Please do something about the cheating.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TrojonKing 1st, May 8, 2020.

  1. Campagne

    Who uses Reddit for a publicity stunt?Maybe the same company that uses it to communicate with the playerbase instead of their own official forums. :p

    However we simply can't say 20 players was the "majority" of cheaters. Of the tens of thousands of players this game has seen, there were less than 40 people cheating at one time? That's just not true.

    I would upload some videos myself, but sifting through my files I've seemed to have deleted all my PS2 junk. I guess I know why, not like a recording of someone doing something questionable was going to ever help in any way. And I've not recorded anything in a long time, since PS2 becomes less and less optimized every update and I don't have the FPS to spare running Shadowplay, so sorry, can't help you there I'm afraid.

    Cheating doesn't mean 60% HSR on someone that can't hit a sunndy, it can be the difference of only +5% HSR on an average player tired of getting killed all the time.

    2013 was a long time ago when the game was still fresh and young. These days would they really be keen on banning a player who spends $X/month of a membership + boosts/cosmetics? They have to make money somehow and everybody loves a whale. Not to mention the backlash generated from punishing popular Youtubers or streamers. Maybe they just feel like they have to prove cheating has been done, or are collecting data on cheaters' software through BattlEye.

    Well we can always go through the maths route of probability. The more players there are the more cheaters we get. According to Dasanfall, the Miller server alone has 105,878 players tracked. Even if only 0.5% of all players cheated, that'd still be 529 players on one single server. If only 20 were banned in the biggest wave seven years ago when the game had way more players, wouldn't that suggest most cheaters aren't caught or at least aren't punished?

    Regardless, whenever I play I see a lot of people obviously abusing hitboxes. It's painfully clear. I'm not talking about "that guy headshot me three times while hipfiring he must be cheating," I mean stuff like "how if that guy chain-headshotting me from like 150 meters away with a Baslisk?" Or "how is that guy hitting me with automatic fire from a Trac-5 when I'm crouched behind a rock on a cliff so far away my 4x scope is almost too low-powered to even see his head?" Or flat out just "how did that guy just headshot me when I haven't moved in the last five seconds yet I saw the tracer physically miss me?"

    Most of the time these people don't even kill me but like Hell should I be in any danger from the tiny target I present myself as at such ranges. (I was just finishing up the last 150 or so kills on my Vanquisher so I was keeping distance whenever possible and also started screwing around with a Bishop a bit after that, so I'm serious when I say these were very long distances for automatic weapons.)
  2. DarkStarAnubis

    The line between skills and cheats is subtle sometimes.

    I made a simple example before: when I see an HA bobbing up/down and ADADing like a metronome at 2Hz is that muscle memory or a convenience script?

    Could be both.

    There are not so many like that around. But that's from my perspective. I do not play often and I can't stay 8 hours playing so my view is limited.

    Most likely there aren't many blatant cheaters around (the Flying MAXes, the guys shooting into the spawn from outside or the 99.9% headshot players). And frankly speaking those are the stupid ones, they attract so much attention on themselves to be banned in hours.

    But the smart ones?

    How many +75% HSR (not with a dedicated sniper rifle but with standard, round-the-mill auto weapons) are legit?
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  3. Garmus

    As far as I can remember about my gameplay, there was not a single week in the last 4 years without seeing someone hacking / exploiting. I would say like 99% of those players were just using some game exploits / bugs here and there (and probably some of them just simply trying to reproduce some exploits only to be able to better report them). But I still remember waves after waves after waves of hackers, when H1Z1 hackers migrated to Planetside 2, because those two games are using the same ForgeLight game engine, thus H1Z1 hacks worked in PS 2 too. Btw roughly at the same time as the waves of H1Z1 hackers, there was a noticeable increase of ppl starting using "lag-wizardry". Just a coincidence? Maybe, who knows.

