Vanu bias confirmed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by raffa2, Aug 20, 2018.

  1. Demigan

    I'll just respond to this because the rest is just as bad and you are basically trolling:
    I dont claim you dont know what weapon he was talking about (but it would be the truth) but you yourself professed that you didnt know ("whatever the best weapon for newbies is").

    I can then claim that it's common knowledge since it is and point this out to you.
  2. Rydenan

    No, UA is a bodyshot ammo. It increases the bullet's hitbox, meaning it essentially increases all of the enemy's hitboxes: head, body, and feet. However, since it now only does 1.2x HS damage, you want to aim for center mass, always. With this 'safe' aiming position plus the increased hitboxes of the UA bullets, you're pretty much guaranteed a consistent kill, which is far more important when ambushing than an ultra-fast TTK like when you're face-to-face with an opponent.

    The Canis starts at 167 dmg @ 550 rpm. There are some (very good) guns where 167@550 is their maximum damage profile. For instance, the Razor, which many argue is NC's best carbine. So your argument that you need to wait for the Canis to spin up to an even faster-firing damage model before it's effective is flawed.

    If you're looking to run in and clear rooms, no SMG is the correct choice. However, I'd argue that Canis may be the best room-clearing SMG in the game. This is because, when clearing a room, what matters a whole lot more than minor differences in your DPS is how much damage you can put out before having to reload. Looking at the damage-per-mag of SMGs:

    Armistice: 3750
    NS-7 PDW w/ ext. mags: 5000
    Eridani w/ ext. mags: 5005
    Jackal: 5010
    Cyclone w/ ext. mags: 5845
    Blitz/Sirius: 6250
    Canis: 6680
    Hailstorm: 7500

    Only the (god-awful) Hailstorm has more raw damage per magazine. But if you're using UE, Canis pretty much guarantees you'll hit more of your shots, raising your effective damage-per-magazine. Let's say UE raises your average accuracy by a modest 5%, from 25% to 30%. This means you're effectively getting 20% more applied damage per magazine. The Hailstorm's mag is only 12% bigger than the Canis', so you'd be applying more damage per mag with the Canis than you would be with the Hailstorm.
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  3. AISkander

    Poor NCs, they are so brokenly overpowered they try to get the attention somewhere else
  4. pnkdth

    Not what I meant. I'm not saying the Canis shouldn't have been nerfed or disputing the facts it over-performed.

    The point is, despite the Canis data having to drop down from its initial spike the Gladius still preform better according to Dasanfall on A.KPH and A.KDR. The implication of this is even without the headstart and boost in performance data the Gladius still has better numbers. Not by much and this does not mean it is OP. Just those are the numbers and the Gladius is performing very well.
  5. Pacster3

    You know that an increase from 25 to 30 percent in accuracy is not modest? That is a darn lot...
  6. Rydenan

    Back when the Canis was released (when we can assume most people were using UA) Canis' average user accuracy was 34%.
    So really, I was being generous assuming only 30%.

    I also notice in the linked thread that you vehemently defended the launch-state Canis. :rolleyes:
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  7. Pacster3

    Amd you know what? I still would. I played like an hour with the Canis back then and I can say I HATED it. It somehow got much better after the nerf for me...maybe I just had a bad hour back then but it was really crap in my book. People made it sound like you can auto-kill with that gun...but that's forumside. You can see it again with the starfall right now. People freak out and in the end the toy is not good enough to really become a serious issue in the meta.
    Fact is if the Canis was that OP back then and now is behind or on paar with the other guns then it means that it is UP right now(elseway the average stats would not be down that much by now)...still people claim that unstable ammo is OP(increasing accuracy by 5% or more). Forumside again.
  8. Campagne

    "If a VS weapon is on par with an NC or TR weapon then it is underpowered." --Pacster, 2018.
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  9. LordKrelas

    A tactical-tool providing options not matched by any weapon vs a basic-weapon with near identical stats, and a burst-fire mode.

    Your VS, compared the two.
    And I don't see any VS, talking about he shouldn't be comparing a Harasser & Flash , for equal firepower as a good-thing, on an ES weapon.
    Nor saying having the only gun, on a flash, equal to a Harasser, as an Empire-specific isn't incredibly a bad sign.
    Instead, it's a complaint about how it also doesn't shred infantry rapidly, in addition to melting tanks.

