reaver being better at hover fights, and instagib shotguns, if they would actually put some work into our camo. The one color camo looks ugly compared to the nice and varied color and textures on NC and TR. Also, just get rid of the ugly white half helmets. As for Engineer and Heavy, their legs are really fat for people who run around all the time. I know that VS is supposed to be futuristic and clean, but this is just taking it too far. I'd gladly give up night invisibility for not looking ugly during the day.
  15. Arsonix

    Wow this is frankly insulting to think we don't know what each faction looks like and from the profile screen no less.



    Here is a real world example and done at night. Now moving on from the fact the so called "Bright Red" just turned extremely dark when it became night lets talk about how the Vanu's gun just went from so called "Dull Teal " (which is obviously bright cyan) to emitting white light. It doesn't light up from the profile screen like it does in the actual game, if you played the game you would know that.

    The red turns the darkest because red is a color that our eyes naturally don't pick out at night. This is why modern militaries use "military red" as the color for all their lights during night operations. The blue is hardly noticeable and with a dark camo the yellow is all that stands out and it is roughly proportional to what the VS have to deal with in regards to having cyan on their armor. TR don't even have such a problem. So in reality non-VS actually have it a lot better than they lie about.
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  16. miraculousmouse

    You guys have instagib shotguns too? The magscatter isnt that good, and th jackhammer is only used by one class.
  17. a-koo-chee-moya

    Pump action shotguns are fine on infantry, as if you miss, your probably dead. However, if you can take a few hits, they become almost God-like.
  18. Yeahy

    I'm colorblind. Who cares?
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  19. LIKE A BOSS!

    Are you ignoring the fact that the NS-15m has the .75x movement speed too that's usable by all factions? Ands it's more accurate than the Orion with a bigger mag.
  20. Gammit

    Can't tell if colorblind, high, or sarcastic.