K/D shouldn't matter to you

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pie Chasm, Oct 19, 2013.

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  1. Pie Chasm

    I want to have equal matches. I want to see people not fear death and try to win objectives as if their lives depended on it, but their collective inferiority complexes from CoD stand in the way.

    Trick question: who contributes more to victory, the LA who picks off tons of people near their spawn without dying once, or the LA who sacrifices himself to kill a nearby sunderer that spawned the entire assault?

    The engineer who killed a bunch of people with a carbine instead of healing his friendly MAX and holding a point, or the engineer who kept his MAX healthy and stopped the opponent from leaving their spawn/entering the room without getting a single kill and dying once?

    Infantry death is 10 seconds worth of waiting for the opponent, while vehicle death is potentially tens of minutes, yet the reward system would have you think otherwise: dealing almost full health damage to a MAX that costs significant infantry resources is less lucrative in terms of certs than killing a single infantry with a headshot. How does that make sense in terms of performance and contribution to victory? It doesn't.

    Not even SPM is a good gauge of player performance, since you can have boosts, exploit the system or find a friend on the enemy faction who will gladly concede his alts K/D to make yours better (in exchange for his own).

    This didn't used to be as big of an issue, until this game became flooded with nothing but kids who hadn't played anything but TDM CoD for all of their lives and don't want to think of success as winning an alert (on EQUAL terms.. something the DEVELOPERS NEED TO GET OFF THEIR ***** AND IMPLEMENT), but showing that their ratio is as high as possible.

    Not even in CoD does this ratio contain enough relevant information due to assists, suppression, etc., so why do you use it here as a gauge of skill when it has even less meaning?

    I dare you to step outside of the spawn room and die dealing damage to a tank, so your buddy can pick up the kills for it.

    I dare you to fight on continents where you don't have a population advantage.

    I dare you to actually try to win instead of increasing this ratio, because it really means nothing...

    and when you're finished you can get off my lawn.
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  2. Thpthpthp

    I enjoy fighting more than winning.
  3. Pie Chasm

    Well then fight... I don't consider hiding from the big scary tanks and shooting at people behind an impenetrable wall fighting, or zerging a base with a few people defending it.
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  4. FateJH

    Having said that, there must necessarily be times when playing defensively is better than playing aggressively. The distinction between playstyle and zerging becomes moot otherwise.

  5. iMartyr

    I enjoy every point of my 2.15 ratio earned behind the shield of a teleporter room
  6. Thpthpthp

    Well your post is kinda conflicting with itself, you say people should care about winning, but unfortunately the best way to win in Planetside is to utilize cheap tactics like forming giant Zerg death balls, playing on the team with the most population, or ghost capping bases that have no defenders.

    Secondly KD/SPM or any other arbitrary statistic isn't about CoD kiddies and their epeen, it's about looking for something persistent to feel like you've accomplished something. If I capture a base I know it doesn't mean anything because it will just get traded back and forth again and again forever. So some people latch on to KD or weapon medals to feel like they've accomplished something with their time.
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  7. Thiofece

    Many times i see an army afraid to storm a base. Everyone stays on his position until a small group takes the balls and makes the move. Maybe this is a problem of K/D because nobody wants to die.
  8. FocusLight

    I enjoy every point of my 1.49 K/D earned fighting for the objective at any point, no matter what that is.

    I also enjoy the fact that my K/D was 1.3 a few weeks ago. Even aiming for the objective I end sessions with a positive K/D ranging from 1.5 to 2.0 often enough to bump it up, bit by bit.

    K/D by itself is borderline useless. It don't even tell you how good someone is because for all you know, they gained that score UBGL'ing out of a spawn.

    But more than that, I do enjoy my 600+ facility captures and my 600+ facility defenses, and my 900+ enemy vehicles destroyed.

    Most of all however I enjoy logging in to play with my outfit-mates every day.

    Speak of, I've got a game to log into. o/
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  9. HadesR

    Maybe when objectives are worth something you might see that ..

    Maybe When the game becomes more than whack a mole pass the parcel base flips people might care more ..