    Considering that VS, has had the most OP toys on launch, has repeatedly gained said OP toys, have the most AOE Spam weapons, and have the highest scoring directive weapons, in addition to farming weapons..
    And while having the least population have bested both TR & NC since Launch day, for Alerts, and even have killed enough Vanguards & Prowlers from day 1, to have their fewer tanks, be rivaling these two tanks in MBT kills.

    Whenever all 3 sides get adjusted equally, a VS thread here, is started about 'how devs are patching VS out'
    Canis UA, VS defended having an enlarged-head for their enemies.
    VS declares Scatmax op, in the same day as declaring they need hitscan Sniper rifles -- with no negative VS comments about the hitscan, but straight attacking every NC that dares comment on either.
    We have VS saying the Magrider should have a cloaking field, to the NC shield have a % chance to randomly fail mid-use.

    The beetle, is complained about, as of the 3 equally gated LMG's, it scores the highest.
    We have a Directive LMG for each side;
    Equally locked out, but VS"s scores higher than even TR's, whom is the same type of weapon.
    NC's, is at least, a longer-ranged weapon, not designed for the same fights as the Beetle or butcher.
    But the Butcher is... and it loses by like 2\3rds to the Beetle; That's not an idle problem, that's a drastic difference.

    Considering how the NC's Scatmax is considered OP, as a big bad villain by VS, and how it dominates the sole important factor in this game, being cap-points..
    How is NC, whom has this Max, been the side losing the most alerts since day 1, when having the apparently purpose-built Max?
    How about the Vanguard? Facing the original Prowlers & Magriders, with a vastly better shield.
    From then, to Today, VS has achieved equal or better MBT Kills as the Vanguard.
    The MBT, with an entire ability focused on survival, and claimed to be OP in general, instead of situationally.

    Considering how VS, has for years, claimed to the Best Gods-among-men to explain how they have won constantly from day 1, with acclaimed inferior gear, to the most complaints about anything touching their gear...
    Like ZOE; Overnerfed yes, But consider what it was doing.
    We still have the Saron, we have numerous VS weapons, achieving grand results,

    The damn Canis releases with a built-in head-enlarger , and VS declares this Underpowered, while accusing a hip-fire incapable SMG of the best hipfire capability.
    The Anchor, is acclaimed an NC OP weapon; VS gets an Anchor with a larger magazine, and suddenly it's ****.
    NC gains a lower-velocity VS gun, that suddenly is OP.

    Like have you seen, the Arguments that VS brings up?
    Hell, have you seen yours?
    You mention the Beetle is gated as a counter-argument, when every comparison to it, has been about the equally restricted weapons, that are ES, for the other sides.
    It's akin to saying a conversation about 1 Restricted Pie vs 2 Restricted other Pies, is about 1 Pie vs 2 Random Pies.
    Which is to attempt a deflect, with literal ********.

    VS, has had the least people, but has the easiest to use weapons, has had the longest list of OP tools, VS even has the largest win streak from game start.
    VS on this forum, will shift blame & accuse NC of being OP, whom has the largest losing streak, and is commonly farmed hard on quite a few servers.
    The one server that NC wins on, that keeps being brought up, is also the server where NC is the overpop; hard overpop.
    The servers with VS is the least, or average, still win a majority; When VS has the most, it's a damn landslide.

    Have you see any VS actually declare having a Flash-weapon, being compared to a Haraasser in a good-light, as negative?
    Have you ever seen, the sheer number of threads of VS buffs, that involve hitscan, cloaking, shielding, and more, that are defended to the death -- while bashing NC for changing a starter-LMG?

    NC requests a change to the starter LMG; VS appears to bash it down.
    VS requests hitscan sniper rifles; VS responses bash anyone who disagrees.

    It's pretty close to the damn G2A vs A2G, where an entire circle of Pilots try to con people into being free ESF kills.
  10. Rydenan


    I have no response, I think that really says it all.
  11. Demigan

    It's not setting it on fire yet, because it's currently gated behind an event rather than certs. It's unfair to compare a weapon that still has relatively low amount of using members and say "its not getting as many kills as weapons that see thousands of users a day". Well duh. Even so it doesn't matter if it isn't setting it on fire or not, if it's OP then it should be changed. Considering it busts the Fury in each and every metric and the Fury is already borderline of what you should be expecting on a Wraith Flash it should be changed.

