K/D shouldn't matter to you

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pie Chasm, Oct 19, 2013.

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  1. Irathi

    Thank you for correcting my english..

    I played PS1, COD, BF2, BF3, CS (from the release up to the latest), hexen, quake 1-3, Unreal Tournament, Unreal and loads of other FPS. I do not think they are any better than Planetside as first person shooters, they are different, but not better. PS2 offers so much more in terms of what you encounter on the field and how you can counter that.

    I'm sorry you can't cope with PS2 and the way that it works, it's a shame you can't appreciate the complexity it brings to the fps genre. Really PS2 is different from anything else out there and I think it is funny that you bring up games like CoD and BF as better "fps" when they really are all about K/D and score/min. The things you complain about in PS2..
  2. Flapatax

    But I bet you flank real good.
  3. AuntLou42

    K/D is Kills divided by Deaths that's all it is, just a stat. Saying it doesn't matter is like saying the fact that Water is 2 Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen doesn't matter. A fact that you can live with or without, care or not care about. In the end let it matter to who wants it to matter. Not everyone wants to play Planetside 2 like it's a Risk board. Allot of people just enjoy the battle itself and would rather come out of a fight with a positive K/D rather then capping a base. It's their preference and they should be able to play the game how they want. If it really irks you that much to watch a guy sit in the spawn and not go after objectives then I suggest joining an outfit that doesn't rely on pubbies to take objectives.

    TLDR: Less QQ more Pew Pew
  4. MrMurdok

    I like how people assume that all high K/D players are stat padders and farmers.
  5. Giggily

    Nobody has a right to judge my playstyle.
  6. Interlude

    I'm a dedicated repair gun user and suicidal sunderer killer and I'd like to see the K/D stat removed.
    Also, I'd like you to add a new stat: Repairs/Heals per minute. This way I can see who is a true team player and who is an aimboxing vehicle farming spawn camping scrub. Make it so that every kill you get reduces this stat by 100, just to make it fair.
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  7. ChicoFuerte

    My KDR is so high because I pad it in the VR Training.
  8. Axehilt

    Killing a lot of players is clearly helpful most of the time, but that's not what's being called out.

    There are clearly situations where kills are being farmed intentionally, rather than attempt to really close out the fight. One specific example being snipers, who often achieve high K/D, but do so fairly slowly and without pushing forward to take ground. An entire group of snipers, even skilled ones, might very well achieve not only a high K/D but a high rate of killing -- but at the same time they're not helping cap the base.

    Meaningful caps relates to who you're attacking. For example you clearly should earn less points for attacking another underdog empire than attacking the overpopulated one, and this bonus should carry through to all forms of XP and scale based on the magnitude of the difference. This allows the centralized performance metric (score/hour) to more accurately measure meaningful activity rather than tactical blunders (two underdogs beating each other up while the overpopulated empire gloats with 80% territory control.)

    The above should also be true of alerts, and alert-related bases (and those adjacent to them.)

    This needs to be prominent and obvious to players, so they understand what's happening:
    • "Kill 120xp (+20%)"
    • "Headshot kill 12 xp (+20%)"
    • "Terran Republic kill (priority empire bonus) 48xp (+20%)" (bonus for fighting against the highest-pop empire)
    • "Amp Station Alert 24 xp (+20%)" (bonus for fighting at an Amp Station or adjacent outpost)
    Basically the priority empire bonus would kick in at 10 base xp when an empire has a 2% pop advantage, and grow to up to 100 base xp (basically double the bounty on infantry targets) at extreme pop discrepancies.
    In this way, score becomes a more accurate indicator of empire contribution, because the best score is going to consistently be earned by fighting the battles which make the most sense (the most meaningful) for your empire. Because we don't necessarily need a complete revamp to game stats, we just need the existing ones to be better indicators of actual, valuable contribution.
    (Which probably also means a little more granularity to spawn killing XP. In Planetside 1 characters used to gradually roll up to full kill value, but it's binary in PS2 right? That is: you earn spawn kill xp (25) up til a certain player life duration, at which point they're full xp (100) instead of having more granularity to it.)
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  9. Axehilt

    Me: "Situations exist where K/D padding obviously doesn't contribute to your empire."

