Official Striker Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

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  1. CaptAmazing

    What he said. The downside of the Striker is for me that its total dependent on the skill level of the enemy and not mine. If you fire at an enemy ESF it just have to point the nose down and fly 1-2 seconds downwards - thats even more effective in hill heavy terrain. Voila - the rockets will hit the ground/hill (not even mentioning flares). If the pilot is inexperienced and won't do that you will hit him.

    My hit% with the Striker is 60%. That means 3 of 5 rockets in average hit my target, but I mostly target Galaxys and Libs, there the chance to hit is quite higher, because they are not so agile as ESFs.

    Against Tanks I switch to the Decimator. The Striker seems to target the middle bottom of all vehicles. In actual gameplay that means even a small bumb in front of a Tank means the Striker rockets will hit that bumb - even if you can see 90% of the vehicle. That why you can't target base turrets - you will always hit the bottom (no damage there), because the rockets fly in a straight line to the middle bottom of the target.

    In a elevated position the Striker is good against gound vehicles, but if the vehicles are in a elevetad postions, for example on a hill and only a small portion of their "nose" can be seen - you won't hit.

    And of course in contrast to the Annihilator you need 3 seconds to empty your whole clip. With the Annihilator (before the nerf) you could "pop out", lock on in 2.5 secons and fire. With the Striker the whole process takes 6 seconds in which you are exposed.

    The Striker is not bad, but its a very situational weapon and its good in this special situations. But most of the time I use the Decimator, because that weapon is about my "skill" to hit the target - not the skill of the enemy or stupid terrain mechanics.
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  2. Herrick

    I'd trade the striker for the phoenix any day.

    Just be sure to wipe the burger grease off first.
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  3. Horhe248

    Ofcourse, unless you're in a lib. But who gives a ****.
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  4. Zenith

    If the Lib is low enough to be in the Striker's range, then he's doing it wrong. The Stiker can do decent damage, but only if you get all 5 rockets on target, and nine times out of ten the person on the receiving end knows exactly how to throw them off.
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  5. Devrailis

    This actually explains it quite well. I've sat a tank on the top of a hill in front of an entire Striker squad and I`ve noticed that even with a ton of lock-on notifications, there are times when I just don`t get hit by anything, even without moving.
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  6. Hovis

    Striker is amazing. You can see how much better than the Phoenix it is in the big fights. The TR get a 500m vehicle dead zone around them. The NC get about a 250-280 metre dead zone for vehicles.
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  7. Vapid

    The tradeoff, however, is that the NC Phoenix can still hit AMS Sunderers behind rocks and various other popular places to dig in.

    I do have to question the existence of the Striker, however. They nerfed the **** out of annihilators for a reason. Because they were ruining the game. Then they turn around and give the TR a much more powerful version of the annihilator. Doesn't make much sense.
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  8. Horhe248

    i know how to deal with them. It's just when people talking about striker damage agains air, somedody allways says that you can dodge it. Like ESF is the only aircraft we have here. No, i cant dodge it in a lib or a gal. Striker is one more thing, that pushes libs away from battles, like it's not enough.
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  9. Zenith

    But only if said vehicles don't have a means of breaking the lock, and most dedicated drivers tend to have those. Also, they know how to use terrain to their advantage, and that is again something which the Phoenix can simply ignore. Lock time is quite significant, and in that time the target can get the hell out of dodge, often before you can even fire. Not only this, but tracking a target you are attempting to lock often seems to reset the lock, then you're back to square one.

    Don't get me wrong, it's good enough once you manage to land all 5 rockets on target, but landing those 5 rockets is a lot harder than it seems to the people on the receiving end. Trust me, having used both, I have to say that for ease of use the Phoenix easily comes out on top every time.
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  10. Aegie

    Yeah, of course it's OK, it's TR- I would not be surprised if half of the worthless cry threads about the Pheonix that included exactly zero valid argument or evidence were started by TR explicitly to take attention away from the Striker.

    Oh, and btw, even with the OHK against infantry the Striker was outperforming the Pheonix in every category- including more than 25% greater XP gain per hour- every category except kdr. So now we know what all the crying was about, it was about kdr- pathetic.

    It is all a matter of perspective. From the Lancer's point of view both the Pheonix and the Striker are OP.
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  11. Cinnamon

    The problem with the annihilator was never the damage it did but that the lockon sound was broken and also that to some level it was too easy and fast to get a lockon. Both of those are no different now for the striker. Arguably the striker isn't a great deal better than any other lock on launcher, worse in some ways.
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  12. Hosp

    Actually, it was mostly pilots complaining about Annihilators when they came out because in the same patch (I think) they also fixed the horrible inaccuracy in the lockons. Because lockons actually hit more than missed after the inaccuracy fix, they threw the pilots a bone and nerfed the Annihilator damage a bit.
  13. St0mpy

    If annihilator OP then Striker OP yes

    but we didnt have Phoenix when annis were OP, now the bar is raised

    if Phoenix not OP then Striker DEFINITELY not OP the Phoenix OP?
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  14. y3ivan

    lies, i have both an annihilator and striker, Both missiles uses leading flight path.
    Only G2A lockon Crow/Hades/M9 uses chase flight path.

    currently striker is annihilator v2.0. Thank you SOE for making me stupid enough to purchase annihilator v1.0
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  15. Haterade

    The point of rocket launchers is to kill stuff. You're not running Medic or Engineer where K/D doesn't matter; you are a heavy assault with a rocket launcher. You're supposed to kill things. You get more exp/hour with the Striker because the ridiculous amounts of assists (i.e. not killing) you do with it. The Phoenix is better at what rocket launchers are supposed to do: kill things. The Phoenix also can kill AV turrets and MAX units, something the Striker can't (and which is important).

