TR - The OP Faction.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PasitheeVS, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. SwornJupiter

    Agreed that KPU is probably the most reliable statistic out there. Not perfect, but most reliable.
    Really shows how much damage each and every one of the weapon/vehicle is actually doing.
  2. GhostAvatar

    You're right. Why?

    Because I saw this and went to check the monthly weapons performance. Only to see that these numbers are actual kills and nothing relevant like KPU, VKPU, or KPH. Of course it gets more kills, because there are substantially more users of the weapon. Stopped reading there, because I knew this post was just complete BS.
  3. Stormsinger

    Firstly, Because part of my job entails I sit around waiting for people to get back to me, so I had free time at work. I felt like studying things and doing math. Yes, i'm odd.

    Secondly, Then you didn't see the section where I did go into V-KPU, or the in depth answer and link to a post explaining exactly why I didn't use KPH (The short version is that the prenerf PPA showed as having significantly inferior performance to the pre-buff marauder - I don't trust the stat, it's extremely unreliable, and an overall poor performance benchmark.) nor did you read my suggestions on how to buff the Striker / Fractures to actually make them fully viable. You read the introduction, which took a cursory look at things, starting with kills. For more in depth data and analysis, you had to actually read it. Believe what you like, however. If you wish to actually read on, feel free to post feedback / thoughts then - I'll be happy to reply further.
  4. Villanuk

    One was done about PS2, it was classic tbh. but i found this one just for you

  5. asmodraxus

    The Prowler for the last 3 years has been balanced around it never had gunners, now that it does, well I wonder when the nerf Hammer will descend, as I don't bother fighting Prowlers that are 2/2, I just respawn somewhere else.

    Prowlers DPS 2/2 with GateKeeper is too high compared to a Mag
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  6. DeltaValkyrie

    Really? REALLY?

    In the same vein as you...


    0.75 ADS with faster reload than the 0.50 ADS slower reload CARV? Best LMG in the game hands down. PS2 is heavy orientated anyway...


    Most mobile "tank" in the game. Has best flanking and escape capability of all 3 factions. This thing can get to places no other tank can.


    Like killing tanks outside render range? Pinpoint accurate. Sometimes you won't even know where these are coming from inside one OP plz nerf now.


    Way harder hitbox than the mozzie to hit front on. Also the only aircraft which doesn't need hover to make it practical.

    Light PPA

    Don't even bother trying to defend this weapon. Best infantry farmer hands down. Scythe PPA spam = overpowered.

    No bullet drop and generally faster reloads

    May not seem to be a big deal for you but easy mode Vanu activate!

    That are the examples I know.
    - And yet someone cries that TR are not allowed to cry "they're not allowed to have anything that is OP".
  7. Pelojian

    these are averages from the monthly weapon stats page of oracle of death:
    Saron HRB kills 2875 - uniques 674 - KPU4.24 - KPH20.73 playtime(hrs)139.9
    Enforcer ML85 kills 2652 - uniques 580 - KPU4.5 - KPH20.47 playtime(hrs)129.1
    Gatekeeper kills 4271 - uniques 914 - KPU4.6 - KPH23.53 playtime(hrs)184.8

    gatekeeper kills more on average, has higher uniques, slighty higher then the enforcer, but is used on average 44.4 hours more then the saron. be honest if you lacked long range AV as long as TR has wouldn't you be pulling your shiny new long range AV every chance you get to use it on the right terrain and conditions?
  8. asmodraxus

    Banshee apocalypse, remember that.

    The LPPA has a long TTK compared to the Banshee, slow projectiles and a quarter of the RPM of the Banshee (which can at least be used in A2A unlike the LPPA)

    In actual fact no one empire should have something that is OP, as that suggests a lack of balance, all should have weapons that stand out to some extent but none should be game breaking OP. If something IS over powered that it will have little to no counters, a higher KPU/KPH than everything else, which will need to be adjusted downwards some way.

    If the VS were to use the Vortex Max units exclusively, then they would indeed be nerfed as they would decimate vehicles from range etc, but as it stands the Vortex's are in need of a s much of a buff as the Fractures, as the Fractures get more kills but have only a slightly worse VKPU/VKPH. Yes the worst AV Max is performing better then the Vortex, go figure that one out.
  9. Daigons

    Agreed. It's pretty disgusting seeing a pack of 2-3 Prowlers burn down entire columns of tanks. I have better survivability and earn more points using an AV turret against them.
  10. Revel

    Claymore is only good for hiding around corners. I auraxiumed it doing that. Out in the wild it sucks because its tall and thus easy to spot, 1 directional, and yes it does have 2 laser lights.

