Mouse and keyboard Vs Controller on Ps4 opinions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Believesps4, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. Dirge

    So give another.

    Nope. You're wrong. Just plain wrong. Regardless of actual time, If I can see and twitch my finger before he targets each person, doesn't that prove that he is reacting a normal, if very fast, rate? Hmm?
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  2. Demigan

    still waiting on that video evidence... While remarkable, he still hasn't shown any reaction time yet, only a speed of draw independant of a reaction.
  3. Dirge

    Jesus Christ.

    Do you honestly think that this has anything to do with RT? His RT is fast, but not suspiciously fast.
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  4. Demigan

  5. Dirge

    Go through the footage, and find one place where he reacts faster than .2 seconds. There isn't one.
  6. CapEnTrade

    This is something you can try too. I just tried it. Scientific method much?
  7. Dirge

    I did the whole vid. Not once did he start shooting / aiming much faster than I was able to twitch my finger.
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  8. Cyrax Servius

    Ok I'm biting, Bob munden is an amazing marksman among the real life competitive shooters, probably the best ever.

    So, this thread prompted me to conduct an experiment of my own and off to my sportsmans club I went. I brought two weapons with me, and a stopwatch for another person to operate.

    My first weapon, A Russian made SKS battle rifle, "predecessor to the AK47", 7.62x.39 caliber, 10 rd fixed magazine. Loaded a full stripper clip of ten into the mag, charged the rifle, shouldered and fired the weapon as fast and accurately as possible. The goal was to put all ten rounds into a target 12" in diameter at 25 meters. Did four successive tests.
    1st- 6/10 rounds in at 2.8 secs
    2nd- 6/10 rounds in at 2.7 secs
    3rd- 7/10 rounds in at 3.0 secs
    4th- 10/10 rounds in at 4.4 secs

    It is a semi auto weapon and after settling down and taking a little more time, got all ten in. However, at 25 meters, 6/10 rounds in the upper torso of anyone with a 7.62 round is devastating damage at around 3 seconds.

    Second weapon, Smith and Wesson 9mm M+P shield, pistol.
    Only performed one ten round test with this pistol at 10 meters as I spend a LOT of time with this weapon.
    All ten in at 3.7 seconds.

    The SKS is over 70 years old and has a very fast cycle time for an older weapon and I shoot it a LOT, I am very familiar with it.
    The S+W is my pistol team weapon of choice, extremely familiar with her as well.

    Point is, these are times based upon "muscle memory" IRL from a non professional shooter, these times are average to good. Backing up the professional gamers and Natty and others, muscle memory applies to EVERYTHING in life that requires repetitive action and gaming is no different especially with a superior method, aka kbm...
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  9. Gutseen

    white on black in easy 2 see.
    but 4x size bleak yellow is heavy on the eyes.
  10. CapEnTrade

    But you can't help but notice it. Stands out, thus I use it.
  11. AxiomInsanity87

    Controller - pump shotty

    Mnk - semi/automatic shotty

    All mostly the same but there is a clear winner.
  12. Taemien

    Galaxy or Valkyrie. Like anyone who attacks or counter attacks a base properly.
  13. Bassmeant1

    threads like this one are why this game is tanking. just a giant whizzing match between the uber nerd elite.
    who cares man.
    controller, mnk. it's not the car, it's the driver.
  14. MiguelZaibatsu

    I was talking about BF4 CASUAL. Answer my Lancang DAM questions. I thought you were more hardcore than me? Did it make you cry when you found out you know less about a game than a console peasant?
  15. Cyrax Servius

    No uber nerd here pal, I shoot real guns too...
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  16. Pat22

    I have brought fuel. Someone get me a light. This thread needs to burn.
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  17. Flyingconejo

    Aw, come on, don't be like that.

    They always close these threads around the point Miguel brings out the BF4 spawn points.

    I want to know what happens after that!
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  18. Pat22

    Your curiosity shall bring doom upon us all!

    DOOM, I SAY!

    *lights fire*
  19. Taemien

    What does BF4 have to do with the price of tea in china?

    You dumfuq don't even know which forums you are in.
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  20. Pat22

    Clearly the only way to determine who is more hardcore is by answering the ultimate question;
    How many Cobalt Light frigates does it take to kill an Eradica-class Titan?