Parallax should 1-hit headshot players w/nanoweave

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PhilDun, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Aghar30

    but aren't you standing still when you line up your headshot?
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  2. Frosty The Pyro

    certs are not a balancing tool, cert cost mean nothing from a balancing standpoint. From the perspective of gameplay something that cost 10,000 certs has no excuse to be better than something that cost 250 certs.

    Shotguns do need a headshot to one shot, well a certan number of pellets have to be head shots. Well not the underbarrel pretty sure it can one shot, but not positive. Havnt got to fiddle with the pump actions either (I think they have some out havnt played in a few days). Also any bolt action will one shot from the ranges a shotgun will one shot.

    Generaly, they are also generaly far enouph away that the oposition is not a threat to them.
  3. Aghar30

    Pumps are 1 shot within 15 m to either head or chest, better to aim for the chest with them. Their balancing factor is their slow fire rate, you have about 2 shots before you are going to be gunned down if you surprise them, if you don't you really only get 1 shot.
  4. Vaphell

    so you say the trouble of spending 1000+certs to get NW5 was not a valid argument? got it.

    here is your problem - new shotguns are instagib on bodyshot inside 10m. If i use top tier long range weapon i expect it to work at that range, do you see me charging into close range with bolt action to duel shotgun user? No, i use it as advertised and it doesn't work.

    I am confused, Isn't it the idea behind the long range sniping? Why bother doing it when it doesn't work?
  5. FoolArcana

    I honestly don't understand this. What's with all this talk of surviving headshots? According to the stats, this just shouldn't be possible.

    The highest power sniper rifles for each faction do 800 damage. I believe headshots have a 2x multiplier, so that's a whopping 1600 damage. Standard people have 500 health and 500 shields, except for infiltrators. With the full 25% extra health, that's still only 625 health and 500 shields for a total of 1125 total hit points.

    Honestly, I think the issue you "snipers" are merely missing your shots. You guys do realize that the critical hit marker (the one with the x and circle) ALWAYS appears when you hit someone with a bolt action, right? That particular marker appears when you've done massive damage within a single shot. It does NOT always denote a headshot.
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  6. PhilDun

    You're not accounting for falloff damage.
  7. Vaphell

    the problem is you can't explain bringing the guy down from 100% to a sliver of health with a body shot and this is happening somehow. We don't know if it's a glitch or some damage falloff but something is fishy here nonetheless.
  8. Aghar30

    Honestly if people had any sense they should be wearing flak not nanoweave. So this should be a rather rare ocurance anyway.
  9. FoolArcana

    Do you really think fall off damage would account for 475 missing damage? That's over half of the value of the original damage.

    I can't say I've ever seen or experienced the phenomenon you're talking about. But if you're talking about body shots, nanoweave is working perfectly fine then. In no case should a single sniper body shot one-hit-kill.
  10. jdono67894

    No sniper rifle should be able to one hit kill, it adds nothing to the game and promotes lone wolf style gameplay for people who want ub3r k/d ratio's so they can boast about how MLG they are.
  11. Vaphell

    why bother having bolt action sniper rifles in the game then? Outside of OHK scenarios they are inferior to decked out no-sway fast firing weapons. Until they are removed, they should work as advertised.

    this is a non issue, the discussion is about crippled headshots.
  12. WalrusJones

    I think that this is one of the convincing reasons to use NW armor.
  13. Necron

    Who runs Nano with the glut of Prowlers out there now? Everyone and their dog is in Flak.
  14. Duvenel

    Sniper rifle headshots should apply a 1.5 damage modifier as far as I'm aware. So that would mean one of the 800 damage sniper rifles would deal 1200 damage at full damage.
  15. Vaphell

    proliferation of HE spamming tanks is not a justification for broken mechanics.
    Flak doesn't save you from a direct hit, NW shouldn't save you from a 0.50cal bullet ripping off your head.
  16. Frosty The Pyro

    The point is shotguns can get away with it because in adition to the low rate of fire, they require a high risk enviroment. Sniping is a low risk enviroment. Range is safety and thats why there is damage fall off, get a bit closer and you WILL be one shoting those targets. If you want to be sniping from max range, learn to hit someone who is moving and land the second shot, use the improved projectile velocity the paralax/rams/longshot grant, if you want the one shot, then get closer. Closer of course being relitive, you are still signifigantly farther away than other weapons can generaly handle.

    Render distance has been increasing, which is likely why folks are starting to notice this now more than before, because you can actualy shoot at targets far enouph away for it to happen.
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  17. Dregan

    Lets look at some numbers:

    Sniper rifles have a crit (headshot) multiplier of 1,5 (same as shotguns).
    The Parallax (and its equivalents) do 800 damage before counting damage lose over range (which we will assume is minimal for this situation)
    Thats 1200 damage for a headshot. 50 points short of OHK a guy with rank 5 nanoweave.
    The Parallax costs 1000 certs. I am guessing people will want a 12X scope with that. So 1030 as said by an earlier poster. The guy with Nanoweave 5 paid 1211 certs for his upgrade. So saying that 1030 should earn you that headshot doesn't really work as the other guy spent more.

