Balance changes needed, From a VS stand point

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Master, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Phazaar

    Didn't mean to miss this bit; forgot to paste it.

    I have a BR 70 NC, BR 35 TR and BR 30 VS. It's fair to say I play a lot, and i've spent a lot of hours on all factions. I've never once had a problem with NC MAXs. If they are present, I engage them in a way that removes their strengths.

    With a Dual Mercy MAX, I ensure I'm in a position more than 7 metres away. Preferably through a doorway. This way I can keep stepping out of frame, and back in whilst they reload when I don't have to. If they choose to sprint, I have teammates outside who will insta-kill them, normally with mines or C4.

    If possible, I flank and C4 as a LA; it's an easy one hit kill. Autoshotgun works damned well too. If it's not possible, I organise with my outfit/platoon/squad a 'clearing' action. This involves nadespam, abusing the invulnerability period on rezzed MAXs to get them to empty their clips before running in as a light assault, special nades (these really are the key) and even smoke launchers. If we've got our good players online, we normally succeed in doing this with less than 2:1 people, and barely any casualties.

    The best prevention is to stop them getting there though. They cannot pass through a biolab without having to go into the corridors which all have at least 15m average range of engagement. This means our MAXs destroy them, and our infantry even get in some kill shots.
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  2. Xasapis

    When you see a population drop of 15%+ across the board on all servers, would you touch the weapons or introduce anything but buffs on that faction? If your answer is yes, you're the one in denial.
  3. Xasapis

    Bullet drop is so irrelevant it makes no difference if they added in the VS weapons or not (damage degradation is pretty much irrelevant as it is right now as well). COF is what matters when you try to hit something at a distance and there's where NC weapons at the right hands are the best in game.
  4. CraftKing

    just because you are suffering a population crisis, you think your faction is hardcore now? you make me laugh.

    I play NC ever since I play PS2 which has the longest L2P process compare to other factions. yes i've tried other faction weapons as well, even my little brother. he specially liked VS coz he said it's so easy to kill with them. i like them as well, i laugh everytime i shoot. i may sound crazy, but i really did. VS weapon's fault! VS and TR weapon are easy mode, less L2P process.

    also, i think the only issue/whine about was the mag. can't you vs use your two feet and run & shoot for a change? or fly your amazing easy to use scythe?

    whining about our maxes? ~ it's only have great advantage to some situations. not all the time. our only pride when it comes to infantry and it's limited to CQC.

    before, on most servers, nc has the lowest pop. w/o scatmax, we cant probably even defend a biolab from zergz leading us powerless in ALL situations/territories.

    about our airhammer? like the previous commenter said, it requires a good Reaver pilot to use it to its full potential. nothing compare to other faction's ESF which is easy mode. easy to learn, less L2P process.
  5. CraftKing

    but NC have the highest recoil i think. and most of the time, VS are the ones sniping with their non-sniper rifle.
  6. Xasapis

    If you noticed my posts, I haven't commented on anything specific regarding factions. All I have commended was the general trend. If there was a trend to join VS at some point because they were easier and more powerful, this is now gone, because the easy and powerful is now gone as well. The people who wanted easy and powerful left the VS. It is not my problem if you still think you're the underdog. The reality of the game NOW clearly shows who the underdog is. With the next content patch and balance update SOE may shuffle the balance of powers of course. Still, right now, anyone who wants to challenge themselves play VS.
  7. Xasapis

    The problem with COF is that it's a hardcoded weakeness of the gun that you can't do anything as a player to compensate. Your aim may be perfect, but you'll still miss, because the bullets just go randomly around the point you aimed. VS have the worst COF of all guns. Yes, the guns with lower recoil are easier to get used to, but once you gain some experience, no matter how good you become, you'll still miss, because they guns are made that way.

    You can compensate for higher recoil, you can't compensate for higher COF.
  8. Bambolero

    Yes I would and so will SoE.
    Catering to whiny spoiled kids isn't gonna help the game in any way.
    Besides, VS as a faction is much better off without those quitters that jumped ship at the first sign of balance.
    Balance patches only gonna weed out the FOTM kids and will refresh VS.
    The problem is, many of them will probably reroll TR, if not already.
    I do notice a TR pop jump on some servers heh.
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  9. NoctD

    Its NC that is still the supreme underdog in the game. Reavers are still stupid broken, meaning air superiority is quite impossible to achieve unless you have huge numbers of NC... the Vanguard is a lumbersome beast, and if you're stupid to sit still in a Mag vs. a Vanny then you deserver to get killed. Without the NC MAX, NC wouldn't have a standing chance at infantry battles because the HA is totally quite useless at close range... nothing the NC HA can field can compared to the T9 CARV/Orion.

