Pounders are imbalanced

Discussion in 'MAX' started by AccelPrime, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. CptFirelord

    Just as MGP said, the reason you're seeing TR MAX suits with Pounders / Fractures instead of our chainguns is because the chainguns are terrible in comparison to the VS pewpew guns, and the NC all-up-in-yo-face shotguns.
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  2. CrashB111

    If they would undo the nerf they gave our mercies then we would be much better off for AI. As is, I only go dual mutilator if I expect epicly large amounts of Infantry.
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  3. y3ivan

    mercies are still great, especially fighting at base attack and defence. It just not that good in Biofarms, thats where most of the kill farm come from.

    anyway the difference is only so insignificant, so i rather have something accurate.
  4. Ronin Oni

    Falcon wins.

    But since people move, as you note, pounders are more forgiving for the misses ;)
  5. Ronin Oni

    remember when Comets could 2HK? oh those were the days :rolleyes:

    Way better than ZOE IMO. Honestly, only thing that made ZOE OP was the fact that the faster movement made it so a lot more people had fun playing it as the lumbering tough MAX... so random MAX crashes were just common. Any MAX crash is a whole lotta HP to kill, and VS spammed em because there was no "fun penalty" to playing a MAX. With the at the time still fast MAX revive as well.... and... well.... hahaha

    Individually though, ZOE were easier to kill than a non ZOE'd max (hence why I turned it off when fighting. Damage avoidance only exceeded armor penalty if complete scrubs were shooting at you) Some of the videos I saw other people make..... I wanna be fighting their enemies :eek: I swear any time I flank they're never so obtuse.
  6. AccelPrime

    Wrong, the video was recorded, edited & uploaded on the same date. If you go check my Players page, you'll see that I didn't even own the 2nd Pounder until after PU02. I have given up fighting Pounder MAXes anyways, been stacking up C4 kills like never before :p!

    Oh, and just a tip for next time you make a post; try to look up the facts before you make yourself look less than intelligent ;).
  7. AccelPrime

    If you miss 1 shot with dual Pounders, you only need 1 reload, and then you've got another 8 shots. If you miss 1 shot with the dual Comets you'll have to reload, hit all 4 shots, then reload AGAIN, and hit 1 more shot.

    Also, velocity & drop does not matter in Bio Labs, figured people would know this by now.
  8. PastalavistaBB

    I think the 250 cert AV Max weapons are displaying the Faction traits perfectly:

    Falcons: Hard Hitting, slow fire rate, small magazine size.

    Comets: Medium damage, slow projectile speed, no bullet drop (therefore accurate), very fast reload, medium size magazine.

    Pounders: Low damage, fast firing, big magazine size, least accurate.

    The whole issue is that VS was the only Faction with a 250 cert AV Weapon option on their max since the Launch of the game. (Falcons were actually usable too at some point, but got nerfed badly) Now that the TR and NC have this option too, it's just incomprehensible for the VS. Comets are still the only option out of the 3 which you can use at range though. You might hit stationary vehicles with Falcons from 200 meters if you have good aim, while it's even harder with the Pounders. Comets remain point and click as they have always been...
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  9. Obuw

    Just wanted to point out that the AV weapons were 1000 certs at launch. :p

    I think they stayed that way for 6 months or so until the cert cost balance update.
  10. Lt Andrew

    Here's my 1337MLG4ss4sinkiller opinion:

    Pounders are the best against infantry. The splash damage mitigates the problems of not getting direct shots and you have more shots in the mag. Having to be outside of cover to empty your magazine takes too long and is too dangerous. You can't strafe fast enough to be sure that you'll evade fire and stay alive ong enough. The annoyingly large drop requires you to always tune the elevation, which requires too much time, while out of cover.

    The falcons are the best against vehicles. Being able pop a volley and strafe right back in to cover is a very nice thing and makes falcon maxes hard to kill. The one-shot kill advantage against infantry is nice and can provide better results than with the pounders at close range, but they require a lot higher skill level for that and thus are the least useful at AI. The small amount of drop is a lot more manageable and nicer and extends my effective AV range massively.

    The comets are in the middle with both AV and AI. You need to be outside of cover a tad bit longer than with falcons while fighting armor, but you get a little extra damage and no drop. Against infantry they are a bit more forgiving because of the larger mag size and faster fire rate, but no where near as easy to use at infantry at longer ranges. The lack of drop makes it possible to hit stationary targets like turrets or sundies at render ranges which is pretty nice.
  11. Shizzerk

    Hey it's like when you go against the NC in a Bio lab with their maxes. ;)
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  12. oherror

    I would rather take on TR pounders then NC maxes in bio any day of the week. Charge is a life saver with flak lvl 4/5 and your gold vs a TR max. But general zerg or some venu max players tend to forget that.
  13. Hibiki54

    Pounders are fine. It's just typical of TR/VS using AV weapons for AI (see Comets, Fractures)
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  14. AccelPrime

    No, not at all. Not even slightly.

    Against an NC MAX with dual shotguns you can use Kinetic to negate ALOT of their damage, but against a Pounder max you can't do anything, as Flak does not help against direct hits, this only applies to regular infantry.
  15. oherror

    well then falcons are bad too by your logic....thats direct damage and 4 shots can easily kill you....So maybe flak armor needs to negate some direct damage then. Now that i think about it a change to flak armor would solve a lot of your outrage against the pounder....

    Edit: AccelPrime you could join the wonderful red dark side come and join us.....one of us....one of us....
  16. AccelPrime

    As i've said before, Falcons are more difficult to use & that's simply because they cannot be "sprayed" or "spammed" since you have to reload after firing just one volley. This makes dodging & predicting their shots much easier as well. In this regard the Pounders are much more forgiving since you can fire off four volleys before reloading, which makes dodging them very difficult.

    Even if the proposed Flak changes would be implemented there would need to be a slight damage reduction for the Pounders seeing as how they're easier to use because of their magazine capacity.
  17. Pikachu

    Also falcons leave thicker annoying smoke trails and smoke clouds in impact. :mad:
  18. gh05t

    i think the NC Ravens are unbalanced, but really the pounders? haha

    ravens can snipe from incredibly far, be controlled like Mana AV turrets on both arms and deal huge damage, and you're concerned about pounders?

    oh god the pounders, they fall like a sack of potatos and to hit anything far away you'll firing so high you can't see your target anymore.
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  19. Mxiter

    You can't nerf pounders damages:

    If splash + direct damages deals less than 500 damages, it would requires to hit 9 times or more to kill a max and would become the worst anti-max AV weapon.

    Comets were also balantely imbalanced ( at least 200% more kills than pounders) during a year. VS that complaining about TR/NC AV weapons for slight imbalance (wich can't be avoided with assymetric balance) after a year of EZ mode don't have my sympathy.

    Maybe comets could get back 120RPM back (110RMP actually = 0.54sec between shots instead of 0.5sec previously), but that's all.
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  20. AccelPrime

    You try to make me look like a whiner, and you fail miserably at doing so. I've said many times in this thread that I think the NC have the hardest AV weapon to use, the Falcon, while Comets are in the middle, and Pounders are just outright too easy to use, and way too rewarding.

    The statistics that several other players have posted in these forums also prove that point, where Pounders are getting far more kills than any other faction's AV weaponry.