    Dont get me wrong, I am not whining, I even get used to the existence of these exploiters, because majority of them still were not able to ruin any big fights (imho there are only two things that can ruin any fight: 1) blatant invincible hacker killing dozens of enemies in a minute, 2) bad game developers decisions). I am just saying real hackers are still here. Yeah, rare, but they still exists.

    Of course, majority of players are playing legitimately to simply enjoy the fair-play fights where better coordinated team wins, but hackers are definitely still in the game. IMHO its impossible to have an AAA-grade MMO with 0 exploiters / hackers. The quality of the game company is (beside another things) then determined by the activity of GameMasters ingame (yes, even Planetside 2 had GameMasters online ingame in the past, I still remember their ingame announcements). and how quickly those hackers are banned from the game.
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  4. TrojonKing 1st

    I Know Cheating is rare, Well that's what i keep getting told but yet I saw spitfires in the roof and wall's that could not be destroyed by C4 and a Teleporting Medic but I have yet to see a Flying Max. It gives me something to look forward to the next time I play. (Cheater's Not Included).
  5. TRspy007

    You've seen players with 75=% hs ratio?

    Link them if you can, most of the hardcore players I know have below 70%.
  6. TRspy007

    The thing with the spitfires/beacons is a bug. Sometimes you can place them and they actually go inside (or at least partially) objects.It's now far more common thanks to the wrel update. At most it's an exploit. Idk what you mean about the walls? Sometimes C4/explosives don't actually detonate properly though.
  7. TRspy007

    .....And your proof to support that is.....? Also back then they would communicate on the forums too, just FYI. do know sending videos to CS helps them ban these "cheaters". You would upload videos, but you don't have any - because cheating is extremely rare.

    So in other words, it's noticeable....

    The game back then was financially in a worse spot than now, that's why SOE had to sell the rights to DBG. They can always ban the dude and legally keep his invested money, if not sue him for more. You're gonna tell me popular youtubers and streamers cheat in the game? Lol what

    Also we've determined battleeye doesn't catch cheaters, yet it's going to help them collect data on them....???????

  8. TRspy007

    Let's keep in mind those are characters, and not individual players. There's millions of registered players in Planetside2. Obviously, hackers are going to go through hundreds of characters. That doesn't mean there's hundreds of them. 20 was the number of individuals (not accounts) they uncovered.

    Most of those examples you put also sound like clientside/serverside issues.
  9. Campagne

    My proof is the statistical impossibility of less than 40 players cheating with 2013 populations. Let's be conservative and say there was only 100,000 players at that time, though obviously there were more. If 40 of them were cheating, they would make up 0.0004% of all players. If you think that only 0.0004% of all players cheat, I don't know what to tell you.

    Back then it was still the same deal. Nothing that wasn't 110% official goes on the forums. Hell, we don't even get most news announcements here.

    Honestly what good would that do? For the really clear cheaters sure but then good old social loafing/bystander effect kicks in and now it's someone else's job. :p But really, record something suspicious, edit it down, submit it to CS and just hope they choose to take effective action?

    And what if it's clear someone is cheating but there isn't actual evidence to prove it? I don't know how serious they are about "innocent before proven guilty."

    In other words, cheating can be subtle. A bad player can become average and an average player can become good. A Good player can mask cheating by virtue of actual knowledge and skill. Most cheaters aren't overt.

    Banning a paying customer reduces the likelihood that he will continue to pay. The game was not doing well financially and needed paying customers more than ever. Lawsuits are expensive and it's a hard case to press against someone for cheating in a videogame. If it was easy they'd happen all the time because that would be like free money for a bigger company that could afford the initial investment.

    No, I'm gonna tell you popular streamers and Youtubers cheat, I'm going to show you.

    BattlEye doesn't act on anything it finds and it works by collecting user data. It's been criticized as too invasive.

    Sure, accounts are free and anyone can make a new one if they get banned. But do you really think 20 guys made 500 accounts or what? No one would go through that effort, especially not when they don't have to get banned in the first place!

