Mouse and keyboard Vs Controller on Ps4 opinions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Believesps4, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. CapEnTrade

    You're full of it, It's obvious he's holding down the trigger and pointing as he moves. Clearly that player is good with a high sensitivity mouse and if you looked into the player you'd know he's legit. Didn't you see the hand camera? It's also recording from his screen, you'd see any aim, xray, assist hacks. Go back to school. Also, reaction times vary and a simple google search can tell you it can go much lower. Plus, it's going to be less off the bat for a simple task like moving your arm. You're obviously devoid of any critical thinking skills.

    It's called muscle memory, and gamers can develop this too. Again, moving your arm and tapping your finger are vastly more simple than pitching a ball and will by default take much less time and effort.

    You're one of those people that when you get rekt you'll blame it on cheating every time. You'll probably blame me for cheating by using critical thinking skills and google to rek your crappy points.

    You have these two things, they're called eyeballs, and they're good at seeing things. Now, a screen is not very big. Your eyes, believe it or not, have the strange ability to detect more than one thing at a time. You can only focus on one of these at a time, but eyes move very, very fast, and have a fairly large field of view, and again a screen is not that big. It's not a stretch to say he can see more than one player on the screen and shift his attention across them as he fires. This is a basic skill set (a basic skill set you apparently don't have because you think this is impossible).

    The mind has a way of doing things with the least effort in the most logical order when it comes to motion. This breaks down with more complicated tasks and requires the programming of muscle memory, but for simple tasks like moving your arm and clicking the mouse, this is literally a no-brainer for the brain, and the more such a task is done, the faster it will become as habbit, adjustment and muscle memory will still come into play. You'll notice when he's shooting people he starts from one side of the screen and moves across stopping at the players he sees. This is his brain working in the most logical and least effort requiring order. An aimbot on the other hand will quite often target the closest or first seen player and jump around like that. His motion is clearly human, though fast. It does not exhibit tell-tale signs of an aimbot, nor does the video, nor does the player. You obviously didn't really watch the video, because you can see his arm moving from a keyboard cam. He would not move near so much with an aimbot. Just the camera movements along show him overcompensating at times, something a program just wont do.

    It is possible, he is doing it, and you're wrong, I am right.

    You do realize you can do multiple things at a time when it comes to motion, don't you? How would you explain people who play various different kinds of instruments... You're mind is also good at happening to know where your appendages are and what they're doing and this can feedback for compensation adjustment for say a left arm while the right arm does something.

    Simply put, it is physically possible. Go google some reaction stuff if you're capable.
  2. CapEnTrade


    Dispel with with minimum reaction time for humans, it can go much lower. Also see previous post. Also, it's a fact the player is legit, which if that doesn't prove the facts I'm stating to you, you're willfully ignorant and I resent your right to vote.
  3. CapEnTrade

    Mouse and keyboard are king and anyone who says otherwise has a crippling preferation of a controller or a fundamental misunderstanding of motor skills and the technology. This is a fact.
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  4. TheRealNattyIcePS4

    I linked the wrong ps4 video, here it is,
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  5. CapEnTrade

    Slower and less impressive than the PC one, has more errors and over compensation, doesn't do as well. This is because he's using a controller and possibly he's less skilled. Clearly he's met the skill cap for the controller though, he's talented with an inferior device.
  6. Taemien

    I don't get why console players just don't use Mouse and Keyboard. Its no different than a PC user using a regular 3 button mouse over a 17 button one (Logitech G600, yes I use it for planetside).

    I've said in another thread on this topic that I have a $600 advantage over some PC users in just peripherals alone. This includes:

    Logitech G910 Mechanical Keyboard (Keypresses are a few ms quicker)
    Logitech G600 MMO Mouse (I can grenade throw and other stuff on my right hand leaving movement to the left)
    Panasonic 5.1 Surround 1000W Home Theater System (I can hear in what direction people are coming from with better accuracy than stereo sound)

    And there are PC users with even better equipment than I have. So what is a $85 PS4 Mouse and Keyboard setup? Absolutely NOTHING.

    Its a feel good thing. Console players have always been in the 'innocence' realm when it comes to buying a hardware advantage. But this innocence was lost the moment they went to x86 and 64bit processors. Especially once the Playstation 2 started having USB ports.

    Now all a Mouse and Keyboard are is a differently shaped controller. That's it. That's where the advantage comes from. Its no different than using 3rd Party controllers.

