Full patch notes up for GU4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MurderBunneh, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Marked4Death

    Also no mention of the VS auto shotgun inexplicably having one mag less than other factions since launch. Are they ever going to fix that?
  2. S1eB

    Are the second lot of Shotguns in this patch? I don't see anything in the Patch notes about them, just wondering because I thought it was said they were.
  3. Zakuak

    That's one heck of a list, lots of bits happening for this update!

    The vehicle EXP increase is massive.

    I'd hoped to see more new gear roll in on this one like the helmets but nothing so far.

    No mention of any bug fixes with regard to the "no damage" fun fest many have experienced. No optimizations noted either. I know they can't chuck everything into the oven at once so I'm not bent or going to b*tch about it. I'm sure they will roll out a hotfix at some point.

    Give me new items!!! haha
  4. TomaHawk

    Because I don't care to drive Mags or Vans. Not interested. And so I don't talk about what its like driving them.

    "negilible"? You cannot seem to spell the word correctly, yet you expect to convince me you understand its meaning.
  5. Vendettta

    More rocket launchers? Seriously? I think we have enough of those already.
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  6. PaladinZERO

    Lets see how long it takes for the following whines to fill the forums.

    "I was shooting at a Prowler and I was one hit from killing it, and it despawned!!!!" This isn't fair!!!! WWWAAAAA.
  7. LordMondando

    It's better, needs work though. They have omitted anything about the tower changes mentioned in the earlier Higby post, furthermore I see nothing bar UI optimizations about optmization and most of the bug fixes are fairly minor and despite statements about being their/nearly being their on the desync bug and low fps in vehicles bug their omissions is also deafening.
  8. CrashB111

    In his defense, getting direct hits is a little more difficult in the Prowler since you have to aim to the left or right of an infantry to actually direct hit them because the barrels are so far off center.
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  9. TomaHawk

    Uh, Vanu imo have the lowest infantry TTK than the NC when I face off with them. You guys have little to whine about (outside Mags).
  10. Kiekeboe

    Im waiting for this update to go live and we can look for ninja updates :rolleyes:
  11. Krayus_Korianis

    The cloak effect on low graphics settings will no longer make the infiltrator completely invisible.

    Sucks for infiltrators... Even on low settings you can see them... Wtf are they thinking? o_O
  12. LordMondando

    Ok great, but your never going to get a good feel for the relative balance of the MBT's or any weapons system in game, if you don't. Anyway you were the one who wanted to start brining up 'haz u drived prowlers'. Which I have, indeed, field tests are what brought me to this conclusion.

    So hurrah, your fears are allayed!

    Really the whole 'u no spell good, therefore you no think good' line? your clearly understood the useage of the term and disagree with it. So this entire new line of dimissial is rather moot to be blunt about it.

    To be presise though, im saying relatively (i.e not that it has no recoil) to the other MBT's and the fact that your capable of putting two shells down range in quick succsion, the recoil on the Prowlers stock HEAT gun is negible, that is to say, compartive to other weapons systems - not notable, insigificant or small.
  13. TheEvilBlight

    They should just give engys an ammo box AOE that resupplies everyone but themselves. Then we'll never run out of ammo...yay!
  14. Marked4Death

    On average VS have lower TTK's than NC at 10m, yes, but far higher TTK's at 100m, coupled with the least damage per mag and the fact that NC can "sidegrade" into guns with just as low TTK's at close range gives no reason for VS to simply be unable to kill as many foes before re-supplying as the other factions.
  15. TomaHawk

    I can agree with this. I also happen to hate TR rifles, running around in a shotgun and trying to stay out of open field engagements unless I am in a Prowler/Lightning. Maybe my compulsive shotgun habit keeps me from seeing any TR sidegrades into useful rifles, but since my current playstyle has experimented little into other weapons, I can't say. I stick with Eng and HA. But in CQ, I feel my shotgun is the only real competition. Perhaps others feel differently. I also hate scope + firing. I prefer just to hipfire. :) I am lazy.
  16. TomaHawk

    I didn't say you were 'no good' I simply stated if you want to convince me you get the meaning, I think it's a good idea to first spell the word correctly at least once. :) Especially when Chrome underlines the misspellings? Help me out here. And you did make some good points, which I agree with.

    When you often have to adjust aim on the 2nd round to land it, the recoil becomes something more than "negligible". I don't know how else to convey that. When a vehicle is in your face, I can see why you say it's negligible, as some part of the target is still within your line of fire. When you are at moderate to long distances, this no longer remains true. You have to adjust aim between shells if you want to land both, as the recoil takes your barrels outside the line of fire.
  17. LordMondando

    I'm not on chrome, nor with the ability to install it. Or any other webbrowser with a spell checker.

    As i've said, try out the other MBT's all guns, have to some extent recoil. However, relative to the other MBT guns, and indeed, Tank guns in general, the prowler HEAT (at least) is supsiringly low in terms of recoil.
  18. LameFox

    For instance flak, mines, and grenades miss constantly.

    They have up 'til now actually driven for a bit if you exited the vehicle holding the accel/reverse key. I don't think they'll lose all momentum, just that.
  19. Nickhead420

    First, it was "neglibible." Second, poor spelling is often tied to dyslexia, which has nothing to do with intelligence. Some of the greatest minds in the world are horrible spellers.

    Also, until just a few minutes ago, the official thread was titled "Server Downtine 03.13.2013" so should you not understand that as well?
  20. TomaHawk

    I can see how you could misconstrue my comment about your spelling, so I am sorry for that, but since I didn't mention anything about your intelligence, please don't assume that. I never said you were stupid or the like.

    And you lost me on the thread title. I never saw anything other than "...patch notes...". Relevance?