I beseech thee Emerald NC and TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paragon Exile, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Seryi

    Ironically ****posting is still ****posting.

    Remove VS filth from this game.
  2. Jalek

    There used to be a TR organizer that would drop multiple platoons on a hex similarly, but the tears were endless between him being mean and not playing fair. Pretty much the week he and his left, VS started dominating all off-peak hours between population and ZOE at the time.

    I haven't really seen much happen since, but I log in at odd hours, so it's usually a 1-12/1-12 fight ending up stomped by multiple VS platoons. Playing hide and seek with a couple of people on both sides usually only draws in 4-6 harassers and a few magriders, besides the obligatory scythes hitting anything outdoors.
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  3. Paragon Exile

    lol, I'll need some sharp knives to cut through this irony.
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  4. Vertabrae

    I actually agree with your idea. My only issue is this still won't fix player mindsets. Lets say your idea was put into game. and you end up with a fairly even fight in a hex, say about 40 people per side. This is a small example of my viewpoint here, just so everyone is clear.

    VS caps the point. TR (or NC, this example works for either one) does a max crash and retakes the point, and pushes VS back outside base walls where the VS have 3-5 sunders spread around base perimeter. TR forces group together, and head for the west entrance to the base, where they huddle around the inside area, and attempt to farm the VS who try to run thru the chokepoint. VS meanwhile, pull MAXes and LAs and, using other entrances or jetpacking over the walls, retake all three unguarded points inside the base. By the time the TR realize whats happening, the VS are firmly entranced on the points, and with engis and medics in support, is well able to defend all attacks.

    You could flip that example around. Big difference is when TR are first pushed out of the base, their one and only sunderer is destroyed. On the off chance they managed to retake the points, TR engi's fail to repair 75% of TR maxes (which are too busy charging into VS firelanes anyways) and TR medics, well they only play medic for the ARs. so almost nobody is getting revived.

    It's not so much a skill difference, as a mindset difference. VS plays to win. Meaning they bring all the tools needed. Air support, armor, sundies, engis, medics. Most TR are doing their own thing. Medics play medic for the awesome AR. Engi's just want certs for ammo packs or play engi for unlimited ammo. About a good 70% of the time, there is only 1 sundy when we attack a base. nobody ever bothers to bring another. Why defend a point, when you could group up on a ridgeline and farm the enemy, never noticing whats going on at the base behind you. TR (and NC) players don't care about points, or caps, or whatever. They just wanna shoot stuff.

    I know not all players are like that. We have some awesome players, and a couple great outfits. But sadly, they're buried under the mass pile of AOD, or lone wolves who never think of the faction. New players see this, and those who want to win, end up playing VS because it's simply where they fit in. SOE could (and I hope does) implement your idea. But we need to convince more VS minded players to play on NC and TR. Kinda even out the balance between fun, and winning.

    EDIT. When I mention only bringing one sundy, I am not referring to an AOD zerg. I know they bring a mass of sundies, which due to piss poor placement and lack of guards, feed the VS (and NC) with a butt load of certs.
  5. Selrahc4040

    Do you guys have an Outfit YouTube channel or stream? Seems like COOP has the right idea. Know your enemy.
  6. Negator

    what you guys dont seem to understand is that avoiding VS reinforces VS overpop. They dont have anything to do, so as soon as a fight shows up youre gonna see a multiplatoon redeploy.
  7. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Steams are forbidden unless you get permission from the leaders or unless you are accused of cheating and stats back up that accusation as a way to prove you are or not.

    Also, I'm not saying anything will come of this but if GOKU did run TR op's for a while you do realize we will never let you forget that we had to teach you how to play this game right?
  8. IrishPride

    If it was me complaining about these redeploy issues at hand, i would just redeploy 2 or 3 platoons worth of people after the enemy defenders redeployed and go to another one of their bases to fight i dunno. Just redeploy in huge circles :p.
  9. FocusLight

    You speak of class? Of anti-intellectualism? YOU? When you offer this juvenile fool's gamble?

    Let me tell you exactly what I told that other guy on that other tread on this exact issue:

    *YOU* - The Emerald Vanu - have made your faction undesirable to play against. YOU DONE GOOFED. YOU SCREWED UP. YOU ARE THE FAILURE.

    I don't know exactly what you are doing wrong. It may be the blatant use of numbers alone to get anything done, as opposed to spreading your forces out a bit more and actually offering numbers that can be fought by your out-popped enemies. It might be that you smack, brag and rant in /yell so much no-one wants to hear it anymore. It could be some other reason, or both of these.

    Whatever is the case, Emerald VS is not fun to fight. I should know. I got a TR toon on Emerald. I used to have an NC and VS toon there as well, but I deleted those. NC was way to derp and VS was... obnoxious, insufferable annoyances.

    That toon fights VS only when needed. Otherwise it's NC all day erry day.

    The guy before you offered the narcissistic little "I don't want to improve myself so people will want to fight me, I'll just beg the one's who don't want to fight me to do so anyway for my amusement."

