Mouse and keyboard Vs Controller on Ps4 opinions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Believesps4, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. CapEnTrade

    Easily explained by game audio and the high likelihood that it's common to encounter targets in that area. The rest is honed technique. He has a liberal mentality when it comes to using bullets.
  2. Demigan

    Well from what I've seen he hasn't got a liberal mentality. In fact he doesn't prefire anywhere, he only starts firing the moment he's already acquired a target.

    So you are also projecting on a video you have barely seen.
  3. Taemien

    Get above 1 and you can talk little scrub.
  4. CapEnTrade

    I've upset you, I'm sorry, now let me be clear as to make sure there's no mistake in my argument.

    Bob the gunslinger in one of his records, from time that the target is audibly thrown (que reaction) to the time he shoots it is 0.16 .
    This is more than 0.1, however we are measuring reaction time as you have so animatedly pointed out. The moment he moves his arm for the revolver (que action, meaning he is now reacting and that delay time can now be measured) is somewhere around 0.82 after the target goes live. This is less than the magical 0.1. Therefore the notion that it's physically impossible is not true. It is, however accurate to say that usually humans can not react faster than 0.1 and most are slower than that.

    -Fact Human(s) have reacted faster than 0.1 seconds.

    Secondly, the gamer is not cheating based off everything we know about him and his gaming history. You looking at the video in disbelief proves nothing. Claiming he's apparently reacting faster than possible is not a claim you can actually make based off the footage. Too much is going on to make any substantial claims. You can not prove it, and all the evidence we have tells us that he is not cheating and that he is rather good.
  5. CapEnTrade

    I've watched it through and revisited it a couple times. He most certainly is liberal with his firing to assist his accuracy. Further, how he's playing makes perfect sense logically.
  6. Dirge

    Shut up. Just SHUT UP.

    This has nothing to do with reaction time. There is not a single instance where he reacted to a presence faster than a 1/5 of a second. He has great aim, amazing ability to memorize positions, and great movement.

    Add to that the fact that he plays at this level in LAN tourneys....... and that he has a mouse cam.......

    Also, your whole "he might not aimbot or wallhack but he uses aim assist" is ridiculous. Why? Because your argument for why you think he uses it is based off of reaction time, which aim assist does not help with. K?

    He is legit, you're mad cuz jelly af.
    • Up x 1
  7. Dirge

    After the first month, having never played the game before, I had a 3. You mad?
  8. 1Tap2Tap


    He presents you with all possible evidence including sources, pointing to this guy a) not being legit or b) being outright superhuman.

    On the other side, all you did is scream"NO U!!!", talk about a RTS (completely different thing) and link a video of an action that actually supports Demigans claims about muscle memory versus conscious reaction.

    Believe what you want to believe, but don´t forget to act surprised if this guy gets busted someday just as so many "tournament players" (lol, nice "proof" for legit play, I guess there is also no doping at Olympia or world championships, right?) before him.

    Last, but not least, writing like this and attacking players instead of their argument makes you look like a huge, obnoxious *******.

    As this seems to devolve into the usual "MUH PADDED K/D, AND MUMMY SAYS I AM SPECIAL, U ******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ********** ****fest thanks to the known forum mongrels, I am out of this "thread".
  9. Dirge

    You're all stupid, cuz you don't even realize that you are all arguing on an unsupported and meaningless tangent.
  10. CapEnTrade

    Re posting this as you missed it. He is simply wrong on that point.
    I've upset you, I'm sorry, now let me be clear as to make sure there's no mistake in my argument.

    Bob the gunslinger in one of his records, from time that the target is audibly thrown (que reaction) to the time he shoots it is 0.16 .
    This is more than 0.1, however we are measuring reaction time as you have so animatedly pointed out. The moment he moves his arm for the revolver (que action, meaning he is now reacting and that delay time can now be measured) is somewhere around 0.82 after the target goes live. This is less than the magical 0.1. Therefore the notion that it's physically impossible is not true. It is, however accurate to say that usually humans can not react faster than 0.1 and most are slower than that.

    -Fact Human(s) have reacted faster than 0.1 seconds.

    Secondly, the gamer is not cheating based off everything we know about him and his gaming history. You looking at the video in disbelief proves nothing. Claiming he's apparently reacting faster than possible is not a claim you can actually make based off the footage. Too much is going on to make any substantial claims. You can not prove it, and all the evidence we have tells us that he is not cheating and that he is rather good.
  11. MiguelZaibatsu

    I thought you were hardcore bro? What happened? Give me the spawn points CASUAL
  12. Demigan

    How about "show me"?

    You can state it, but if it's so meticulously noted down then there's a source right? How was the test performed? What was the setup? I've done plenty of links proving things, yet you come up with some anecdotal evidence... after you've finally seemed to realize that I was talking about something different than you were and you were mistaking one thing for another.

    It's kinda strange that you magically come up with anecdotal evidence contrary to what I've been saying.

    Also even if mister Bob were magical and able to pull it off, he that was him at the top of his game after practicing a lifetime... Yet we are talking about a guy who, in all probability, is pulling it off consistently. Which is neither believable nor possible.
  13. Dirge

    Stop arguing on meaningless tangents. You're making yourself look stupid.
  14. Flyingconejo

    I wonder, where will we all go when Radarx closes the PC forum too? :p
    • Up x 2
  15. CapEnTrade

    Bob is pretty magical, he can accurately shoot a bullzeye 25 feet away looking in a different direction at the reflection in a tiny diamond ring he holds. I kid you not.
    Fact is some humans are physically superior. Could* He's actually dead now.
  16. Dirge

    Please link vid. I must see.
  17. CapEnTrade

  18. CapEnTrade

    Actually that one cuts it short, use this one.
  19. Demigan

    Rather look stupid than be stupid. There's plenty of ways an aim assist can help speed up your reaction times btw, and I was just giving an example.

    Whatever the case, any reaction faster than 0,1 second equals a cheater. Seeing the video I know there's plenty of places where he reacted faster than 0,2 seconds, so your 1/5th second evaluation is already wrong.
  20. CapEnTrade

    Ah, so you took it into video editing software and scrubbed it while also taking into account all the noticeable variables like sound, area, apparent technique, etc, as well as analysed the hand cam footage to see if it's concurrent. GIVE ME A BREAK! You did not, nor can you accurately judge such a thing with so many variables.