    Thank you for confirming that you based all your claims on your biased experience and not a single shred of proof! How can you make your claims if you haven't got any idea how they actually perform?

    Also I already did look up those stats, so I already know how much you base on bias alone. I used to waste time looking up all those stats and putting them on these forums, but similar as happened in the Starfall threads when I came with a definitive answer that oh yes the Starfall is OP then people either ignore it, nitpick or change their rhetoric from "it's not OP" to "but you have OP stuff as well" or similar.

    It's far better to have you find out for yourself that the thing is OP, as experience tells me that usually ends the senseless claims for a while. Go look for yourself, check it.
  12. AlcyoneSerene

    Release-day OP Canis with unstable ammo was game-breakingly OP. I can't imagine anyone defending such a broken weapon, much less how it could have ever made it live.

    Am working on auraxium'ing the Meow, and without unstable ammo I'm already hating the weapon for its slow bullet velocities, high first shot recoil, angled firing pattern, low mag capacity, and poor accuracy - these guns make that attachment necessary, another reason why unstable ammo should be scraped altogether and the guns reworked.

    I hope to never see unstable ammo on another gun ever again it's such an irritating mechanic.
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  13. pnkdth

    Why is it VS is portrayed as winning significantly more alerts when out of 43.000+ alerts they have only won 1000 more than TR? I mean, on 4/7 servers TR wins more alerts than VS. The anomaly is NC and their poor alert performance.

    This is plain false. TR ruled the farm factory with their Prowlers. The HESH spam today is nothing in comparison. VS had their PPA and Lasher, though the former got nerfed and the latter has never been a good weapon.

    Note the date... This went on during beta and went on for 1.5 years. If this isn't enough, check out Buzzcut's Prowler farm series on YT. At this time tank shells were more lethal and had bigger splash radius. NC had nothing on this, VS could sort of emulate it but not nearly as well. The tipping point was LOLpods which REALLY put the LOL in the pods at this time. Not the weak crap that's on live now. The farm was real and one of the reasons why vehicles in PS2 received so much hate.

    And you know why VS pull less MBTs. Known for having a strong secondary with a more meh primary leads to more 2/2 and not because VS have the best selection of tank crews but because VS players know the 2nd weapon is powerful thus are more likely to hop in one. No "VS are pro MLG bros"-explanation needed, just powerful 2nd gun = incentive to crew it.

    But to get back on my initial point, there really makes no sense at all to go after just VS when it come to alert performance. Especially since population has had little impact on alerts until it reached critically low levels. The notion VS has been this persistent boogeyman with OP toys from the start is just not true. Though they did get a lot of hate for their 0.75x ADS movement on the Orion and the second they got that nerf through the narrative immediately shifted to something else. Then it was a nerf no one asked for, apparently, despite the forums blowing up like a Christmas tree over it.

    NC HA start out with a specialised weapon which for a long time required 300 certs to become a good weapon. They had a tank which needed thousands of certs for it to become what it should be. Their tank has low DPS and with heavy damage + long reloads it became vulnerable against other MBTs (especially up close) unless they had their shield and then it made the Vanguard feel like a cheap way to win an engagement. A really ****** recipe for both the NC player and whoever attacks it. More than anything though I think the biggest reason is not starting out with a weapon in the same class the Orion/CARV which both are excellent close-mid range options but for some reason NC get a weapon designed for "high aim" players. Then, out of nowhere, the MAX charge got removed which was the saving grace and gap-closer NC MAX units needed.

    Why nothing was done about this years ago boggles the mind.
  14. Pacster3

    Bo but: "The average between 4 and 2 is 2"-Campagne 2018. Statistics for not so smart people...
  15. Campagne

    Hey now, I didn't put words in your mouth. :p
  16. UrielSeptimIV

    Yeah, show us some pre-CAI prowler in action to make your point on the current balance.

    Update: I can`t read
  17. pnkdth

    I'm not... I am responding to someone who said VS was OP at launch. Try reading, it helps.

    EDIT: <3
  18. Pacster3

    If you didn't then I didn't either...
  19. Campagne

    Only one of us has the quoted reference material, and it ain't you. ;)
  20. LodeTria

    No-one argues that because the GD-7F is the best carbine for NC, not the Razor.