Please reboot Connery

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Lazaruz, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. Lazaruz

    Happened once more while in a MAX suit. Luckily the enemies were still so scared of a MAX, I could work as a distraction/meatshield.

    Honestly... please take a look at this issue.
  2. Lazaruz

  3. NVCoveringFire

    This is becoming a significant issue on waterson. I started noticing a few issues around the time the double xp weekend began, but thought it was a new hack or something causing a bit of a surge in dodgy behavior. I'd get one-shotted by weapons that just seemed to make me explode, even inside of safe zones. As the weekend progressed things became far more serious. Vehicles randomly exploding, getting C4'd ALL THE TIME - even when there seems to be nobody nearby.

    Earlier today i found myself firing magazine after magazine into infantry who just ran right past me like i wasnt there. Spawned a prowler and charged through the enemy lines like a freakin' god, sending sunderers and their inhabitants to oblivion while hardly taking a shot in return. All of a sudden we're wiped out by a reaver that had flown over a long time before. Frustration building.

    As of now, the game is not worth playing. at least 80% of shots have no effect on target, with tank rounds passing through magriders being the last straw. Having just spent $40 on the anniversary celebration pack that wasnt, i'm feeling cheated every time i explode out of nowhere, or shoot rounds that magically dodge between the atoms that make up a tank. Boost time slowly trickling away - time i'll not be paying for again.

    If the situation isnt resolved soon i'll take it up with paypal and claim my $40 back. If SOE decide to ban my account then sobeit, i'll at least have retrieved my cash.
  4. tigz

    Same sort of stuff happening to me. Quite annoying. SOE please fix this *cries*.
  5. Lazaruz

    Could someone PLEASE look into this! Tired of getting killed by random people when I can't shoot back! Was just about to cap a biolab when 2 guys spawned in, guess what, weapons decided to not work for the hundredth god damn time and I got killed and lost the cap.
  6. tigz

    Ever since PU01 I am getting these desyncs more often when I player waterson or mattherson. Before that I was fine. Is there more to these problems then just a population increase due to PU01? Or is it just because more people are logging on and playing now? Any information would be great SOE :).
  7. unipsycho

    alright... possible solution... first of all check if your CPU is overheating or not during gameplay... cause changing CPU speeds can cause this problem, if it does overheat fix that first cause the bios will slow the CPU down instantly when it hits a limit.

    IF it doesn't overheat try disabling everything in the bios that might change CPU speed based on system load or idleness. (please research the **** out of each otion you are about to change cause messing with the bios is RISKY.) ._.
  8. tigz

    I may have to try this. However I don't quite understand how I am fine when I play on Briggs, yet when I play on mattherson/waterson I get the desyncs? Also this has only been happening since PU01.

    Thank you though for your suggestion, appreciated.
  9. CHEF

    Same here, makes game infuriating. Commands take minutes to register. Try getting killed because you can not enter vehicle or repair because game does not accept commands. I believe the optimization appears to be a simple reduction in graphics. Could have turned my own graphics down if that is what i wanted to accomplish. Lag and desync are now prevalent and happen from start to finish. When first starting the game it immediately tells me I am in a restricted area and starts giving damage? Takes about 30 seconds for things to start to appear and then disappear and then reappear. This is in raid O ssd's so not my reads. Seems they dummied the game down, not made improvements. Tank mines do nothing now as well as enemies simply drive over them and nothing happens. Hope the optimizations helped others but for me just caused more issues.

    Waterson server.
  10. Lazaruz

    This is the only response I've gotten so far...


    Also recorded a video about the issues, will post it here after it finishes uploading.
  11. Lazaruz

    Ok, here's a video of my experiences with the bug. This has continued for too long now, and I'm starting to get sad :(

    I dare to say, I would have killed each one of those guys, if it weren't for the bug. But I guess we'll never find out, since my weapon is magically shooting blanks. As I noted: Planetside 2 sucks when you can't shoot anyone!
  12. Lazaruz

    Still not resolved.
  13. Lazaruz

    Today I was on the test server participating on the focus test when this happened again. Tried telling the devs about it on /y chat, but I guess my concerns fell to deaf ears... Anyways, this is still a problem for me, and would appreciate any assistance.
  14. CHEF

    Stillo_O same problems. Nothing has been fixed. Bump. Waterson.
  15. DayvanCowboy

    Still getting this issue. I paid money into this game WHY?
  16. Lazaruz

    Still no fix... or any info for that matter.
  17. Lazaruz

    Another video I made about the bug...

  18. DayvanCowboy

    Nice patch update that did nothing
  19. DayvanCowboy

    bump because SOE doesn't give a ****
  20. Xada

    bumping because it's happened to me twice in the last hour, also this bug has been around since i started playing in beta.