Oh lawdy oh lawdy will our prayers be answered??

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Hoki, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. OldMaster80

    Since I don't use sniper rifles I'm more interested in the Max changes.

    ZOE anyone? [IMG]
  2. MarkAntony

    it counters every sniper rifle. Pick another target? Are you playing dumb here? That won't help since the "other target" has it too. oh and btw the first guy now knows where you are and is trying to kill you. I call BS.
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  3. MajiinBuu

    PS2 isn't other FPS. Getting headshotted with absolutely no way of preventing it(you can move around but yeah they can lead too) and dieing instantly is so much more annoying than headshotting someone and they are left with a bar of health left. Play with others, don't solo so much. After a headshot all an ally has to do is tickle them and they're gone. There are other classes to play, put the BASR down once in a while.
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  4. Mhak

    Personally, as someone who plays a sniper very often, I'd be fine with NW5 countering OHKs from sniper rifles. I had two great killstreaks this morning and I think only 1 out of the 30ish people I killed lived because of NW. This game is based around player choices in how they want to play their class, if they want to dump tons of points into extra health purely to counter OHKs from sniper rifles, and sacrifice any other suit advantage to do so, I think that's fair.

    The current NW2 countering headshots is pretty lame though, even if it does rarely stop me. I think you should have to invest more a lot more certs than that.
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  5. MajiinBuu

    Bull ****, you make it sound as if every single person playing on every server uses nothing but nanoweave, you couldn't be any more wrong. And so what if they find you and kill you, you know where they are too. Just respawn like everyone else, just like they'd do if they were killed in one shot. Once again, all it takes after tanking a headshot is 1 single shot from any weapon and they're dead. Even a fireworks launcher.
  6. Sakai

    You can get headshotted with no way of preventing it in BF too. And in Arma. Again, i explained that earlier too. You point is basically "i don't like being killed, so the thing that kills me should be nerfed." That's not a very good argument, you know. And please don't tell me how i should play the game. That's really silly.
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  7. MarkAntony

    well about 50% do use it. and by the time i respawn, no never mind that, by the time i chamber another round they have already popped a med kit or found a medic.
    Funny how in any game BASRs do one shot kills in the head yet in this game the skilless lazy people who are afraid to move get a get out of jail free card that ALSO helps with tanking ANY damage they might receive.
    Oh and BTW, 50% is a low estimation.
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  8. MajiinBuu

    PS2 isn't BF or Arma, explain it again. My argument was that there are other people playing too, they'll kill the enemy if you can't manage it, there's no reason to think you should be a god in a battle. Your point is basically "i can't effortlessly kill everything in one hit, so please nerf everything so i can kill everything without even trying"
  9. MajiinBuu

    So what if they heal themself, there's still another 10 seconds before their shield comes back.
    Talking about skilless, how hard is it to move the crosshair over someone, click the button once, and they're dead? And it's pretty lazy to sit back 300 meters and kill with absolutley zero opposition.
  10. Sakai

    It isn't, but it is fairly similar to other FPSs in many respects. So it is entirely reasonable to compare PS2 to other games of it's genre. So don't try to dodge the argument.

    So? Even if i won't fire a single shot someone will still be killing someone in the end. That's not the point. And god? Really?

    Nerf what? Do you even understand what you are talking about? It sniper rifles which got nerfed.
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  11. Sakai

    Please, don't talk about something which you have no understanding of. Unless you cought someone in the middle on nowhere, second shot is almost never possible.

    Zero opposition... I wish. :)) Strange, how my k/d isn't 9000 than, if there's no opposition.
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  12. Get2dachoppa

    You're using loaded language here trying to strengthen your argument. Moving around may not prevent you from getting headshot against a skilled sniper but it will greatly reduce the odds of it happening. It also adds the benefit of making you a less appealing target and therefore most snipers will feel less inclined to even bother trying to take the shot at you. If I'm scoped in and see 3 or 4 people running around but one guy standing still, I'm capping the guy who's not moving.

    And yes, headshots can 100% be prevented. Its called getting behind cover. Another option includes hopping into a tank, harasser, ESF, liberator or sunderer.

    Really, making arguments like this sound a lot like L2P issues to me.
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  13. MajiinBuu

    sniper rifles were never nerfed.
    All nanoweave does is give you more life, at rank 5 it's 250 extra. So a bolt-action headshot falls under 1250, that is called coincidence.
  14. MajiinBuu

    You don't hide behind cover if nobody is firing at you, that doesn't do anything. And you don't know if a sniper is shooting at you until he shoots you, so there's no time to find cover. And if you are behind cover, that is 100% useless as you can't shoot them either.
    Yes, L2P. Shoot them again, pick a different target.
  15. MajiinBuu

  16. Donaldson Jones

    I guess it's never too early to panic. That being said I hope they don't make UBGLs useless they are really great for countering mass rez(chain of rez grenades) and MAX crashes. I enjoy using it so hopefully they won't change it much.
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  17. Donaldson Jones

    I snipe now and then and the sniper rifle could use some options in terms of attachments, still OHK headshots are fine, anywhere else though meh, maybe they could make an ammo to cert into which penetrates body armor.
  18. Sakai

    With increased nanoweave sniper rifles got nerfed as side effect. That is a fact.
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  19. MajiinBuu

    Snipers were NOT nerfed, they stayed the same, only nanoweave was changed. THAT is a fact.
  20. Sakai

    Sure, it is. After they healed back to full. :)
    And obviously, it always as easy as you describe it to be. :)) Do you even play sniper? Jesus.
    Yeeeeees. But because of that change, sniper rifles mechanis also changed. See? Resulting in them being less effective. Hence, a nerf.
    Sorry, not "mechanics", but you get what i'm saying, i hope. :)
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