K/D shouldn't matter to you

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pie Chasm, Oct 19, 2013.

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  1. SocratesEverywhere


    I'm actually really impressed by your team. Edge Gamers seem top notch whenever I run across them, and I die fast. That's a complete sidenote, but I wanted to mention it because you guys don't seem to get the press that some other Waterson TR teams get.

    Back to the topic, KDR is an important stat. It forces people to improve. Before I knew it was tracked in this game, I just threw myself mindlessly into whatever. It didn't matter if I died because it didn't matter. Then, one day, I was like, "Stats tab? What's that? ... ... faaaaaaaaaak!"

    Since then, I have actually been getting better. I'm still horrible, but I'm not the mindless idiot I was before.
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  2. NoctD

    I don't want to have equal matches. I want to take you out and farm you all day long. Since you obviously don't care about your K/D ratio, you're obviously dispensable, so I can pad mine by killing you repeatedly. I like this. ;)
  3. Iridar51

    All of this is a conflict between objectives and kills. Everybody wants to have fun, but for some players fun is in capturing and defending bases, for other players it's getting kills.

    I'm sick of those who blame people for not going after objectives, when there is no absolute incentive to go after them. You're comparing PS2 to CoD TDM, and you're saying that kills are not important, and objectives are, because "victory" occurs after you capture the objective, and not after you rack a number of kills.

    Alright, let me compare PS2 to another game, with real objectives. It's League of Legends, HoN, DotA 2 and any other MOBA game. Now, these, unlike PS2, are real objective based games. You know why? Because the game ends once one of the sides destroys the objective. You can lose in this game, and you can win. Killing enemy players grants points and clears the path to destroying the objective.

    In planetside 2 there is no victory or defeat, and there never will be as long as it stays open world, and not match based game.
    You can't blame people for not doing what you expect of them to do in the MMO open world game. They're not obligated to do anything.

    In MOBA games, when you press "enter the match queue", you automatically agree to play with your team to the end. You agree to work in a team to reach the ultimate goal of winning the match.
    There are no matches in PS2, and no meaningful victories, so stop calling people cowards for not working towards what you perceive as a victory. They didn't agree to work with you to achieve that.
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  4. Van Dax

    I always play the objective, as such an improving k/d shows that my skill in doing so is increasing.
  5. NoctD

    But you don't seem to realize - there is no objective. Its just one big massive TDM, nothing more, no real metagame.
  6. Nocturnal7x

    Why should I care about the objective? I get way more certs killing than dying. Maybe if it was the difference between kicking a faction off a continent and not, I may throw myself at them more aggressively. Till then its all about KDR and certs.
  7. Nocturnal7x

    I do too, but thats because thats where the fight is most of the time. I think OP is saying he throws himself endlessly at the enemy to get farmed :p "90 to 10 pop? PTFO!" lol
  8. Corporate Thug

    I happen to think they are both important. I do also think that with out pushing objectives and providing forward spawn points there will be no kills to be had. If you set up your farm as many do then so be it, but I only take issue when I or others put in a lot of work to find a fight or capture a facility and it is ruined by selfish gameplay. What even makes me have this type of opinion is that I constantly try to seek out/provoke fights and lots of times I'm successful until some air squad with nothing better to do wants some easy kills. Friendlies will come and blow up all hostiles, remove their spawn points or camp them in and no fun is had on either side.

    Being farmed by enemies isn't really a big concern with me since it rarely happens. I do see those farms though, like 40 dudes, mostly vehicles at some random tower. I usually just laugh and think about how useless they are when I spawn there and shoot their allies in the face. I see lots of those same squads failing because the majority of their players do nothing, which just makes it that much harder on those who do try to contribute. It is so hard to find fights because there are so many useless people everywhere. I can only imagine how it would feel for a large outfit that wants to get a fight but end up going somewhere to see a bunch of enemy snipers sitting on a hill and 20 ESF's flying around.

    I also don't believe you should restrict peoples game play, so you should be able to farm. I just wish doing so wasn't more rewarding than actually playing the objectives of this game.
  9. Corporate Thug

    Well it's a matter of perspective and skill I guess. If it's 12-24 and the enemy has 90% pop then I'm going to have a field day with them, but if they have over 50 guys and 90% pop then I will try but more than likely it will be just me and one other guy pushing and we will fail but meh, I will still end with a good K/D. By not pushing yourself, you won't improve as quickly nor realize your full potential.
  10. Thiofece

    The question is what would be the reason for SOE to create new targets and goals in this game. If a lot people saying they don´t care about objectives because they are wet and horny by K/D there is no reason.

    One side is complaining not enough people playing the alerts and capturing bases. The other side is complaining they don´t want alerts and objectives because the K/D is more important.