    Only the last example could have possibly had anything to do with latency I think. Most of the time the damage stops when I break line of sight or when the enemy dies. I don't think some rando way off in the distance was headshotting me through latency but then died the moment a bullet poked him in the eyes and had done so in a way which appeared to be automatic.
  10. brutes359

    surprisingly. i find this also becoming a rising issue over here on console. its rather amusing to watch magriders and vangaurds literally sniping fighterss out of dogfights on a regular basis at this point. i think it has to do with some new line of mod friendly controllers or something.
  11. TRspy007

    Dude, I'm not sure you know what statistically possible means. That number seems pretty reasonable for a game like Planetside 2. And I said there would be less than 40 cheaters in the game at that time.

    I mean, most people play games to relax and have fun, not cheat using whatever they found on some random website. It really would not surprise me that the few cheaters that stick around have created thousands of accounts. The game's been up for over 7 years, the guys are usually banned in less than a day...if they can cheat I'm pretty sure they can come up with the means to do so. You're gonna tell me they go through the effort of cheating subtly to not get noticed, but creating hundreds of accounts is something they back away from?

    *Popular streamers in the game. These games are hyped, and it's usually a bunch of children in awe that the guy cheated in such a trending game. If popular streamers were streaming footage of them cheating in Planetside 2, not only would their content not be popular (because no one plays Planetside 2), the community who is against cheating (the majority of Planetmans) would eat them alive. Also would be a great way for the CS team to ban them. It's also not something those streamers do daily, for most it's an exceptional moment (a dare, something for content) where they try cheating in game for a bit. Also you can see how long they last cheating in the video...not long.

    "And what if it's clear someone is cheating but there isn't actual evidence to prove it?" uhhhhhhhhhhhh.......what? If it's clear the guy is cheating, then that's your evidence right there....?

    "Most cheaters aren't overt." This is a bit contradicting. If I recall correctly everyone in the thread, no mater whether they agreed cheaters were everywhere or not claimed that "subtle" cheaters are a small fraction of cheaters - not a majority. What makes you contradict that?

    I don't really understand your last example, it's worded a bit confusing for me. Do you mean the player was automatically headshotting you - not fast enough to kill you; so when you turned around and headshotted him once he killed himself?

    Maybe he was cheating in that really weird way, or maybe he was just a near dead random who was trying to land a few shots on you and didn't get lucky enough before you killed him. I have a bit of trouble believing the guy killed himself because his aimbot failed him, but I'll assume I just didn't understand what you were saying.
  12. Campagne

    If anything I think you don't have a proper concept of statistics. Tell me this, do you genuinely believe that only 0.0004% of players cheat? That out of 25,000 people only one of them has cheated? Don't be so naive.

    Statistically we'd expect about 250 psychopaths in that grouping alone, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be adverse to (their own) cheating. Quite frankly it doesn't matter if you don't agree because you're wrong. It's just not a practical possibility that so few people were cheating at that time, in on online competitive multiplayer game, which didn't even have BattlEye at the time I might add.

    People have fun when the win more than when they lose. If a player isn't that good or just isn't the best they'd probably have more fun with slightly larger hitboxes... What's not fun is creating literally hundreds of accounts. Cheating in a way that isn't easily detected is a lot easier and takes a lot less time. I'm sure way back when all one would have had to do to manipulate the hitboxes was a quick Google search and change a couple lines in the directory as advised. Hell, it may still be that easy, I wouldn't know.

    I've posted cheaters here on this forum that having been around for more than a day when they were extremely obvious aimbotters. "Usually" it takes a good chunk of time.

    "Popular" is relative. I haven't heard of any of those guys but that means absolutely nothing. They streamed and had a following and cheated and got caught. It's also one of the first videos I clicked on on the first page of Youtube's search. I'd have looked for PS2 specifically but it's too small fry for the mainstream so no one will cover it. A number of those streamers have a long history of streaming.