    Now why get the the Parralax' high damage over other sniper rifles? Well other snipers deal 750 damage or 1125 damage on a headshot. More than enough to OHK most people and even enough to OHK people with Nanoweave 2. But people that have nanoweave 3-4 are outside that OHK range. That is Parallax territory. And here comes the thing. Upgrading from nanoweave 2 to 3 is a pretty cheap affair at only 50 certs. Even getting to 4 is only another 150. Getting that last point (and bringing you out of Parallax OHK range) will cost a staggeringly 1000 certs. That is a hefty investment for most people and they might want other stuff instead. That means a lot of people might run around with Nanoweave 4 that you don't know about that you have been happily headshoting.

    So why shouldn't your OHK be something you can guarantee? The reasoning here lies in the way fun in games work. Any game mechanic or tactic in a game that there is no way to deal with (as in turn around and ultimately win) makes for a crappy time. If you can OHK anyone from a virtually impervious position that destroys the fun for the other guy. A OHK is a very dangerous thing in any game and it needs some serious drawbacks to work. In a game like Planetside 2 the only way to make it work is to make it possible to defend against OHK giving you a chance to react, even if that reaction is to seek cover and not actually return fire (most other OHK scenarios can be countered by shooting back and being better... this does not work against snipers). This is why you can't headshot people that got Nanoweave Armor 5.

    Another thing to consider is that there is the disparity of risk that you and your opponent are in. In a head on fight individual skill is a huge determining factor to tell who wins. If the one that gets of the first shot is actually worse than the one getting of the second shot the second guy wins. In a fight against a sniper the skill of the one that gets shot becomes irrelevant. He could be the best player ever or the newest greenest player ever and it would not matter. The sniper makes the hit and the fight is over negating the other persons skill and effectively making the sniper impervious to counter-attack. The argument "he could keep moving" doesn't really hold water as 1) If the sniper is good enough he can get him despite the movement, 2) there are a lot of reasons to be standing still and even a split-second is enough for some snipers and 3) if you don't know where the snipers is no amount of moving will help as at some point you will move at an angle that will make you appear stationary to the sniper. It is also important to note that he risk/reward factor is heavily stacked in the snipers favour. This means that until the sniper fires he is in virtually no danger (bar the very perceptive player) where as the target is in loads of danger (similar to a player in a tank facing down a player on foot).

    I understand as a guy who loves sniping you really love your OHK but in this case it is a matter of considering both sides of the coin and getting the best compromise in this case it is the option for anyone to be able to negate OHK. They have to give up other things to do it but there it is.
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  18. Vaphell

    Sniping at these ranges is a very low payoff tactic already, berserking with pump action is 10x more efficient. Find proper spot and you win 90% of duels against fullauto bullet sprayers and xp flows like a river.

    have you actually tried to finish wounded target or lead at 300m? it's nigh impossible.
    You lose your target from sight because bolt action requires zooming out to put another bullet in chamber and it takes a lot of time. Reaquired target will move erratically or even won't be there anymore so good luck finishing the job.

    And what threat is there to prowlers mounted 200m away that lay waste with a barrage of fire? OHK on tank shell is suddenly ok?

    Not all classes are created equal, the cert gain of infiltrator class is pathetic. Farming 1000c for a rifle is a lot of sacrifice, engineers rolling in tanks or mass revive medics have no idea.
  19. Fenrisk

    Shotguns are not high risk as no other weapon is as strong in close quarters, it makes CQC low risk. It's a Iwin button for any CQC fight so long as you get one shot off. They take no effort at all to rack up kills. Float in on my jet back popping people left and right then hiding in places no one can get. Very easy on my light infantry. infiltrators on the other hand get the short end of the stick with a cloak that isn't a cloak and a sniper rifles that can't even 1 shot on a head shot. Light infantry are the real infiltrators of this game

    Range gives no safety to a sniper in this game because as soon as you fire the first shot your position is compromised and you end up with tanks and rockets bombarding your position. Snipers also have to wait for their next shot which is plenty of time for their target to get in cover unless hes completely out in the open. (very rare when most fights take place near bases where theres cover everywhere)

    I have to say that infilters in this game are by far the weakest stealth class i have ever encountered and have sniper rifles weaker then most other FPS shooters. A headshot from a sniper rifle in any other game is instant death. It takes skill and timing to pull one off. Here only nubing at close range gives you 1 shots unless you count tank play.
  20. Phyr

    Bolt actions do not have damage drop off.