PPA is UnderPowered and UnderPerforming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by vanu123, Nov 1, 2014.

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  1. Flag

    Well, I've used it a fair bit since the last patch, and when I knew the victim I made sure to ask them afterwards about how it was on their end.
    Between all of those, I honestly don't see how people can justify the claims of it being "useless".
    So to me, the only way people can keep up that train of thought is to be utterly fanatical about the idea that it's not worth using. And if people set out with the idea that it's not worth using, then they're not likely to change their mind. All they're likely to do is focus on what it can't do, rather than see the advantages of what it -can- do.

    It's like people whining about the Phoenix doing "only" 750 damage to infantry and it's range restriction rather than seeing the AV damage (which is descimator level) and the ability to hit people behind cover.
    Same with the Striker. People should spend more time working on what makes it stand out rather than what it's more limited at.


    To bring it back to the topic, sure.. Maybe the PPA has some merits in it's new incarnation... that remains to be seen.
  2. asmodraxus

    Its too soon, give it a month or two.

    So if the data states the PPA is worse than the canister/marauder then the devs can nerf them down.... After all didn't the TR/NC want to be on equal terms...
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  3. Lord_Avatar

    Now that's a reasonable response.

    I'm not calling the current Striker useless - I said it's "getting there" (or that it might even be "there" since I haven't used it since the last update). As for the PPA - let's get on the guns, keep shooting and see what comes of it in a month, or two.
  4. vanu123

    Then why not give VS that 5-10 kph and make the magrider the mobility tank.
  5. vanu123

    Thats what you did with the PPA
  6. vanu123

    Now they need to nerf the canister and marauder and buff the PPA to bring it up to par after all NC and TR always said they wanted to be on the same level as the PPA.
  7. Lord_Avatar

    Fine with me. Seriously.

    Although speed =/= mobility in this game. I'd say "mobility" = "agility" and that's why the Magrdider can strafe.
  8. vanu123

    I say buff strafe and speed.
  9. AdmiralArcher

    the difference is that the striker had been on test for longer, it wasnt about performance as much as it was usability. and they waited at least a week before a buff.

    the PPA needs more time also because more people have it, and buffing it too much could screw the balance once again. not as many people have the striker so if they made it slightly more powerful, most people wouldnt notice unless they were using it
  10. a-koo-chee-moya

    Then why did they mess with it in the first place, especially when Anni exists. Its similar with VS pistols, while they suck, Commissioner is pretty much the best, so they are never really looked at since everyone is using Commisioner.
  11. uhlan

    Anti-infantry weapons should be designed to assist the main gun when you have to move in close or are assaulted by infantry.

    It should be a defacto point defence weapon.

    It should not be a weapon that gives the vehicle additional means to farm from a distance.

    And this was the major issue with the PPA.
  12. boey

    Meanwhile Prowlers can still lockdown spawnrooms from like 1 mile away with their HE shells without being in need of a second gunner...
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  13. iller

    b/c overwhelming force IS their minmaxed win at any cost approach; to cover up for lack of adaptive skill and understanding. If you can't see how it's anti-social, then I can't help you b/c you'd be exactly that type of person who thinks that "Us vs. Them" is being sociable simply b/c there's an "Us" in the equation
  14. NinjaTurtle

    Never mind the past 6 months that it was grossly over performing and getting spammed all day every day

    Nope let's just look at a couple days instead.
  15. Badname707

    1. I'm pretty sure I never really mentioned the PPA personally.
    2. So the PPA wasn't overperforming?
    3. It's okay that one faction gets a long range suppression weapon and the others don't?
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  16. Nody

    One faction; TR HE / HEAT Prowlers have been doing suppression for far longer then the PPA was used for it and it's still there and working no matter how much TR cries about how useless it is so I guess this means you'll support removing of lock down as an TR ability? Consistently is important after all...
  17. Badname707

    It's been a long time since I've had much of a problem with prowlers, in any way. And yes, I have a BR 20 something TR that I don't ever play, just for full disclosure.
  18. Ronin Oni

    They even said they're going to follow it's stats for a while and tweak as necessary like the Striker overhaul.
  19. Ronin Oni

    You say that like the vast majoirty of that list isn't all faction...... (and hilariously so in relation to LPPA, one of few ES items on the list which is the worst of the 3 ES AI guns)

    Parralax tier of BASR is global.

    Eridani < Cyclone. Unquestionably so. Not even a contest

    Saron is kinda unique but already been nerfed a lot. It has a small advantage in close much like Vulcan, but the Halberd is now unquestionably the best MBT secondary in the game.

    Cosmos? Wat?

    Lasher is really the only actually effective ES on there (besides Orion which has 1 small advantage other empires need the NS11M for) and hilariously not all that important with the prevalence of nade spam TBQFH. AND the lasher still underperforms statistically speaking. It offers a benefit to the empire as a fighting whole, but the user gets JACK ♥♥♥♥ for using it, so no... it won't suddenly became overly used.
  20. Ronin Oni


    Lightning HEAT just got hit with the same HEAT nerf to hit all tank primaries.

    Better off just using HE or AP depending on intended target. The 1 foot in each pool compromise of the HEAT now leaves it sucking balls comparatively.

    UNFORTUNATELY It's still my max certed lightning gun... but I'm regretting it and wishing I could move all those certs to it's AP canon
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