    The Striker is better than the Annihilator if all the rockets hit. But they rarely do. Also, you have to stay scoped in far longer with the Striker, nerfing your ability to dodge things and your situational awareness. Further, if you want to shoot all five rockets (and possibly do more damage than the Annihilator), you'd better hope you reloaded.

    The Annihilator was better than the Striker is. Does that mean it's not fun to use? No; I like it. Actually, if I had my pick I'd rather my outfit be able to run the Lancer.
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  16. Satanam

    OK, let's read it and make it clear: FIVE ROCKETS DOESN'T MEAN IT DEALS 5x DAMAGE THAN DEFAULT ROCKET LAUNCHERS. You guys always choose this as the first argument to prove how "OP" it is, but you forget that each rocket deals "x" amount of damage (500) that will result in a total amount of damage (2500). Let's remember you'll usually hit some of the rockets, not all of them. As a side note, every empire received its own unique rocket launcher (ESRL), and it's not an idea from PlanetSide 2, it's from PlanetSide "1". By the way, the original idea behind it (from the first game) was to make it the lock-on rocket launcher available only for TR, so it was in fact unique, while you now have the glory to be using lock-on on your Annihilator while playing any other empire on PlanetSide 2, since it's common pool rocket launcher. Not to say there was the dumb-fire mode and that you could lock-on enemy MAX. Now, NC still has its unique camera guided rocket launcher, VS still has its unique load-to-deal-higher-damage rocket launcher (which I believe it should receive the 4x scope mode as I've seen some VS players asking for it) and TR have the 5 rockets lock-on launcher.
    Now that we made clear that your arguments are being used in every single "NERF THE STRIKER NOW" thread (which are usually started by new players who don't even know about the storyline behind this game) and that they don't make any sense, let's talk about how to deal with Striker when you're piloting an ESF (most of the players who are getting upset about Striker are ESF pilots). When you suddenly "break" and fly to a different direction, it leads all the 5 rockets to a different location, usually the ground or top of hills or buildings (pilots who do it are doing it because they know what happens). If this technique does fail or doesn't lead the 5 rockets to explode before it touches the ESF, you have the option to use flares and rest away from the Striker before you get back to the area. I don't see what's wrong here or if you don't know how to do these things, but's it's not a myth as it seems like you're trying to make it look like. You're probably one of the guys hovering near the ground who think it should be this was and that your ESF shouldn't be touched while doing it. If you can't do any of these steps to avoid being damaged by the 5 rockets from a single reload, then I think you shouldn't be playing with ESF.
    Phoenix still kills infantry really easily and does high damage against armored targets and aircraft, while we're only good against ESFs and - if there's a Striker squad - armored targets. Try playing a VS/TR in areas where "enemy platoons detected" is on your map notes, and check out if NC are not doing exactly the same thing as TR: a group of ESRL.

    I had to quote this part, what I said above should give you the answer. That's one of the most stupid arguments I've ever read. Maybe because most of us paid SC for it right when it was launched into the game, so we didn't give a *uck about wasting certs which would take a while to restore if it was a shi**y choice? Fortunately, it wasn't. Not because it's "OP", but because it's useful against vehicles. When you need to get closer to a deployed Sunderer or stationary vehicle and place C4 bricks, it still requires dumb-fire from any other rocket launcher (with dumb-fire mode, of course lol), unless your enemies (if you're TR using Striker) are so stupid that they can't protect their stationary vehicles against someone who's just standing still near it until he's able to actually shoot because it requires lock-on.

    First of all, if you're in a Liberator and you're within the range of Striker, you're doing something really wrong to protect your aircraft. Pre-patch (the one which introduced the ESRLs) you should check your Libearator display and see if you're on high altitude to be safe against lock-on rocket launchers and lead AA MAXes to do a harder work. You know, you have to "predict" - actually, just check its direction - where the aircraft is going to, so you can shoot a bit in front of it with AA MAX or Skyguard Lightning, so if you're really away from them, it means harder work than if you were near them so they could just point and click.
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  17. Tobax

    The rocket leading targets is better than following so this is not a negative, sure you can put them into the ground but the following rockets chase after aircraft and disappear (hit it's max range) never hitting it because it can't catch up, so its lead or nothing on aircraft. As for vehicles its harder to force a leading rocket into the ground since the vehicle is already on it, of course terrain helps.
  18. Aegie

    First off, prior to the nerf so the Pheonix cannot OHK infantry the Striker outperformed the Pheonix in vehicle deaths by 30%, damage by over 25% and XP gain by over 25%. The only thing the pre-nerf Pheonix did better than the Striker was kdr- a worthless stat regardless of what class you play either because kdr is averaged across all the classes you play or the fact that a HA who is on the front lines charging points will also tend to have a bad kdr.

    The point of rocket launchers is to kill stuff- you are correct. Except, the same can be said for every weapon in the game. The point of the rocket launcher- rather than say an LMG, AR, Carbine, Pistol, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Battle Rifle, SMG, grenade (you know every non rocket launcher in the game)- is to kill hardened targets that other weapons cannot. True, the Striker cannot kill MAX units (neither can the other lock-on only rockets) but if you wanted to take down vehicles what launcher do you think would be better for the job? Stats from the first week of the launchers showed that the Striker took down 30% more vehicles than the Pheonix.
  19. Tobax

    But as people already pointed out the first week of the phoenix we were only using them on infantry so the data is not accurate as we were not even trying to destroy vehicle with it, there for the data is bound to show the striker killing more vehicles. I myself bought the phoenix day one and it was nothing but infantry farming, didn't care about the vehicles.
  20. Satanam

    Hey, guys, let's stop this thread right here. Someone already found what's wrong with Striker: it kills more vehicles while being exclusively AV/AA rocket launcher than AV/AA & AI rocket launchers.
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