    Lemme tell it to ya' like this: Two men have a confrontation on the street, where one man in on his front step and the other is on the sidewalk. There are a few people around by not many. The man on the street reveals a small pistol (probably a .22 because everyone seems to use them) and promptly shoots the other to dead before calmly leaving the scene.

    Now say three people witnessed the crime and identified the shooter. The police arrest the man but cannot find the pistol or clothing he wore during the event, and he refuses to cooperate and does not confess. In our current legal system, it would be very difficult to actually convict the shooter based on a lack of evidence. He would walk and get away with murder even with multiple witnesses because the case could not be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. There would be nothing to physically link him to the crime or the scene.

    In this capacity, if I send a recording to CS would they act on it given only my perspective of suspicious activity what would come of it? It's clear the man was a murderer and all the police know it, but they can't act on it. Does PS2's CS operate on a similar manner?

    Actually I think you will find that's not contradictory at all. If most cheaters were obvious we would know it. Other's beefs aren't relevant, but regardless show some examples of people stating in this thread that subtle cheaters are the minority. I contradict this with the knowledge that statistically it's bullsh!t.

    In my last example, I died and did not move or fire. I was on the tower in a biolab and some heavy way off on one of the roofs was wandering around. I was waiting for him to sit still when I guess he must have noticed me. He fired three or four shots and killed me in almost an instant, despite every one of his tracers flying around me, landing in places I never even was.

    I can see where things could have been confusing. When I said "I don't think some rando way off in the distance was headshotting me through latency but then died the moment a bullet poked him in the eyes and had done so in a way which appeared to be automatic," I meant the previous examples of people hitting me from a great distance when it shouldn't have been really all that possible with their given weapons. I killed those people because I had a long range gun with a long range sight and they didn't, to the point where an aggressive aimbot would have been the only thing that could have killed me.
  13. JibbaJabba

    The tracer does not correspond to where the round goes. It's rendered by your own client and is a guess. It is told separately if a hit occurred so it can apply screen effects and flinch.
    Always something to learn no matter how long you play :) .. It's why the longer I play the less cheaters I think there are in the game.

    Like remember when we all first started playing and though we were getting shot around corners? Just netcode.

    I got accused of firing through a railing wall the other day by someone who doesn't know how "tracer guessing" combines with clientside combines with model-vs-crosshair differences. It looked 100% normal on my own screen but I remembered and understood fully why it looked sketchy to the other player.

    I think the people who use actual code based cheats just have no self control and go wild with them and get caught, then make new accounts, and grief and all that ****. The clear whole bases solo. The "subtle cheaters" (someone coined that term) I think are using network manipulation as they've become good at maximizing "client side" already.

    All the rest is unfamiliar netcode sprinkled on noobs who don't know how the game works, or can't comprehend that in a matchless game that they are just getting dunked on by 4k hour players.
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  14. Campagne

    I have personally never seen this to be true. Tracers even if not perfect land in places that seem to have the expected result. First-person tracers that I fired or have fired at myself always seems okay, with the few that don't being clearly server lag. The one's that pass where I was a second ago but hit me.

    This guy specifically sprayed around my head and hit every time when I wasn't moving and hadn't moved for lag to have any role to play, methinks.
  15. TRspy007


    Psychopath = cheater. Good to know. Also, we wouldn't really classify Planetside 2 as competitive, and that's one of the problems it has in attracting players. There's no matchmaking, no "fair" fights, there's about a million things you can do (without cheating) to pad your KDR. Not a very competitive game, nor a really hyped one outside of the Planetside 1 community at the time.

    Honestly, considering how over-exaggerated cheating always is, I would go with the stats given by the team over those of a dude saying 'trust me, you're wrong, because it doesn't line up with my vision of reality'. You could be right, but you've got nothing to back it up, not even a small outdated stat. Really, the game has trouble attracting players, it's hard to believe that cheaters who want to brag about being good are going to chose a game like Planetside to do so; a game where most stats have very little meaning.

