I beseech thee Emerald NC and TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paragon Exile, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. LibertyRevolution

    If 1 guy flying around in a reaver, is more effective at PTFO then the entire NC faction, that is not a problem with me.
    Maybe the NC should learn to use their man power more effectively, instead of zergging lanes with 40 guys to cap each 1-12 base.

    I remember VCO today getting their 2 squads of people farmed by TR on the stairs at amerish ARX reserve today.
    I was sent a squad invite, I watched as VCO guys walk up the stairs like lemmings into AI turrets getting murdered.
    I pulled a valk and hovered over the point so they could spawn on it and not have to get murdered like lemmings.. they didn't use it..
    I watched as the 2 squads went from 20 guys to 6 people due to terrible orders and sunderer placement.


    By the way, I did solo mad bases, wiping entire groups today.
    Ask the VS around Hurakan Amp station that I rocked 10:0 solo. :rolleyes:

    Then again I know how to pick my fights, I am not trying to solo AC/DA...
    I attack targets that are actually attainable.
  2. Arghy

    FRZA held crux with 32% pop against 3+ platoons of NC until AOD bailed us out by dropping the AOD 2 platoon hammer on a point. Different people value different things from the game its just a damn shame that NC like VCO who want to play alerts cant because the rest of NC doesn't value it.
  3. Runegrace

    Redeployside is a symptom of bad design. There's nothing dynamic about a 2:1 stomp down. The fact that selectively stacking your pop to shut down fights hex by hex is the way to 'win' in Planetside speaks to a fundamental flaw in the game that's yet to be addressed.
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  4. Negator

    You want to know what would happen if 'redeployside' was more limited then normal? Giant vehicle zergs would form and never disperse. People would sit on defense because there is no reason to push out because the other side is sitting on defense and would wipe them. 96+ ghost capping and not going elsewhere would be the norm.

    Mattherson had mild redeployside, but Mattherson also used to have a number of competent platoons running on all sides. Redeployside wasnt as bad as it is now because you could expect that each front was being aggressively pushed, which meant there was no breathing room for excess forces to redeploy. Fights were fun, regions flipped, RP Canon Server reigned supreme.

    TLDR: redeployside happens because no leaders or ****** leaders dont know how to push out, and there isnt much reason to take territory.
  5. Runegrace

    You can't simply remove the ability to redeploy, no. There needs to be a rework of deploy mechanics, base capture mechanics, and XP rewards to provide incentive for player behavior. The end goal needs to be encouraging more even populations in fights, and something that simply left a zerg static in one location doesn't meet that. The meta-flow of the game could be improved, but simply ripping out the ability to redeploy is not a silver bullet for that.
  6. xboxerdude

    I actually will fight AC/DA solo , which leads to mass rage when I wipe their squad with a max(which is rare) or plenty of teabagging when they realize they just killed me
  7. Nerp

    I miss Waterson.
  8. Ronin Oni

    I miss Jaeger Dx