    You do the same.

    You have learned nothing. And because you likely won't do so anytime soon, the NC and TR will have no reason whatsoever to fight the VS.

    It's not that they CAN'T band together to fight you, they absolutely can, if they only just WANTED TO. And that's the kicker - THEY DON'T WANT TO FIGHT VS. EVER.

    And so you are bored. Self-improvement is your only hope here. Cut the smack. Stop the bragging. Spread your guys out a bit more, offer some fights that can actually be WON by the TR and NC, something they have a chance to fight against, because from what I've seen so far, it's either all or nothing. A small handful of VS can and will turn into a multi-platoon force with no warning as soon as any TR/NC push a VS lane. Why? Because it's an actual fight against them, so EVERYONE CAME.

    It's kind of ironic that your issue is TO MANY platoons who re-deploy all their dudes on top of everything that moves on the map.

    Quit doing that. Send individual squads to cover different lanes. A 48 man platoon can cover 4 lanes with individual 12-man squads, and if the resistance grows to strong in anyone of them, I'd usually say, send another squad over. but with so many platoons out there, odds are another platoon is on it's way already.

    I dunno what you can do to fight this, but I do know that the onus lies on YOU, the Emerald VS, to fix this. I suspect stopping the juvenile BS seeping out of your mouths 24/7 might help a lot to start with.

    Start self-improving. It's what VS does after all. Get back to us in a month when you have and let us know how it goes.

    Who knows, some NC and TR might just want to fight you a little more than they do today.
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  10. Sebastien

    Are they forbidden because your leadership is scared of being called Weaboos because all your orders are given in Japanese?
  11. gibstorm

    It that people don't want to fight VS cause it's not fun.

    If you are pushing VS everything will go fine......Then some big units will warp in and turtle in a defendable infatry base. Then it turns into a corridor infantry meat grinder for hours cause they will just park their even if they have the ability to push out. If I wanted that I would just play CoD.

    TR and NC never stop trying to push each other so it leads to open battles that move around and are more enjoyable for both sides. VS like to focus battles into meat grinders that favor them. There is nothing wrong with this........But it's just not fun after a while.

    It's just more fun and losing an alert doesn't mean anything. I would rather have fun then be bored fighting a alert that doesn't mean squat.
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  12. FocusLight

    GOKU don't need to run TR platoons for them. GOKU needs to stop arrogantly assuming they are such hot stuff. GOKU needs to sometimes shut their traps about themselves. In short, GOKU NEEDS TO LAT OFF THE SMACK.
  13. Paragon Exile

    Sooo... you want us to stop trying to win so much?

    But anyways, what you're saying is irrelevant because we don't do that in every fight; the majority of fights I've seen with the VS as participants are even or near-even. We are also regularly double-teamed by the TR and NC. Almost everything you're saying is hyperbole.

    But I wanted to address a few things the most;
    The VS' reputation is exactly the opposite; getting more done with less. It was the only thing keeping Waterson VS afloat. The TR and NC zerg FAR more than the VS, though we do it as well. I consistently see forces deployed where they will be the most effective (or farming biolabs), and sometimes that means crushing an important base. And anyways, on any continent where this is an issue the population cap will be getting hit or nearly there, so there's absolutely nothing stopping the TR/NC from doing the exact same thing in response (which they do regularly).

    You understand we're not being serious right? That it's all in good fun? Again, I regularly have conversations with my opponents both over /t and /y, both teams say GG etc. Even were this not the case, there's nothing stopping you from hurling the taunts back, like we did to TE.
    So do I, and there's virtually no difference from playing on the VS except my team isn't as reliable.

    "You need to start acting like a peasant farmer and bring yourselves down from your level to ours or you're not going to have any fun! Any bad things that happen are because you didn't act casual enough!"
    Screw that. Bring the server to a level playing field above and beyond what the other servers offer.
  14. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Wow, look at this baka gaijin.


    Out of all TR outfits on Emerald with over 196 members our TR alt outfit has both the highest KDR and the highest SPM.
  15. gibstorm

    Cause no one cares. Good you have the best players on your side and no one to fight. Do you really have to circle jerk because of that?? Do you guys want cookies or something??

    The only thing you do is frustrate players who are actually trying to fight back and get them to leave sooner making the problem even worse
  16. ATRA_Wampa-One

    mad cuz bad
  17. gibstorm

    I am mad cause you guys are too stupid to see you are hurting the game and the last server we have left.

    I don't care who wins or loses I just rambo all day every day and do fine.
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  18. Sebastien

    Well you didn't refute my hypothesis, so I'm going to assume I was correct
  19. Arghy

    Haha but we are hot stuff?

    Dear leader has made the call if no one else steps up i will be leading FRZA on mon-tuse-wens next week, i look forward to you killing yourself in an impotent rage because we actually want to try instead of crying in a corner.
  20. ATRA_Wampa-One

    How are we "hurting the game"?

    No seriously, that's a legit question.

    How is being cocky because we always win "hurting the game"?