PPA is UnderPowered and UnderPerforming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by vanu123, Nov 1, 2014.

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  1. Xasapis

    I don't expect SOE to re-adjust the weapon any time soon, if ever. The amount of users hasn't dropped to acceptable levels yet.
  2. Keldrath

    Tanks aren't balanced in the first place.

    They are godless killing machines.

    If anything, the other two tanks need to be brought down, in line with the PPA.
  3. Xasapis

    That's news to me. Usually any tank coming within 50m of even a single heavy or light assault, is in a danger of being destroyed.

    The real culprit is the amount of utility fresh players have compared to the older crowd.
  4. Flag

    No, ZOE damage buff stops at 10 meters rather than 25.
    Guess where max MAX damage ends? 10 meters. And the bonus isn't even enough to change TTKs, so it's an utterly useless ability. You're effectively reducing your durability for .... nothing really.
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  5. Alarox

    If the Canister used to be a long range weapon and suddenly became what it is you would see similar numbers.

    Give it a week. Trying to lobby for a quick buff before the numbers stabilize is sneaky.
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  6. Xasapis

    Honestly? I don't foresee any change, regardless of results. The weapon will be shelved in the same manner ZOE did. They might eventually buff it, if the amount of users drops considerably compared to the other two empires. For now however, despite the bad results, the users are still numerous (2-3 times higher than other empires).
  7. Moonheart

    Perfect. One last thing that TR/NC will whine about.
    Our VS soldier can always use another weapon...
  8. Flag

    I declare the TR army to be sneaky.
    *cough* striker *subtle cough*
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  9. cyb_

    Yeah, the damn Striker is still way to powerful.
  10. uhlan

    I understand the problems inherent in the game.

    Especially with balance and who thinks who has the most issues.

    Here are a few points hopefully answering your questions about where I stand.

    1. Secondary weapons should only complement the main gun in the AV role not come close to damage output of the main by sheer accuracy and rate of fire.

    2. Secondary weapons in the AI role should not be able to farm infantry from a distance effectively becoming a stand-off weapon. AI secondary weapons should only exist to protect the vehicle at close range when the main gun's rate of fire prevents it from becoming an effective deterent.

    3. The balance tight-rope needs to be carefully walked because of the games serious scaling issues where combat multipliers are concerned (lock-ons, for instance).

    The Prowler and its HE weapons with lock-down is definately out of place in this game and should only be allowed with AP IMHO.

    In no way should ANY vehicle be able to expressly farm infantry from a distance.

    Lock-down's advantage is high volume of fire with the trade-off being stuck in place. In general terms this should be a serious downside to game play and only situationally effective with the appropriate amount of risk.

    Unfortunately, scaling at times of high and low pop or zerg-siege causes these things to become ridiculous more often than not.
  11. boey

    A single striker user was definitely way more effective than a single lasher or single vortex user has ever been. A handfull of striker users were able to shutdown a whole area/hex for ALL enemy vehicles/aircrafts. Complete area denial. Thats why it got nerfed and changed in its function. Now try to achieve this complete area denial with a handfull of lashers or vortexes. Good Luck.
  12. cyb_

    Ever seen a lancer squad?

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  13. boey

    Ever tried to shoot down aircrafts, especially ESF's, effectively with a lancer?
  14. AdmiralArcher

    there is a pistol other than the commisioner??

    im not really sure what you are trying to get at with the striker.....they changed the entire function of the weapon....it needed to be tuned....the spiker is decent as it is now. its a knockoff desperado with a sorta neat secondary fire

    and personally i really llike the cerberus
  15. Moonheart

    Does a video showing a cluster of 20 people in a group killing targets one by one proove anything about the efficiency of their weapons?

    With such a cluster, you can kill an ESF just with sniper rifles...
  16. cyb_

    Yes, sure. And yet people always talk about how the Striker was so good in groups...
  17. boey

    It was not just good, it was OP.
  18. Flag

    It's statistically better off than the PPA, so there's that...
  19. Lord_Avatar

    The weapon would have been fine if not for the clipping issues which made it ignore flares and "IDCLIP" through terrain.
    Use an equal number of Annihilators and the effects will be just the same.
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  20. AgentStark427

    It's not suicidally close if you don't suck.

    And on the Striker topic, I'm flabbergasted none of you thought about bringing up the Phoenix. It's a remote rocket that can smack a hole through tanks. And the Lancer, don't even get me started. These launchers are balanced at best. Stop whining.
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