    We will never have fun in this game if the players are divided.
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  11. MaCritz

    It depends. To say that people are afraid to storm the building simply because of the K/D is not correct.. There are some who wants to pick the right moves to storm the building EFFECTIVELY without dying.. After all, what good comes from a dead soldier in the open field?? Dying for no reason is different from dying for a reason.. Some people call it efficiency, others call it skill... For me, I have no problem dying if I know that by doing so, I contribute a lot to the assault/defence.. When I try to blow up the sundy, it usually ends with my death because I always shoot the tank mines under the sundy.. That's because I want to make sure that the mines explode.. I don't mind dying a lot, but if it means nothing then I'm pissed, with myself..

    But in general, there are people who wants to kill a lot while dying once or twice.. It makes them feel good... But people have to realize that in some situations, the goal is more than just trying to polish your K/D..

    But then again, I agree to your statement to a certain extent and it is a problem because this game rewards people who are good at farming.. Ultimately, this game should not encourage farming kills and certs.. This game needs a different kind of reward.. If you give the players something else to fight for, something even more precious than the K/D or SPM, then the fear of dying may soon be a thing of the past..
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  12. Drasilov

    Lately the spawn room has been as deadly as the battlefield with all the random TKers around or ppl throwing grens in there.

    I think KDR in this game is pointless as there are too many ways of simply hanging back and farming with little risk (Liberators and tank drivers who run with the zerg and pound the spawn room, Harrassers running ppl over etc) and infantry are designed to die over and over again because they're the cannon fodder.

    Its inevitable your KDR will start to get better even If you are playing for objectives because the more you play the better at it you get anyway.

    I wouldn't mind KDR if there was another stat right under it that has %age time in what role or in what vehicle as well. I mean if someone has a lot of time playing a medic and their KDR was abysmal to me it shows they are willing to risk death by rezzing with bullets flying.
  13. Corporate Thug

    I'm glad you understand what lots of us are saying. Use other metrics, ones that can incorporate K/D but not K/D by itself, it is a useless statistic for playing this game's objectives. K/D is what most other FPS games emphasize and SOE followed by not incorporating more statistics that are meaningful to this game. People will try to improve K/D / SPM because that's what SOE uses to track our progress, if there were other things such as a Top MBT Destroyer or Valor (given for fighting underpopped and holding a control point) XP award and statistic then more would improve upon those. By only using K/D and SPM as the only real measurable stats then gameplay will revolve around those more than it should.

    I mean, even look at EA and the Battlefield series. Battlefield uses a ton of awards that help encourage team gameplay and Planet Side 2 is much more team oriented than any Battlefield game. Players try to earn awards for reviving and resupplying just as much as they do for getting kill efficiency awards given for having good kill streaks.
  14. Iridar51

    I agree. But even if it was, still no one could blame people for not playing for objectives until (and perhaps, after) we have a proper meta game.

    I really wanted to get into good, tactical outfit, with strict discipline, that would go for objectives. Once I did and played for awhile, I realized that playing for objectives was zero fun for me. We won, we capped points, defended and captured. We won and it wasn't fun for me. Because I would rarely even see any action. We would swoop in on a galaxy, run directly to the cap point and camped it with a squad or two until the timer dings.

    Also, to be clear - I'm not for farming. If anything, I despise fighting enemies that have no chance to fight back. I hate MAXes, I hate vehicles. But playing for kills? Sure, why not. In the end, killing enemies still helps those who does play for objectives to some degree.
    Don't be mislead - I'm not siding with killers, I'm not siding with objective-ers. Just saying that people shouldn't blame each other because they don't get what they expect, because they have no right to expect anything in a first place.
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  15. NinjaTurtle

    May I ask where you got those stats?
  16. Thiofece

    To have more big battles and entertainment we need to organise the players in a new way. At the moment we have random mixed squads and nobody gets a real order by the leader.

    Lets say a platoon is trapped in the spawn. There are ways to solve the problem but not at current state of the game/players.
  17. Giggily

    stats.dasanfall.com, in closed registration currently.
  18. HerpTheDerp

    Trick question: Why would I give a flying **** about who wins or loses in Planetside 2?
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  19. GSZenith

    BRB gonna follow the zerg around, use every shield exploits known, have 3buddies with medics around me, buy 50% boosts,
    redeploy to every cap so i can be MLG360noScoep420yoloSwagxxx too!

    and i thought 37% accu would be enough :( going for 50% guys! :rolleyes:
  20. IPLAYTF2

    i play for kills/min which is the most fun way to play imo.somehow i manage a 4 k:d when i'm playing suicidal heavy but the 1.8 kills/min makes it worth the deaths
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