Good Pay to win game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by InvalidTarget, Dec 22, 2012.

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  1. XRIST0

    Its not that the game is "pay to win" as it is not really .

    It is that this game is so damn addictive that you will want to buy everything ..

    Sony have thought this out really well , they are making a killing on $6 horns alone .
  2. Thanasimos

    Either you're a troll trying to keep this going, or you simply have no idea what Pay To Win is. It is only P2W when those that pay can acquire something that permanently gives them a definite advantage over those that don't. This is not the case here. You may go now.
  3. Katana

    Standard 'You are a troll because you do not agree with me!' post.

    That, depends entirely on how you define pay to win. It doesn't have a definitive definition.

    I don't think "permanent" is necessary for it to be pay to win.

    See, if I have to play ludicrous amounts of time to get a weapon that he bought in a couple of seconds, then only to be outmatched by the newest weapon he just bought that I now have to grind frightful amounts of time for, I consider that pay to win.

    You consider it not pay to win that someone would have to give up their soul for a weapon/item, provided they can actually acquire the weapon/item without purchasing it.
  4. Arcanum

    My thoughts, taken from another thread and unedited:
    TL;DR: Become strong to be able to become even stronger or *gasp* just try to enjoy the game with your disadvantages.
  5. Steppa

    I highly doubt that. I have no idea what your skill set is, but you can obviously write. Write a book. Even if you never make a dime for your effort, it's more worthy of your time than video gaming.
  6. Ysanne

    I agree on the others on your list but... Skyguard? Let me think... possible gameplay changes...

    1) OH my... I am more useless than a flash...
    2) No damage... no damage... no damage... wait, where is the Invulnerability bubble for deploying back to the inn/warpgate?
    3) Note to myself: Next time THINK before you buy anything.
    4) Now I am going to protect my tank buddies! From... birds I think... NO MORE pidgeon sh.. on their camo!
    5) Can I please have a cert? Just a single one, please?
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  7. Rak

    Max - AA - An upgrade vs air, downgrade vs everything else. The current aircraft heavy metagame does make it one of the more useful purchases you can make though.

    Liberator - Dalton - I do two things in this game, pilot Libs, and drive Sunderers. I have extensive experience with just about every possible setup a Liberator can have and I don't feel that any of the weapons are direct upgrades. They all excel in different situations, and don't do so well in others; perfect example of sidegrades IMO.

    Sunderer- As I said, one of the two things I do in this game is drive Sunderers, and if I want to go out killing tanks, the Bulldog is not in my Loadout. Basilisks(the default guns) are far better for that. I'll bring a single Bulldog if the fight is infantry heavy, but never two Bulldogs.

    Lightning - Skyguard - lol wat?

    Mosquito - Rockets and upgraded machine gun - I think these are the closest things in the game to being pay 2 win, but even these are easily counterable by skilled play
  8. Garantine

    Yes, you have enough perspective to realize that devoting times to video games is a waste, but not enough perspective to realize that your viewpoint on how people should spend their lives has absolutely no bearing on this situation. It's nothing but a petty insult that does nothing to further the discussion of whether or not this game is pay2win (which it isn't I'll add).

    You're not fooling anyone with your attempt to take the high road after punching someone below the belt.
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  9. TheFatKid

    So, if my name was cow****er you'd believe I ....
  10. Jestunhi

    Fine, then I declare that PS2 is not free to play until they cover the cost of my PC, electric, phone line & ISP

    Quick, lets sue them for falsely claiming the game is free!

    Now that I've made up my own definition of F2P I can prove myself right!
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  11. Steppa

    No. It would just be less ironic.
  12. Steppa

    It's not how I think someone should live their lives (your reading comprehension needs work). It's how their own future selves will think they should have lived their lives decades earlier when they were wasting their youth spending 4-6 hours per day...PER DAY... playing video games. You can judge the pettiness of it for yourself, but it's not an insult, merely an observation and, likely, an accurate one.

    I'm not attempting to fool anyone. If I were trying to do that, I would claim to respect your opinion. There's no attempt to take a high ground. I'm right down in the muck with the rest of you. I'm just not down in it for a fourth of the day every day. As far as punching someone below the belt...that only applies if you believe it hits too close to home.
  13. raw

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  14. Garantine

    Uhm. Not sure if srs. Likely troll. Will bite.

    So, it's not about how people should live their lives, yet the entire focus of your mini-rant is how people shouldn't spend their time playing video games, plus a little jab at my reading comprehension, rather than the topic of the thread. I'm sure that makes a ton of sense in your brain. Not so much anywhere else.

    You attempt (poorly) to insult my reading comprehension, and then end your paragraph by putting your hands up and acting like lecturing us about how I (and others) spend our time and insulting my intelligence are just completely innocent observations. Nothing wrong with calling someone a waste of life and an idiot. Thats just constructive criticism.

    I may play the game for 2-4 hours per day, sometimes more, but I know people that play this game for upwards of 8 hours in a given day. Do you know what I consider them? Friends. It's not my ******* concern how they spend their lives. I'm here to game and have fun, and so are they, that is about all I care about.

    On topic: The game isn't pay to win. Either spend some time (if you have enough interest) and cert what you want, or just get over yourself and spend a few bucks on the game rather than spending all of your time complaining on the forums. Everyone has just as much of an opportunity to make use of any item as the next person. Trial weapons, practice with vehicles, just play for the fun of it. Stop blaming the game for your lack of commitment or willingness to grind.
  15. Jestunhi

    An old man, looking back on his life filled with entertainment and joy from doing what he loved?

    Oh yeah, sounds like a major bummer.

    I bet those who work a 70 hour week in a job they hate will feel much better about how they spent their time...
  16. TheFatKid

  17. Auto_Bob

    Unless you playing air, you don't actually NEED any of the non starter guns. The default LA, HA medic, engineer, and infiltrator guns are perfectly capable of killing people. The class based cert only unlocks usually have more of an effect on things.
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  18. Garantine

    This. For the life of me I'm not sure why people are so eager to purchase their way out of their basic weapons for anything other than certain situations. Most of the weapons are side grades capable of performing better in specific encounters.

    For example I don't enjoy sniping, but I do enjoy lurking behind enemy lines hacking consoles and generally making things as hard as I can for the enemy, so I purchased my way out of the basic TR infil gun to acquire the mid-range fully automatic rifle because it is much more capable for CQC as an infil but virtually removes my capability to engage in long range combat. It is a give and take. I get more kills than I would if I had stuck with the basic rifle, but that is specifically because it suits my play style, not because the weapon itself is superior.
  19. SpartanZero

    Pay2Win is gear, equipment, premium options unavailable to a non-paying customer base, period. If you can unlock it in the game, it's not pay2win.
  20. jackrandom

    ROFL, you wish this game wasn't P2W. I have made over 3k+ certs since dbl xp started, I'd love to see one f2p player able to make 1k certs if that even...
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