Balance changes needed, From a VS stand point

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Master, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Master

    TR wasn't nerfed....just scats against other max units and nerfing airhammer against ESFs. If anything I'm trying to get the weapons less "broad" and making them more specialized. Making it more specialized = a nerf in your eyes? cool...
  2. Master

    So does the scythe lvl 3 but reavers have 370 kph afterburn speed. NC reaver is the fastest aircraft in the game. Best afterburn speed, same crusing speed as a lvl 3 scythe and a stock mossy...i honestly do not know what the lvl 3 speed mossy is for cruising and afterburn.
  3. Master

    That's an interesting stand. The only thing though is that doesn't help out the ground vehicles but it will def. help out the air. Maybe have those limitations on A2AMs?
  4. Master

    AI max's are good for DEFENSIVE points. Using them as a defense usually means they are being used indoors and your waiting for enemies to come to you. NC max = best ai max bc of the fact of how max units are being generally used. Just roll an alt and attack an NC defended biolab. I kinda hate how the answer is always "range" yet if you wait for htem to come to you and if you have a sprint function, "range" doesn't really mean anything.