Parallax should 1-hit headshot players w/nanoweave

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PhilDun, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Xuram

    If you shoot a guy in the head with NW 5 more then likely he is going to be killed very quickly afterwards anyway. He will have almost zero health left. Just look at it as a contribution towards your faction. Also if you shoot them in the head (which is fairly difficult) a nice easy body shot will take them out afterwards so hey positive sides!
  2. illgot

    great argument, except hitting a person in their head at +400m is exponentially more difficult than hitting a person in their head at 100m.

    You are stating that having to exercise a greater amount of skill should yield less results. Even though countering a 400m sniper is as easy as moving your character any direction in the slightest (it is nearly impossible to hit moving characters in their head at that distance).

    great argument though.
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  3. DuckSauce

    But moving prevents you from getting those headshots. So you are highly skilled at hitting stationary targets and should be rewarded commensurately.
  4. illgot

    do you play a sniper? Give me your character name and I'll search how many head shots you have.

    I do play a sniper and it is not easy calculating drop, trying to align a head smaller than your crosshairs, and hoping to hell they do not move a single step in the time it takes the bullet to reach it's target.

    Please, give me your character name and show me you actually have a clue what you are arguing.

    Then I'll meet you in game and go 400m away and see if you can even land a body shot on me while I am moving around at walking speed.
  5. DuckSauce

    Not really. I occasionally switch infiltrator in big field battles and headshot people who are skylighting themselves on a ridge and not moving. Because I am a bad sniper.

    It sounds like you just need to learn to use mil-dots, which is a technique you shouldn't confuse with skill.

    This is skill.
  6. illgot

    I gave you enough attention, so did many here. Have a nice day.
  7. DuckSauce

    This. The only time that shot is not a death sentence is when that person gets very lucky or there is no action around them. A pretty small perk for a 1200 cert investment.
  8. ZephyrBurst

    As a sniper who loves the Parallax... nope. NW5 should definitely counter 1 hit kills at extreme distances. It's rare enough that people have it in the first place. People should have a counter to snipers that they can cert into and NW5 is fine for that.

    And getting headshots with it on stationary targets is relatively easy. It's not often I've misjudged the distance with the mil-dots.
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  9. Bill Hicks

    So I should get carpal tunnel just because some random guy want to get his 1 kill per minute?
  10. illgot

    Yes. Are you new to first person shooters? If you stop moving you become an easy target to everyone from a sniper 400m away all the way to an engineer that just dropped in and is trying to hit you with a shotgun.
  11. Vaphell

    carpal tunnel? how can you even play the game? press W, move mouse in random directions - voila, you are immune to sniper fire. You can do this with your elbows if your wrists hurt.

    it's rare now, after 3 months, what about 5? 9? 2 years?
    If counter against the most powerful sniper rifles is fine, where is the counter to shotguns and tank shells?
  12. VoidC

    SOE need to clarify this issue, because these rifles were sold as OHK weapons, right after reports that people survive a head shot at long range with V10 Sr and LA80.
    So according to qq people here nubetubing and pumpgun 1 body shot kills are legit and long range head shots with a bullet flight time of 0.5 sec is not. Well I dont know in what kind of ****** universe of egoism you live in.
  13. DuckSauce

    Yeah. Moving is necessary in this game for a lot of reasons. There are way more people than just a sniper around waiting to line up an easy shot on you.

    On the other hand.... There's this bit. Tank shells and rockets kill with direct hits, yes. But rockets move at 50-110m/s and tank shells move at 200-400m/s, while the high-end snipers fire rounds at 650 m/s. The only thing even approaching sniper velocity that kills in one hit is a anchored AP Prowler. So direct hits on distant moving targets with a tank requires as much or more skill as it does with a sniper rifle. For anything but direct hits, there is Flak armor -- and Flak armor 5 is IMMENSE protection against anything that isn't a Prowler. Anything that is a Prowler too, in about a week.

    There is no direct counter to shotguns, true. But shotgun users make themselves very vulnerable in order to get those OHKs or 0.24s kills. If you move closer and make yourself a little more vulnerable (much less vulnerable than a shotgun user), you too can get OHKs even on targets with Nano 5.
  14. Bill Hicks

    i like to sip tea sir
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  15. InMedeasRage

    I'm hearing a lot about 'garbage nano-weave armor'.

    Did I miss something about having 25% more health in every situation being worse than damage reduction against explosives only?
  16. Jex =TE=

    Or they make the rifle a semi automatic - it's one or the other because you sure as hell aint gonna hit the same target twice but then Infi's are the class SOE love to hate.
  17. Kaon1311

    Say its not important or doesnt help when im standing over your dead body with me at 1% health :p

    reason number 2 to get full nanoweave - Nanoweave + resist sheild
  18. Rusky

    Oh wow someone whining about NW 5 ...

    I wonder what's next, grenade bandoleer is OP ?

    Nerf ammunition belt certs ?
  19. Rusky

    The one where "pumpguns" and noobtubes can't kill people at 200m.
  20. PhilDun

    bump for dev response. is this a bug?