    Also battleye isn't really meant to catch cheaters, it's more of something put out there because the community wanted it. The CS team is the backbone for investigation of reports.

    What's a "good chunk of time" in your opinion? Also if they didn't get banned, are you even sure they were cheating?

    Exactly. PS2 struggles to attract players, it's not a game where your average cheaters would go to ruin a match or something. Also all the dudes cheating got banned....

    A completely irrelevant example. Had one of the guys recorded it, it could have been all the proof they needed. If you record something that you know isn't caused by the game's crappy netcode or latency/ping issues, that's something the team can use to look into. Even if the team doesn't look into it, it's something you can post for other players to confirm you're right, or on the contrary explain that's something normal. Otherwise, you're just here saying 'trust me, I saw a cheater, but I'm not gonna share it with you!'. the videos of hackers you've encountered, those statistics will remain another well kept secret in your possession. At least give them to the CS team so they know what they're dealing with.

    You've played the game for how long an don't realize that what's on your screen is often different than your clients? CLIENTSIDE. EXTRAPOLATION. If the tracers landed on his screen, you're dead. I've killed people that on their screen had already run inside the spawn room, but were too late on mine. If you were standing still, the guy probably noticed you and headshotted you before your screen even sent a signal it was happening. That's why you died instantly. Really dude, you're gonna give lessons about hackers, but you don't know how games work?

    Also the aimbot doesn't just kill you like that. It just controls where the weapon fires so it's aligned with your head/wherever it's programmed to aim. The aimbot isn't going to cause the guy's rounds to miss but still kill you instantly.

    Sure, he could've been aimbotting, if it amuses you. However it's not due to the fact his tracers missed on your screen but you still died, nor does it have anything to do with the speed at which you perceived he killed you.

    I've killed people (during my noob years) with the armistice, sirius SX12 at ranges that neared - if not exceeded - 100 metres. I would put a powerful scope on my my weapons and shoot at literally anything I saw. Sometimes it worked, most of the time it didn't. Your encounter does not sound like the guy was aggressively aimbotting - you would've died if he was. If you think you can beat an aggressive aimbot just because you have a "better" weapon...lool it sounds like you're the naive one.

    Just because a weapon isn't meant for longer ranges doesn't mean it can't shoot at those ranges. And if the guy is aimbotting, you'd be dead regardless of the weapon he's using; it takes less than a mag to kill someone with headshots at any range with any weapon.
  16. csvfr

    There are many lvl 100 ASP with stats like these:
    If you meet one of these on the battlefield (or desolation for that matter) the fact that they are cheating is very noticable and distinct from a skilled player. Some traits:
    • No need to aim, u are just shot on sight
    • Most (not all) bullets hit, but regardless of any movement
    • Most (not necessarily all) hits are in the head
    • They come to you, and can strike when you are not looking
  17. Johannes Kaiser

    I mean, the HSR seems to be pretty high, especially considering this char was (if you say BR 100) around for a long time and saw an increase in skill, lowering the average. Then again, the weapons here aren't starter ones, so the first steps are not reflected.
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  18. Campagne

    Oh boy, would you look at that! A gen-u-ine strawman, never seen one of those before...! :p

    Not only have you dodged the question and the point, a psychopath would easily justify his or her own cheating. But regardless, that's not my point. Do you really think only 1 in 25,000 people cheat?

    To make things as clear as possible, a psychopath would probably cheat but a cheater probably isn't a psychopath. Statistically there are more psychopaths alone than 1 in 25,000 people. Current estimates place psychopaths as ~1% of the general population. If we assume only half would actually cheat and that PS2's population is representative of the whole, in a grouping of 100,000 players about 1000 would be psychopaths and according to the previous assumption that'd be about 500 players who would see no problems with cheating, already blowing your figures out of the water despite being one of the smallest demographics.

