Parallax should 1-hit headshot players w/nanoweave

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PhilDun, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Fenrisk

    Reload time is the most unimportant stat for a sniper. Damage per shot is the most important stat for any sniper rifle as once you fire your gun your position is compromised and your target will be in cover or running by the time you can fire a second shot.

    I would gladly deal with a long reload time if the damage on the rifle was higher as a result. Recoil also effects snipers more then any other class as recoil moves their crossair far more due to the distance. I hope SOE adds sniper rilfles that have very high damage very low recoil but with low ammo and reload times to balance the gun against others.
  2. Sulsa

    I play Infil with a Parallax/12x mostly because I love that slow, sneaky gameplay but also because I'm not as good at faster run-n-gun and my computer isn't powerful enough to allow me high framerates in fast exchanges.
    I was going to post about why a sniper should always have a OHK weapon at his disposal until I read this:
    That dude changed my mind... cr@p!
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  3. Vaphell

    Because I wanted to stay current with people upgrading their defense. More and more people were surviving NC14 headshots and I was under impression that in order to OHK the decked out char I need more firepower.
  4. FateJH

    That's understandable, but you've missed the point of the people who have that certification in Nanoweave Armor equipped: they're looking to survive that one extra bullet. In fact, because nanoweave only allows for the survival of one more bullet (at different levels of certifcation for different weapons), and most people are convinced the battlefield proper is won by RoF, you could argue that Nanoweave currently is the counter to sniper rifle OHKO, an insignificant benefit otherwise. If you gave people a special cerrt line that protected them against the strongest rifle's OHKO independently of Nanowave but also in the defense slot, then you'll find people using that instead. SMG CQC would probably work better against people who are paranoid about sniping; even with Nanoweave, that's a lot of bullets with little reaction time.

    You replied twice. :p I knew that reload time is insignificant for sniping in most cases; rather, I hoped to point out that one grade of damage is also insignificant in general.
  5. Bill Hicks

    wrong, you have to be very close to do that damage with a shotgun. A sniper can be far away, shooting a unaware person. This is balanced
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  6. Vaphell

    No, they are looking for a hp boost that might help them in all kinds of scenarios. Also note that it helps all classes but not the infiltrators themselves, they won't make it due to lower hp pool. Why do other classes deserve surviving?

    +1 bullet when it means going from 5 to 6 and +0.05s is measurable but not game changing, +1 bullet with a RoF of 0.5 means going from 'all' to 'nothing' right off the bat. Hell, NW also cripples viability of proxy mines, another staple toy from the infiltrator's arsenal so it's a double whammy.
    There is a hard counter to any sniper rifle and all people have access to it from day 1. It's called strafing and not standing still in general.
  7. VoidC

    Large calibre sniper rifles were introduced as one shot kill weapons for sale, so that only HA with shield up can survive a head shot.
  8. Chrysalis

    One day, people that play the sniper archetype will figure out why everyone else hates the people that play the sniper archetype.

    Today is apparently not that day.
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  9. omega4

    Let me guess.

    You're a "useless" sniper that wants to kill other gamers without risking your virtual life.

    Good luck with that!

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  10. FateJH

    Are you asking for Infiltrators to have a greater benefit from Nanoweave certification, or for other classes to have less of an advantage? I know your initial argument was against making Nanoweave not work against headshots, but it sounds like the argument has moved its goal posts. There's that Nanoweave Armor chart that purports that different levels only have marginal benefits based on what is shooting at you and hitting, but most will only benefit by one bullet at level 1 (and I can atest that I still get OHKO'd by sniper rifles from full health so there must be something else to it), and only some will benefit (again?) at the highest certification levels. Which, to significant RoF weapons, is more a placebo than an actual defense in most cases.

    I should ask something meaningful: if there is a second certification line that is exclusively for OHKO headshots but, upon introduction, that becomes everyone's "go to" even over Flak Armor, would complaint be generated? This is something of the inverse to AT mines/ Mine Guard argument because in this case we'd be introducing the solitary defense mechanism that has no other benefits (something which even I am miffed about; Mine Guard should realistically be replaced with directional armor and damage to vehicles always respect direction).

    I thought anti-personnel mines were resisted by Flak Armor. I can't say I've ever survived an anti-personnel mine by wearing my Nanoweave anyway ...
  11. Sifer2

    I actually wish Nanoweave was revamped into less of a HP boost, and more of a direct hit burst damage reduction armor. So that in general it counters stuff that otherwise one shot kill. As in no one shot death from Pump shotty. Can take more ScatMAX blasts. The higher damage the shot would be the more Nanoweave reduces it. I think that it would make lowers levels of it more useful, and provide an overall more interesting alternative to Flak. Which by comparison reduces splash only. Edit: Thought about it a bit more, and it would unfairly punish NC weapons over others so the concept would need more work.

    As for the Sniper rifle thing. I don't know if it was mentioned but the selling point of those Bolt actions they added later was faster projectile velocity. It's to make hitting moving targets less difficult it was never sold as a Rifle that kills Nano 5 users.
  12. Vaphell

    more like nitpicking than moving goalposts. If people use NW to get that +1 bullet, why infiltrators are excluded from getting that bonus? I stand by my "that's BS no matter how you slice it".

    given that OHKOs are the *entire* point of low rof bolt action rifles, i'd say introducing such defense mechanisms would require a lot of twisted logic in the first place and the utility of no-SMG infiltrator would go from next-to-useless to completely useless.

    There is no counter to direct rocket/tank shell hit, nor there is one to pump action shotty at point blank. Very long range shots require right circumstances and 10x more skill than any of these and yet they are not worthy OHKing. That's BS, these top tier weapons are supposed to be freaking cannons, shotguns ain't got nothing on them... oh wait.

    Flak is obvious, but i've actually seen claims NW helps survive proxy mines. No idea if it's actually true, I tried googling to find some hard data but no luck. If that's not the case, my bad.

    I forgot about yet another hard counter to sniper rifles, next to not standing still: it's called sitting in a tank.
  13. Armchair

    Wait, someone is actually complaining about nanoweave?


  14. XRIST0

    No , camper ..
  15. Vaphell

    o rly?
  16. Nyldar

    Erm what ?
    How is surving a headshot a hard-counter to snipers ?
    Does it make that sniper depressed, driving him into suicide ?
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  17. DuckSauce

    This times a hundred.
  18. illgot

    You know what the easier and cheapest counter to being 1 shot in the head at any range?

    Keep moving.

    If someone is able to land a head shot at 400m it should not matter if the player has nanoweave 5 or 10. It should be a one shot kill.


    Because moving is free and every character has immediate access to it.
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  19. Dusty Lens

    We have a five page long thread around someone being resistant to a headshot at extreme ranges if they have, for reasons beyond my ken, invested the insane cert requirements into nanoweave armor?

    How did this happen. How did we let this happen.

    At least, uh, on the plus side your mines will instantly murder him? Get a chuckle out of that.

    Or just shoot him again. Whatever.
  20. DuckSauce

    You know what the easier and cheapest counter to your headshots not OHKO at long range?

    Move closer.

    If someone is able to survive your headshot at 400m it should not matter whether the player has Nanoweave 1 or 5. It should not be a one shot kill.


    Because moving closer is free and every character has immediate access to it.