    I've always said there are three things needed to be successful in online competitive games:

    1. What you Know.
    2. What you Have.
    3. Who you Know.

    Using a Keybaord and Mouse is in number two. Its not just the equipment of your character. But what Hardware you have.

    Its an option, take it, or don't.
  7. Gutseen

    the pc guy aint legit.
  8. CapEnTrade

    Except it's a fact he is legit.
    146% chance you gave it no critical though, no analysis, and didn't bother to google. Read previous posts.
  9. DrakeFang

    Basically, you can play just fine with either a controller or an MnK. Which one YOU will do better with depends on your personal preference and prior experience.

    That said, an MnK is objectively better than than a controller. You can have better overall accuracy, reaction times, and recoil control. If an MnK player and a Controller player of equivalent skill levels with their chosen setup are in combat, the MnK player will typically win. It isn't impossible for the Controller player to win, but he would have to outsmart the MnK user, rather than outshoot him.

    I'm not sure if MnK is compatible with PS4 PS2, but if it is, then I don't mind people with some sort of physical debilitation using it. If that's their only way to play the game they enjoy, then I won't complain. That said, I and most of the community would and do frown on able bodied people who use it instead of a controller. If the MnK user is any kind of decent, the equipment gives far too much of an advantage for it to be considered fair.
  10. Taemien

    This is the 'innocence part I was speaking of earlier.

    Why is it frowned upon in the PS4 community to use MnK?

    In the PC community, we don't have a standard of using a 3 button mouse, silicon membrane keyboards (aka non-mechanical), and stereo speakers. The standard is, use what hardware you can afford. Including internal parts such as GPUs, CPUs, and RAM to get better framerates, and SSDs to get faster load times (redeploys across or to different continents is cut by seconds).

    Why is there even a divide between the two standards? This is the part I fail to understand. Other than it being a 'principle' or that 'innocence' of the console I keep referring to.
  11. TheRealNattyIcePS4

    The pc guy is 100% legit, he goes to ESL lan events and everything.
  12. MiguelZaibatsu

    has $600 worth of advantages but only has a 2 kdr. lol why you bad?
  13. Taemien

    Says the guy who can't manage a .5
  14. Seagulkawkaw

    he has a 6kdr..
  15. DrakeFang

    It isn't really principle or innocence so much as one of the main draws consoles have to console gamers. I doubt I have all the knowledge or skill to explain it perfectly, but I'll do the best I can.

    In PC communities, one of the driving force is building the best rig that you can. Some people do it for graphics or fps. Some people do it to give them an edge in games. Whatever the reason, the attitude is there.

    Console doesn't have that. The hardware is not as robust, and is difficult to impossible for an individual to improve. Because of this, they push a different selling point: uniformity. Everybody brings the same gear to the same fight.

    A console player doesn't need to worry about his rig putting him at a disadvantage. It is much harder (though not impossible) to hack on a console. Peripherals are all essentially the same, and games will work equally well, without regards to OS or other software variations.

    Because of this, doing something to give yourself an advantage through your hardware is typically frowned upon. There are some accepting to this. For example, better sound systems/headsets and screens are typically considered quality of life improvements, rather than unfair advantages. This is likely because while they may improve ones play, it is an indirect improvement, and even then they are rarely large ones. When compared to something like am MnK, the difference in the advantage it gives someone is quite large.

    There are other reasons people like consoles (such as the "plug and play" mentality), and devs like the platform for a whole separate set of reasons. That said, this should help explain the mindset of console players and why we are disdainful of people who use things like MnK on console.

    Hope this helps.
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  16. Taemien

    Let him come over to Connery and we'll see if he pulls it off. I mean I can pull a 15-20KDR in a session if I really want to. But I'm usually focused on capturing continents. Not padding numbers behind a spawnshield or in a useless tank.

    I totally get that. Hence it has a sort of innocence about it. What I'm saying is that innocence is gone. And the new way of playing should be embraced. Consoles are becoming cheap computers with their own operating systems. They should be treated as such.

    With VR coming into play. It might come to a point where MnK is inferior and Consoles and PC will both have to evolve. That is.. if VR doesn't fall flat.
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  17. AxiomInsanity87

    It's 1999 all over again

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  18. MiguelZaibatsu

    I have a 7 kdr. Owned. lol 2 kdr with a $600 advantage now we know why you play pc without the hardware advantage you'd have a 1
  19. MiguelZaibatsu

    post video of you doing it today then. I expect to see a 15 kdr video by the end of today.
  20. AxiomInsanity87

    Hopefully the vr crowd don't try to dictate to us mnk or controller users.
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