[Suggestion] Add dumbfire mode to phoenix

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. Rostklump

    Not quite, the phoenix does 750 damage the decimator does 1335 damage which is nearly twich the damage.
    Phoenix has 5 extra rocktes compared to 4 for the decimator so yes one more rextra rocket but with an engi nearby a moot point.
    If you look at damage before needing to find more ammo the phoenix has 750*6=4500 damage wheras the decimator has 1335x5=6675.

    Giving the phoenix dumbfire might very well make it op but to claim it hits like decimator is simple false unless all tanks have much less damage resistance against the phoenix but nothing i have seen in game suggest this to be the case.
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  2. Bape

    So what about the new striker coming? a coyote with lock on and dumbfire doesn't that basically changes balance?
  3. Revanmug

    That's the infantry damage. The phoenix does decimator level of damage against vehicle and default RL damage vs Aircraft.

    At the end, a phoenic dumbfire mode would be entirely useless. Did you forget that this POS is moving at an amazing 42 m/s (when guiding, velocity goes down the drain when not guiding)? Close to 3 time slower than the default RL. Almost every vehicle can outrun it and it's useless against infantry.

    So, why would you want to dumbfire it?
  4. Flashtirade

    I would rather just have it reload after firing instead of waiting for the missile to disappear and then doing it.
    Or speeding up the missile so that that sustained DPS goes up but accuracy goes down. The reload animation is pretty sweet, but I pay so much in damage output to see it that the weapon isn't that useful.
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  5. Pikachu

    There still are people who thinks the listed damage is against vehicles? o_O You really think its only 750 and that decimator was suddenly nerfed from2000 to 1300? There's modifiers for all weapons that can hurt vehicles. The damage listed is against infantry, the base which is then multiplied agaist other targets.
  6. TheKhopesh

    It actually could use it.

    I've found myself in plenty situations where I was cut off from my firing position by a Max Suit and having that delay with ADS and having to sit still when it's fired is a death sentence against a max.

    All I want though is the ability to fire outside of ADS, it doesn't have to fly straight or fast.
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  7. Bape

    I edited it out when I saw it was infantry damage I do not really pay attention to rocket damage since I rarely use HA.
  8. Pikachu

    For the occasional close encounter with vehicle. There are times when it would be good. Yes the missile is slow as butt, unless you get the lag-caused bug which makes it accelerate.
  9. TheKhopesh


    It needs an ESF's afterburner so it can sustain DPS at range.
    (This would cut down on flight time as well, which would cut the total time between shots -the total reload time can be up to a whopping +12.2 seconds between each shot if you add the flight time plus reload time- and that would mostly fix the reload speed issue as well.)
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  10. Revanmug

    There are 0 time where it would be good. Default and Deci are flat out better on every occassion.

    And if you are close to a vehicle, firing/exit vehicle works for those "knife range" situation.
  11. Rostklump

    Never been one to worry about stats etc i just use them and see if they work for me in game since not all stats are in the game anyway so trying them is the only true way to see how actually work.

    Would be interesting why a anti-vehicle weapon list only anti-infantry damage in game, both is the only sensible thing to have and if listing only one the anti-vehicle damage would be the one to list for anti-vehicle weapons.
    Guess i should not be surprised since non soe sites give you better info about weapon stats etc.
  12. Pikachu

    There are different modifiers for different vehicles. It would need to show a whole list.
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  13. Oberlion

    make phoenix rocket shotgun
  14. axiom537

    Well if you knew how the Phoenix worked you would understand that it does not have a dumb fire option, because once the user exits camera mode the rocket dives to the ground.

    Some would like for a faster reload speed or better yet for the Phoenix to reload while the missile is in flight and I would be ok with that instead of a dumbfire, since the DPS on the Phoienix is so low it is really good at two things killing mana turrets and getting last hits on smoking vehicles. Ideally I would rather have a dumb fire mode, then the Phoenix would be more versatile and not simple a weapon that is used from the spawn room and we might see NC using them in more situations.

    No semi decent player has an issue standing out in the open and firing rockets or other weapons, TR will simply ADA, just like users of the lancer do, and every other player does when they find themselves out in the open. The Striker with its dumbfire mode is going to be much more versatile, usable both indoors and outdoors and it will a no-aim auto-lock on Air vehicles, so forgive me if I find your tears laughable.

    The striker needed to be changed and I am glad it is going the path of the coyote rocket, I have been suggesting that change for months. But at the same time the Phoenix is also in need of some tweaks, because while firing from cover is novel, the limit speed,range, poor maneuverability make it an extremely situational weapon and rarely used other then from spawn rooms because no NC worth his salt would want to be caught in the open or indoors using the phoenix.
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  15. Ronin Oni

    Nemesis already has dumbfire...

    just fire before the lock.... o_O
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  16. Keiichi58

    Last I checked... The Empire Specific AV/AA launchers can Dumbfire without a lockon... The Annihilator and the Striker are currently the only ones that cannot fire without a lockon. The phoenix cannot be 'snapshot', you have to use the 'look down scope' to be able to fire it, even at short range.
  17. Champagon

    I understand my mistake, please relax on jumping on me for it. Thank you.
  18. Frosty The Pyro

    Thats a complete rework of the launcher, which is what it needs, my understanding is it wont have lock on at all, and simply use coyote mechanics, which for all game purposes is the same as flack mechanics (except posibly for the interaction with flares). It is most likely going to have its damage reworked, and it will definatly have its splash reworked. The striker isnt going through a tweek, its going through a radical overhaul and whats comming out the other end is going to be a fully different weapon (such as when the enforcer was changed from on a 1 shot halberd clone to its current multi shot sustained fire weapon)

    Sometimes I wonder about people. Tanks (MBTs and lightnings) have -195% resistant to pheonix and -50% to decimator
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  19. Ronin Oni

    Maybe you're thinking Annihilator, but that's its downside for having lockon for both air and armor, otherwise it'd be a pure upgrade over ES single target lockons (negligible damage difference really)
  20. Goretzu

    I agree after a fashion, but the problem is the Lancer and now (especially) Striker are going to be pretty flexible weapons, where as the Phoenix is going to still be massively restrictive.

    I'm not entirely sure the Pheonix should be able to dumbfire exactly like it can now fire (there may need to be some sort of secondary mode), but the way the Striker certainly is heading is for an all-in-one RL system that can target and fire at almost anything and of course dumbfire at anything.

    This is more than a little worrying in general balance terms (it is going to be hard to balance without going back to the Striker>all days), but also against the other ESRLs and especially the Pheonix.
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