    Secondly, PS2 is a competitive game. We don't need matchmaking or lobbies or any thing like that to be a competitive game. Soccer is a competitive game and it can be played with any random person off the street, same with basketball. Any game which the players compete against each other for self or team-serving goals is a competitive game.

    See, this is why I love stats so much. The "team" can say whatever they want but the laws of probability dictate reality. There are more than 20 people cheating at any given time purely due to population sizes and it's stupid to say otherwise. I also don't need to cite common sense, that more than 0.0004% of people cheat in anonymous online competitive games.

    BattlEye isn't meant to catch cheaters? [Citation needed].

    I'd call "a good chunk of time" about 12-18 hours at minimum, usually spanning over multiple days. Here's my most recent example I posted to the forums:

    I made the thread on April 15th and he was finally banned on April 20th. He was extremely, incredibly blatant about it and still got to play for a very long time before someone finally took action.

    If it took almost a week for one single obvious cheater to be banned, how long would it take for a subtle cheater?

    That's just the ticket though, isn't it? If someone recorded it, a good lawyer could make the defence that the shooter only resembled the defendant and in a system of innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, he'd have a point.

    Would a very suspicious video lead to action if there was only 85% certainty? If not, there would be no purpose in expending the time and effort. I'd be more than happy to share it, but I simply don't have it. The only recordings I have on my PC are my Telemines video and some IRL records of me playing around with a rifle. I checked again, believe me I wish I still had some of them. And no, not all of them were actually cheaters, some of the time I'd go through them and be like "I was just being salty that time" and delete it. Mostly, they were obvious, but if it takes five days to an an obvious cheater what good would it have done anyway?

    As above, I don't need to cite common sense. Statistical probability is public domain. Cheaters exist and obviously they exist in large enough numbers to impact gameplay over longish periods of time.

    Please read thoroughly. Much of what you've said has already been said by me or directly contradicts what I've already said. Your examples of of people moving and latency. In my example, I was not moving and had not been moving. Latency could not have moved my hitbox around and I would not have appeared in any other location to the shooter.

    And if I forgot to mention, this guy was abusing hitboxes. Most of the "people" I'm "accusing" are abusing hitboxes, because that's much easier to get away with and is much less apparent.

    I highly doubt that, given SMGs in this game are simply too inaccurate at those ranges. CoFs start at 0.3 for the Sirius and the recoil isn't going to be nice against someone's head from 100 meters away. Regardless, I was firing from greater than 100 meters and again, you've not read what I've typed correctly. You literally responded by saying half of what I said myself.

    Also back in my hayday I out-shot an aimbot with my Longshot several times. If nothing else range degrades damage enough than weapons with shorter long-range TTKs can still beat out a stream of constant headshots from inaccurate short range bullet hoses. As is with a Vanquisher, despite the enemy somehow chaining hits and headshots I killed him anyway because the range favored me as I intended it to.

    And finally, a player can cheat and still be bad at the game.
  19. brutes359

    surprisingly. ive seen this on the rise on console as well. im pretty sure it has something to do with some new line of mod friendly controllers or something that hackers have been using to run aimbot and the such without actually jail breaking their console. but thats only rumors. been seeing alot on people shooting aircraft down with tanks lately though. would say alot of suspicious headshots too but thats just vanu hipfire, so nothing new there.
  20. TRspy007

    I had a 4.0 GPA in all of my English classes, so I'm quite confident at least my professors found very little flaws in my writing.

    That aside, you're applying statistics that don't apply to the problem in order to try and prove your point. I've already answered your question multiple times, yes, 1 cheater in 25k players seems more than reasonable for a game like Planetside 2. Seems more like you're the one straw-manning, if you really wanna pull out out-of -context clichés to defend a poorly formulated point.

    I don't have a masters in English literature or psychology, but I'm pretty sure psychopaths and cheaters are 2 distinct things. I fail to see how you can swing around statistics for one in hopes it will prove a point for the other.

    According to Oxford dictionary, the definition of a psychopath is as follows: "a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour."

