About the new MAX AV nerf...

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by MaCritz, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. toxs

    I abuse the ravens too much against snipers. I am happy flak is getting a buff and max av weapons are getting a nerf.
  2. Redzy

    Haha, what??? MAXes are so abused in the servers I play in it's not even funny. The resource cost increase only made it harder for the defenders. We all know that a MAX crash is the single easiest way to capture or defend a facility and that normal infantry cannot substitute the sheer power and bulk of a MAX in a group setting.

    Of course if there is no engineer sticking together with you, you will deserve death when you face several enemies that are determined to take you down. Heavy Assault and even Medic (with the right specs) are far better solo classes than MAX.

    If anything, they should limit MAXes to a given percentage of population in the continent. It's clear many people don't have a clue how to use it.
  3. Pikachu

    All other big weapons should get nerf as well then? No more one shot rockets like halberd or decimator and no more one shot shells like dalton or titan AP. If we're gonna apply this kind of magic then do it consistently.

    It's interesting how much people ask for MAX AV weapon nerf against infantry but everyone keeps asking for enforcer and saron to get their one shot ability back, even though in their case it does make a big difference since it makes the AI weapons even more obsolete.
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  4. Snoozzzer

    Buff flak armor against direct hits from MAX AV weapons, buff explosive radius / damage for all explosive weapons, done.

    Suddenly we'll have to choose between dying really quickly to these weapons, or dying slightly more quickly to bullets and regular lasers.
  5. MrK

    Bury the class? It's the one which is used by any serious outfit when you need some punch, to the point it's becoming overabundant and the de facto tactic used for pushes, nothing else is used.

    And PS2 is about real life since when? It's a matter of gameplay.

    How long is infil supposed to live in the middle of tanks?
    And I'm not even talking about REMOVING any AI power from a AV MAX, I'm talking about removing INSTANT INFANTRY KILL power from AV MAX (and also from any HA stupid enough to be caught pants down by infantry with a rocket launcher in the hands).

    There's a liiiiiiitle difference between being powerless and having instant kill power, you know?
  6. Liewec123

    obviously! because things that can kill tanks obviously shouldn't be able to kill a dude!
    simply logic ofcourse!
  7. DeadliestMoon

    You know, the original post begs the question, why don't people just run with one AI weapon and one AV weapon if they're so concerned?
  8. Neurotoxin

    The fact that MAX AV is already incomparable to infantry AV in terms of punch and stopping power in a short encounter should be enough reason to keep it how it is.

    So 1 resource-free decimator or 1 C4 can take out a ZOE, but a ZOE with dual Comets can't take out that same infantry with nearly the same precision and speed?
  9. DeadliestMoon

    Well that's the thing, you shouldn't be actively trying to take out Infantry with AV weapons.
  10. ItsJustDash

    Yes, tell that to the two shotguns on my arms when we are fighting across a field.
  11. Pikachu

    About comets again, I found a clip of pre-GU7 version. 1 shot in magazine and 550 damage, 2 shots kill, with velocity of 60.
    An interesting thing I saw was that it took 5 (almost 4) shots to kill a MAX. These comets have 550 damage so 550*5=2750 which is apparently what it took back then. Current comets take 8 shots with their 475 damage and the sum is 475*8=3800. Quite a lot more than 2750. The conclusion is that MAXes didn't have as much protection against MAX AV weapons back then as they have now, which has been my theory. I'm sure it didn't take 5 falcon shells to kill back then as it does now.
  12. DeadliestMoon

    MAXs out doors.............switch to HA.
  13. ItsJustDash

    Tell that to the 350 resources just used. :)
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  14. DeadliestMoon

    You'll get it back, it's not like they're gone forever.
  15. ItsJustDash

  16. DeadliestMoon

    Lol. If it's that big a deal then why not just have one AI and one AV weapon instead of having both arms one type?
  17. MaCritz

    Well, that's the thing, as AV maxes, we don't actively search for infantries to kill... 99% of the time, we use the AV loadout because we have no choice.. The other 1% is because we are just crazy but it's still not practical.. People saying that AV weapons are more efficient than AI are just dead wrong.. Even when you look at players who spent A LOT of time being a MAX, they don't really score a lot of kills with AV weapons.. They may have auraxium medals for 5 AI weapons but the AV weapons scored a combined kill of 400 plus.. How is it more efficient?? It's just deadly enough but NOT OP!!!
  18. DeadliestMoon

    I'm not saying anything is OP. But I gotta ask, why is it that no one just use both an AI weapon and an AV weapon? It's not that hard of a concept.
  19. MaCritz

    Because being a versatile max is not a really good idea, especially when situations change so quickly in battle.. You may have to deal with Scat maxes or dual wielding AV maxes that would do so much more DPS than a versatile Max.. I haven't even mention the HAs and C4s that does way more damage, and since AV weapons are to be nerfed against infantries, a versatile Max wouldn't be effective enough... You only have one arm that does the AI work.. Someone even told me that T9 carvs dishes out more DPS than most AI weapons (not including NC's)... The more you play you play as a versatile max, the more you'll be wondering why the hell aren't you wielding dual AIs or AVs..

    The only reason why I chose to pull out dual AV weapons in Biolabs or towers is to counter Maxes and there are Maxes, there are definitely infantries nearby... It isn't my fault that infantries don't advantage of the fact there is a friendly Max around and use it as a bullet sponge and flank me or at least not being in my line of sight... My main focus would be on the Max.. I mean, what am I supposed to do when an infantry charges at me? Give him a hug? I shoot him a course.. If it were a well placed shot, he would die instantly.. My fault?? And that's only if it's a well placed shot.. There's always a chance for a misfire.. By then, the HA would have all the time in the world to hit with rockets..

    But, now I would settle for a small Comet nerf + buffs to other AV weapons while buffing the Flak armor.. Is this proposal totally one sided?? Come on, people.. I'm trying to be fair here...
  20. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    A small Comet nerf means you can't oneshot Infantry without ZOE anymore, but still with it. Because you totally don't need that 25% damage buff, just 10% will probably suffice, and none at all against Infiltrators.
    The other way around would make a lot more sense.
    As the notion to use an AV and an AI weapon:
    That was a decent combo with the OLD comets because you could get out a nice alpha and finish with 2-3 bullets.
    Nowadays.... well, let's see:
    You got less AI than a Heavy.
    You have barely more AT than a heavy, but you need to expose yourself, while the heavy can pop up and shoot.
    You pay 350 resources.

    Doesn't really seem like a fair deal, you're not mure more survivable against tanks, takes just one shot more.
    You still die to C4 or Decimators.
    You survive an Infantry engagement at short-mid range, but what the hell did you just pay 350 resources for?
    Couldn't you just buy a Tank?