Parallax should 1-hit headshot players w/nanoweave

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PhilDun, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Vaphell

    spending 1030c on a top tier rifle for no gain is ok then?
  2. Singed

    I'm sure noobs have the the 1000+ certs to put into nanoweave 5. Also nonoweave isn't a hard counter, there is a reason why you spawn with more than one bullet right?
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  3. SinerAthin

    It stacks with resist shield.
  4. Fenrisk

    Shotguns can 1 shot players nano or not and it does not always have to be a head shot. A shotgun is also far far more noob friendly and takes far less effort to get a instant kill. So why should high grade sniper rifles be any different when they are far more skill based?

    Using a sniper rifle effectively takes far more skill and timing as you have to take into account bullet drop, latency and hold your breath. You have to have also found a good spot to get a shot off in the first place. Once you have got your first shot off your cover is blown and the guys ducked into cover knowing your position.
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  5. PhilDun

    Nanoweave also benefits players in many situations other than bullets. Explosive damage, for instance, does not have a fixed values.
  6. Zaik

    125 x 0.45 = 56.25 + 125 = 181.25?

    Not exactly super synergy.
  7. AnnPerkins

    yeah, I was more than a little disappointed when I dropped 1k certs on a rams .50 only to find that it is less effective than the m877-B in nearly every way. I was hoping the most powerful rifle would be able to kill someone in 1 shot to the head but nope.

    I'm not really sure what the point of having a higher damage slower reload bolt action is if it doesn't kill a player in 1 headshot. Your effective shots to kill remains the same and you get fewer rounds off per minute.
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  8. SinerAthin

    Makes it more powerful nonetheless ;)
  9. Vikarius

    Actually most of this is incorrect. The Parallax, Longshot, and RAMS 50 were releasedand DESIGNED to 1 shot full nanoweave targets (save a HA with shield active). This is why they had a higher damage variable then all other bolt actions. In a more recent update (02?) it was ninja nerfed (or bugged) just like the Infiltrator cloak against low GFX users, and even with dozens of threads and tweets to the devs, zero response was given.
  10. MarioO

    But after all it is still useless, because it is just one damn bullet (or maybe two) out of a damn fast firing weapon.
    Plus the only class that has a resist shield is the heavy assault.
  11. PhilDun

    Yeah, it did seem that this was a recent innovation. I never had this problem a month ago.
  12. SinerAthin

    One bullet is a lot though(unless you are playing in a laggy enviroment).

    That's something I've learnt when playing.

    I have often had a lot of people escaping with just a sliver of health left, and I have done the same thing myself a few times.
  13. Vaphell

    In close call situations in CQC there are always things that you or your opponent could do better and the scenario could resolve both ways with equal probability. +1 bullet in case of long range sniping with its lousy RoF is not a minor thing but a world of difference and there is nothing to change the outcome - you don't get the kill, end of story.
  14. Springheel Jack

    This is a travesty!

    Given all the people with the Paralax and all the people running around with max Nanoweave, this is truly gambreaking!
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  15. Springheel Jack


    Sorry, buying a 1000 Cert weapon doesn't make you suddenly good, or lolfarmeverythingIsee.

    Get over it.
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  16. Frosty The Pyro

    then get closer, they can only survive a headshot if you are far away, from shorter ranges even nano 5 wont save you.

    Alternatly learn how to hit a moving target so you can finish them off while they are running away.
  17. Desann

    My defense vs snipers..... DON'T STOP MOVING!

    I use the 100 cert XM98 or whatever with a 12x scope...i get 1 hit kills all the time. Maybe all my targets use nanoweave, maybe not. But at least i spent 100 certs :)
  18. Vaphell

    sounds fun! Let me try...

    This is a travesty!
    given the frequency of successful 300m+ headshots, letting them have ohk is truly gamebreaking!

    i bought it because more and more people were surviving NC14 headshots. Does that mean my 1000c went down the drain? Farming them was painful as infiltrator has a lousy xp gain.
    If you would tell me that NW5 protects against headshots i wouldn't bother. My impression was that i have to inflate my arsenal to keep up with the inflation of protection measures but apparently i was mistaken.

    yes, it's enough of a hard counter and it's a dmn fine one, there is no need for another one.
  19. Kurreah

    What happened?
    I didn't notice any change in the numbers. Didn't it always deal 800 damage?
  20. Aghar30

    you do know the paralx and its equivalents for NC and TR are exactly the same on all stats right? All 3 suffer from that, and it makes sense.