    According to Oxford dictionary, the definition of a cheater is as follows: "a person who acts dishonestly in order to gain an advantage."

    At least in terms of definition, they seem like two distinct things. One is a condition, one is an act; which would explain why I've never once seen these two words used interchangeably. Now explain to us again how the statistics of a psychopath apply to cheaters? Do you really need me to explain you don't have a point here?

    I guess it might be stupid to say otherwise, but you've currently got no statistics to back that up. Your guess is not a statistic. Nor is trying to apply the statistic to your case. If you like statistics so much, then the ones I provided would seem much more logical than what you're suggesting. 'I love stats, but since I don't have any I'm just going to assume I know everything, and anyone who says otherwise is stupid'. Perhaps you are right, and I'm a complete ****** for believing that there's near insignificant amount of cheaters in the game. However, I have some statistics to back up my conclusion, you do not. Free yourself of illusion; you have not provided a single statistic to support your claim.

    Accusing the team of lying isn't a really cool move. Especially at a time where everyone though everybody was hacking, and the team would announce hundreds of accounts banned. If they were really lying they would have shared a number that players wanted to see, or at least one that neared that. There's not really any reason for them to lie about there being few hackers in the game to the reddit community, especially when that wasn't what they people wanted to hear. IF you have some proof tucked away with your invisible stats, feel free to pull it out to contradict me.

    I'll also point out another misconception. Planetside 2 is not competitive game. The only thing that could be considered competitive to an extent are the outfit wars, maybe the organized community smashes. If you really think the game is competitive, I'm not quite sure what to say. Check out this thread?

    For the reasons I've already explained and more, the game is not of competitive nature. It's also one of the reasons the game doesn't get as much attention. Because the very nature of the game is to be "unfair". So yes, there are a few hackers in game. No, these hackers are not the competitive ones that flock to the newest hotness. They are mostly just trolls.

    And you seem to love creating out of context examples, that end up doing nothing but reinforcing my points. Soccer, basketball. Look it up, games like that are only competitive when in leagues or such. Street ball is not classified as a competitive game. Competitive games put players of roughly the same force against each other. That's why there's matchmaking, and a sports game is only considered "competitive" in certain cases. Playing basketball with randoms off the street is not competitive. One of the dues could have way more experience than everyone, a guy could be disabled, the teams could be not equal. Much like in Planetside 2. I can confront a poor noob with my ASP engineer, and most of the fights are far from balanced. Throw in medkits, abilities, combined arms,'s by no means a competitive game.

    Modifying hitboxes is a cheat that is easy to detect by the CS team, battle-eye and players. Also the assets have been restricted; it's an issue that was solved a while back with the DX11 update. If you're accusing the guys of modifying hitboxes, perfect - because it's no longer possible.

    Dude, if I say I've killed people at extreme ranges 100+m with CQC weapons, that means I have. Never said I chain heads hotted them all, but I've downed a few at ranges that were so surprising I still remember them now (6 years later). There's literally no reason I have to lie about it. Just a bit of information to explain why random noobs are shooting you beyond the effective range of their weapons - most of us would shoot at anything back when we were noobs.

    Yeah um. About that. If the guy was aimbotting and you out-shot him, I'd be genuinely surprised the guy was aimbotting.

    As for the last "point", that's literally one of the things I've said, with an example. The thing is if he's using cheats like aimbot, where it's not him deciding the kill, you've got very little chance of surviving him once you're the target.

    As for the cheating example, I can't see the picture. If the team really took that long to ban the dude during that time period, I'm assuming it's due to the pandemic issues, which have most of the team working at home. Personally, I think taking less than a day to ban someone (which under normal circumstances they usually do) is fair, though I'll admit that is up for personal debate. You also admitted that once you use common sense, a majority of your supposed cheaters disappear.

    How fast would you like the team to take to ban cheaters, assuming that's realistically possible?
    What are you willing to sacrifice for the team to have the tools necessary to ban cheaters at that rate?