    You: "Here's a high-K/D situation which helps my empire."

    Me: "That's great, and in no way contradicts my point."
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  10. Pie Chasm

    Link your drivers license and passport.

    It's kind of a waste of time to post on the forums, because the average age and highest educational institution visited has plummeted since release.

    Almost everyone from PS1 has left in disgust and what is left now is the detritus of CoD, the average Joe of the FPS genre, the kind of person who serves you fries angrily over the counter after he spits in your burger.. and the main reason I no longer frequent those places.

    K/D makes sense in very low TTK game TDMs, it does not make sense here. The developers should have been smart enough to include a metric that would have been more appropriate, but, alas, they half-***** it like with everything else and that's why I hope none of them ever work on anything related to PS (or anything for that matter) ever again.

    You can't blame the CoD offspring for being as they are, but you can blame these developers for catering to them in an effort to make more money effortlessly, which is what PS2 tried to do.
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  11. MrMurdok

    1v1 me irl breh
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  12. SinerAthin

    I think that KDR makes sense in some games, but it doesn't really fit in Planetside 2.

    If Planetside 2 had included a balanced deathmatch mode where the only way to win was to kill more enemies than you lose yourself, then I could perfectly understand why the game would feature a KDR, and I would actually say that it was a good stat.

    But on the other hand, Planetside 2 is neither a deathmatch nor balanced.

    You could be a medic who is attacked by a tank, or a Heavy Assault who is blown to bits by a gunship flying far up in the sky. The game features objectives, and by going after objectives; you make yourself very predictable and easy to kill, but it is still necessary in order to win.
    We even have powerful MAX suits that the game's KDR system doesn't even take into consideration.

    In Tribes Ascend, they actually tried introducing KDR. And to make a long story short; after it negatively impacted their objective play, they removed it not long after.
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  13. Pie Chasm

    LOL k nub! With ur K/D ratio being less than 2 I bet you can't even **** straight!
  14. MrMurdok

    I'll have you know...
  15. Yuukikun


    My KD is bad because i fight platoons of ghost cappers on Esamir and Amerish spawn camping with Libs and maxes when i'm the only one to defend. I love to fight in these situations, and while i'm there alone against 12-25 players while you clearly don't have the balls to get off your MAX and leave the ''even pops'' fights to help places we lose without any defenders, i certainly do much more than you.

    Now grow those balls and show us your player stats link <3
  16. Giggily

    Ghost capping isn't a way to pad your k/d or get a good SPM.
  17. Eugenitor

    30 years in the future, when you and whatever friends you've scrounged up are all sitting around in a bar still waiting for someone to discover immortality, someone is going to bring up the topic of video games.

    Then the topic will drift to shooter games of the early 21st century.

    Guy: I used to play a lot of COD, was kinda fun, had a decent K/D..
    Other guy: Eh, screw those games. I was a beast in Quake and UT. That's where the skill is.
    You: I had a great K/D in Planetside 2.
    Guy: Isn't that the game where you basically just sat in a tank or an aircraft and just shot **** at the spawn room for hours?
    Other guy: Or bombed from an aircraft? I can't believe people spent money on that.
    You: Actually, I mostly shot out of the spawn room, there was a shield there...
    Guy: Wait, so you got a good K/D by shooting through an invincible wall?
    Other guy: That's.. just pathetic, bro. Hey, listen, I gotta go, my wife is gonna kill me for being out this late and I promised to take my kids camping.
    Guy: I hear that, I have to pick up my girlfriend in a half hour.
    You: Um... bye, guys... hey, bartender? Get me something strong...
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  18. Yuukikun

    Seeing the story of your life makes me sad :c But i think there are good psychologists for your case, good luck my friend. :)
  19. Flapatax

    Your stats are that bad? Well, you did make this thread, I guess.
  20. Pie Chasm

    Lol dude ur not a navy seal they have like 15.0+ K/D

    Drivers license, passport and college degree, please, or I cannot process your request.

    Don't be mad at others because yours haven't dropped yet.

    His posting seems like an accurate portent for a weeaboo with a 3.25 K/D.

    Now go trade that in for some fries at Mc Beefs.

    You lack more than 20 years and the necessary faculties to approach any rustling of my jimmies.
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