    It just shows which faction had the most scrubs ie. those who wanted easy mode gameplay!
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  10. Xasapis

    Well, on my server 10% of those "scrubs" who left the VS joined TR and the other 5% the NC. NC consistently outperform the TR, but this may be due to better organization as well.

    NC were the underdog. The 4th faction don't move towards the underdog, but the other way.
  11. Xasapis

    You'd risk bringing a bigger population imbalance by introducing changes that favors the current FOTM sides? I very much doubt it.

    On the contrary, expect some serious VS buffs to start countering the migration wave.
  12. xen3000

    Likely the new warpgate position and the balancing of the Magrider, nothing more...
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  13. Xasapis

    The reasons for a faction to be considered underpowered may be unreasonable or not backed by game data. It is however enough for some people to jump ship, or for others to complain about problems, often imaginary.

    The reasons in the end are not important. The end result is what matters and whether we strive to have three balanced factions.

    It will certainly be extremely interesting to see updated stats on the state of armored combat and how much SOE achieved their goal of pulling people away from infantry farming and towards armored columns combat.
  14. CraftKing

    because these underdogs play hardcore. and those 4th faction are wrong thinking we have OP (and maybe easy) weaponry. we might have made it look easy to them.

    on another note, maybe because of the "cries" that made NC looks OP. I dunno. But saying NC is easy, ... ... ... it's easy for me now. But i will do better at other factions.

    My point is, the fact that VS getting pop crisis is something we cant definitely answer. unless God tell us what happened. maybe this issue will only last for some time. not permanent, maybe they will go back to VS faction.
  15. Bambolero

    Oh I'm willing to make a bet on this.
    We probably can't manage it here on forums so let's just agree to necro this thread after the gun revision patch (expected in march).
    One of us will be saying "I told you so" to the other...
  16. Timeraider

    Stay outside of the 10m range, obliterate the scatmax with your longrange plasma bolts.. DONE

    tbh, ive played all 3 empires for quite a bit now and one of my least balance issues is the scatmax. Just as supposed to all empires people are good at something else. Sure, you have the idiots running into shotgun range at the NC maxes, but as VS maxsuit ive obliterated NC maxes by shooting plasmabolts, as TR ive reduced them to rubble from distance using the Mercy's and even as infiltrator at all empires ive laughed at MAX suits, simply using hit-and-run to easily get them down 1v1.

    Tbh.. if i would be forced to point out any MAJOR balance issues, i would not be able to.
    Sure, as NC i could rant about VS having no bulletdrop and how OP they are being able to snipe with a freaking LMG ... but why would i? i know VS has no bulletdrop because it is VS... well.. NC has something else (aside from massive recoil and low rate of fire XD just kidding) and so have the TR.
    Instead of commenting on what other people have, try to find a counter for it. And if you cant.... i hear Hello Kitty Online still exsists

    (not just meant for this post, but for whiners in general)
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  17. NoctD

    Indeed the stats will be interesting to see - but if there's one thing I've noticed, its like Vanu has almost totally given up on Mags and written them off without even really trying. The Mag-spam seems to be a thing of the past. TR still roll with a lot of air same as they always used to do. Vanu seem to have moved towards Scythe/Lib/Galaxy type advances much more now.
  18. Xasapis

    Well, its been now, what, two weeks since content patch? For now the VS keep losing players, just at a slower rate. My server (Miller) has lost 18% of their VS base so far and this is a server where all the factions were pretty much equal in numbers (with 3% less NC and 3% more TR)
  19. Xasapis

    I don't know why others don't pull tanks. Personally I find myself rarely have any kind of armor combat and usually die to infantry hitting from afar. Which is an exercise in frustration, if you are actually looking forward to go armor vs armor. The current buff to lock on missiles made HE turrets a necessity for non prowlers.
  20. CraftKing

    well all i can say to you. don't loose hope. from my side of experience, i didn't even think we will have a sudden rise of pop. i was thinking the same thing before of how unloved we were and so lots of players dont play NC. but time may change. and so my point is, again, dont loose hope. and im sure sooner or later VS pop will go back up.