Mouse and keyboard Vs Controller on Ps4 opinions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Believesps4, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. Dirge

    You're ignorant.

    We have already established that relaaa is not aimbotting, or cheating in any way.
  2. Eskel3

    I honestly don't care if people use it anymore , it's just a game. They can zhit talk all they want but they still ain't zhit
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  3. Cyrax Servius

    Wait a minute, did all the mortal ps4 enemies just stick up for each other?

  4. TeknoBug

    That's not aimbotting.
  5. Saokeh

    All it takes is one person who is good with m & k to shine. The reason why it's such a big deal on console is that ttk is drastically lower with a mouse.

    Theres few people on console that can pull a 30+% hsr with all guns. Its a lot more commonplace on PC. I enjoy mouse due only to the sheer lopsided accuracy stats you can achieve. But controller seems to be a bit more competitive.

    Unless its built into the game to support m & k it should be considered a tamper. Aim assist should never ever be combined with a mouse. I can't think of any mainstream platform shooters that do it. Why should planetside?

    Ps. I know 100% 2 people that use m & k. I tend to belittle them for doing so but it's clearly one sided when they fight others.
  6. Eyeklops

    I edited that post after some quick research but before I saw your reply. However, I still stand by the statement that Relaaa is in no way representative of even above average KB&M play.
  7. XanIves

    Oh my god, I almost dribbled coke all over my keyboard when I read this. Good VANU Taemian, you sure ain't afraid to get in the mud when people start slingin'.

    And for my favorite meme:
  8. Dirge

    Agreed. But neither is the vid natty posted of the console dude.
  9. Bassmeant1

    f you ****

    you bring up real guns in a game forum?
    yeah, you injected humor alright.

    laughing at you and your "real guns" bull$hit.

    go back to cod, nerd.
  10. stalkish

    Can i ask you a quick question, no offense meant.

    Does your girlfriend share your enthusiasm for 'hardcore' gaming?
  11. DirkGently

    This thread has drawn the PS4 players who helped close the PS4 forums. So congrats on that.

    MnK or controller on PS4 -- If you suck with a controller, you'll suck with mnk. Btw, there's an official/Sony licensed keyboard/mouse that works on PS2. Use it or don't use it. It's not cheating.
    I play a lot of 1st person shooters on ps4, and the PS4/PS2 community is the only one who whines about MnK.

    As long as you're not a *****, use a mnk if you feel like it. Or don't. Your choice.
  12. Dirge

    Nope. You're entirely wrong. Everything you just said is ignorant drivel.

    This stinks of MNK justifying whining. You use?
  13. Insignus

    I miss the good old days, when we didn't have these discussions that pointlessly divide us.

    I mean, we should go back to the days when PC gamers argued amongst themselves as to whether or not trackballs were HERESY!

    Its a silly argument we're having here. Stop making fun of console players for having to play complicated games with what amounts to two plastic sticks that will invariably destroy their thumb joints at a dramatically accelerated rate.

    We should be more angry about the question of which format determines control mapping and design in games:

    Is it more appropriate for games to be designed to be ported to Mouse and Keyboard, or designed for mouse and keyboard, and then ported to controllers?

    I would argue that the latter is more appropriate, regardless of the trends in gaming. When you port a game to console, you can generally alter the games interfaces to suit the console. When you port a game from the console, the controls and menus are invariably F-ed up, usually in comical, game breaking ways.

    But to answer your question: Mouse and Keyboard is superior, and always will be, due to the ability to multi-task, accomodate postures, and the diversity of peripheral formats, customization options and adjustments. Although some of the "Pro Gamer" keyboards are things that I can't wrap my head around, tbh.

    I will mention though, that certain dinosaur controllers had useful features that can't be replicated on M&K, The "Mad Katz" Controllers for Sega Genesis would give one an extreme advantage if one could bring one to a match with a friend, as it had repeater toggles for each button on the game pad (As well as six instead of three keys).
  14. Moz

    MnK > Pad for FPS

    Its been that way since time began, it will be that way when time ends.

    I have actually seen PS4 users call MnK on the PS4 "cheating" or even.... wait for it..... "hacking".
  15. Dirge

    1. Duh.

    2. Duh.

    3. Does not follow. At all. That's like saying that it's ridiculous to call using a vault pole during high jump to be cheating. It doesn't make the slightest sense.
  16. Moz

    Yup, i couldn't agree more.... but it happens... a lot.... It like PC gamers calling people a cheat for using a gaming mouse.

    Out of interest, anyone tried a steam pad yet? Im interested as to how the track pad thing hold up in comparison to the analogue sticks?
  17. Sinful Raevyn

    I've heard the steam controller is very much responsive. More responsive than a controller. :)

    Which I can honestly believe, because I used to play arcade FPS (like wolfenstein enemy territory) with a laptop trackpad. The ability to stay on target with finger movement was very comfortable (until I got a gaming mouse). I think I am going to pick one up this weekend and play around with it :3

    As for the debate topic: KnM will always be superior in FPS gaming. The control is unreal. It's awesome for twitch gameplay or having to track fast moving targets. I don't think it should really be used on console, because the advantage is really distinct, but gamers will be gamers and advantages will be taken at any cost. :p

    That said, controllers aren't too bad, and I'm enjoying the change, but it will never be as competitive as a good old mouse and keyboard. :3
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  18. Moz


    Noticed your sig, you used to play APB?
  19. DirkGently

    PC and consoles have been becoming more alike than ever. Get used to it. People will use mnk on a console because it makes sense, and until Daybreak explicitly states that mouse and keyboard on PS2 for PS4 is "unfair" and begins to ban users, it's not cheating.

    And to answer your question, Dirge - no, I don't, but I plan on it. The hori tactical assault commander 4 looks nice but I'll wait til the price comes down