    " OMG rush out the camped spawn room to defend this base in the middle of nowhere that gives us little tangible benefit and less reward than if we lose it and re-cap it in 5 minutes "

    Blame the system not the players
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  10. MagicBlubber

    Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

    The issue is that the Seesaw mechanics that provide no end game are simply uninteresting.
    Continent locking and Warpgate capping need to be added already. Think about it.
  11. Hasteras

    winning alerts is good enough for the rest of us
  12. AUSGrizzly

    I once TKed someone who was going on about how stupid people were for leaving the spawnroom and getting killed while he sat inside the room on his mana turret killing the stupid players that stuck their heads out. Meanwhile my squad was taking back the points for the few seconds need to delay the attack for our main force to arrive and cancel it. If though all the pubs in the spawnroom actually moved out of the damn place it would not have needed another platoon in the area to save it...

    I much rather had this idiot ******** at me about me TKing him over demoralizing all the pubs...

    *He later continued to get in front of my gun every time he saw me to force more TKs on him from my shots so that he could "report" me for harassment, even announcing his intent over proxy where everyone from my outfit heard him. Getting annoyed with this idiot constantly weaponlocking me on purpose I threw a harassment report at him myself along with some others who witness his acts. Funny enough I haven't seen him again...
  13. Giggily


    Damn OP look at that, my K/D is improving, SPM is still the same, and I am actually capturing slightly more facilities per hour than I have been in the past. Wow. It's like you can both have a high K/D and try to improve it but also push points. :eek:
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  14. Corporate Thug

    I agree with most of your points OP, except the bits where you stereotype CoD players. I don't like CoD but still, there is no need to insult people who come from or like it.

    K/D should be removed from this game. Kill versus Deaths seems antiquated when you consider most things you do to contribute to your team will earn you neither. Rewards and stats that track how many times have you spawned the sunderer that was vital to an attack, destroyed the enemy sunderer that spawned the most soldiers at a facility, or a reward that you can earn by killing a number of guys with in a certain time frame while attacking or defending a capture point would be more beneficial to team play and a more accurate measure of this particular game.

    The statistics that we use to measure our player base should reflect how diverse and complex Planet Side 2 is. As it is now, it's just reflects a huge team death match.
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  15. Giggily

    I can guarantee you that a bunch of high K/D infantry players will destroy their equivalent amount of "team players."
  16. Corporate Thug

    It's not impossible, but it doesn't show if you just follow mindless zergs and get revived, while overwhelming a few dudes or if you sit and farm in a lib while waiting for others to take facilities while you earn the free XP. More often than not it just indicates you are good at killing and blowing stuff up, unless people know you and see you pushing objectives in-game.
  17. Kyouki

    Or you can not tell me how to play the game and let me enjoy the game the way I want. K/D isn't the end all stat that you think it is. It is a stat that allows you to see how likely you are to come out on top in a 1v1 situation. That gives you a higher reliability that lower K/D players don't have.
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  18. Corporate Thug

    Key word being Infantry, and yes, I do agree since I am one of them. Most times I find it just too easy when fighting a few guys, even solo. I suicide tons because of boredom, when the enemy doesn't have double the pop then it's too easy especially if I'm playing with someone of the same mindset and skill level. I understand where you are coming from. I can push objectives and spawn where the enemy has 25-48 (with very little friendless to back me up) and come out with higher than a 4 K/D while pushing the objective the whole time, no camping involved. It isn't hard and I rarely end with less than a 5 K/D no matter how much leroying I do. I don't get revived much, besides most medics are crap. I completely understand where you are coming from, but don't judge that metric on your performance. Consider how it affects players who aren't as strong as you.
  19. Corporate Thug

    What I was proposing in an earlier post is that if more metrics were used that actually gauge how players fought in planet side then more would try to improve those. K/D doesn't reflect planet side.
  20. VSDerp

    Can't lie K/D does matter to me. it always been a personal goal for me. it doesn't affect how i play.I rarely stay in spawn rooms.as a infiltrator i don't like being behind enemy lines. i die quite a few times but i stillend up with a good k/d before i get off. just makes me a better player overall. i learn from my mistakes.
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