    Striker is still garbage IMO. I'd rather have the Lancer for shooting at vehicles and against air its always burster max.

    Pounders, best AV Max weapons? Sorry, that would be Ravens. Pounders and Fractures are absolute garbage at long range anti vehicle. Pounders have a piss poor dropoff and a ridiculous arc. Yeah they're good indoors at close range against MAXes and infantry when people can properly aim. But at indoor combat ranges, a Scatmax can gib another MAX even faster and with less aiming skill needed.
  11. Jubikus

    I cant believe theres 4 pages of this trollpost or just a post with someone who has their head up their ***. Very few things listed preform better than their counterparts some things listed are even worse in class like the striker and mossy. The only thing there i would consider OP would be the prowler the vulcan has basically never been OP and the gatekeeper is only slightly better not enough to be OP its preforming better than its counterparts by the same amount the Enforcer outperformed the vulcan and saron before the weapons were released and nobody cared about the Enforcer. The pounder max is hilarious as he states its the best MAX av weapon and this isnt true at all in fact ide say its the worse MAX AV weapon at actual AV its redeeming quality is how good it is against infantry and enemy maxes while still being ok at AV. The claymore is just a funny situation as it used to be the weakest mine the only reason its the best now is because the other 2 were constantly used as frisbees into groups of enemys getting too many kills so they were nerfed and the claymore simply stayed the same.
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  12. Scr1nRusher

    Fourmside, how did you let a troll thread get to this number of pages?
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  13. Vaphell

    So what would you want from an AP mine? Overpowered ability to drop it in plain view for everybody to see like NC and Vanu, with delays allowing to escape the detonation?
    I take it you have never placed claymores facing elevator shafts? Midair instagib.

    Compared to 3 green blinkenlights on a proxy that cannot be mistaken for anything else even at a glance its order of magnitude harder to see, not to mention a proxy has to lie in plain view in order to have its lethal zone where it matters.
    And feel free to provide a screenshot of the claymore lazors on a non-TR character, because I haven't seen them since a year at the very least.
  14. Stormsinger

    To respond the claim about the Orion being the best LMG, nope, not even close. If you want something hands down better then the Orion, pick up the MSW-R. The bettlegeuse needs to be thrown into the nerf furnace. Included is potential ways to nerf the Betelgeuse to make it actually balanced, and a pile of stuff on LMG balance overall.

    I wrote at length about this topic in particular, here's the most relevant stuff. Piles and piles of stats / analysis is in the other posts I have here, feel free to take a look.

    I'll summarize here.

    (Stats from 10/1/15, this was a week or so ago)

    The CQB Oriented LMG KPU (Kills per unique) of each faction in the hands of BR100s.
    • Orion: 20.55
    • MSW-R: 27.23
    • Anchor: 28.28
    The same weapon KPU, in the hands of BR 76-100
    • Orion:16.29
    • MSW-R: 21.63
    • Anchor: 25.26
    The same weapon KPU, in the hands of everyone, BR 1-100
    • Orion: 12.32
    • MSW-R: 18.17
    • Anchor: 24.11
    At every level grouping, the Orion looses - including BR100s. It's flat out worse then the competing CQB LMGs in the NC / TR - In a nutshell, the problem with Orions is that everyone has them, most infantry combat in PS2 occurs within 50 meters, where the Orion shines. Putting the best CQB LMG in the hands of every VS character created on day 1 is why the VS generally do so well in infantry combat, it's simply not as good as the competition... but the fact that there's 10 times as many on the battlefield negates any disadvantages it may have.
    As for the Magrider, it has the fewest kills with it's primary, and both the Prowler HEAT / AP outclass it. I've posted at length about this as well, see my previous posts if you care about the stats.
    For the Lancer, the range is hard capped at 750 meters, I believe, but that's still extreme. The low damage overall damage / high charge time / damage dropoff at the point at which rendering becomes an issue is a mitigating factor - I tend to have better luck pulling a lightning at high range anyway.
    I disagree about the Scythe's hitbox, but that's a question of playstyle. I personally like the Mosquito the most due to Hellfires being roughly on par with L-PPA, considering they still granti AV capability. Yes, I think that Banshees were overnerfed.
    No bullet drop is useless within 50-100 meters, which makes it useless on most small arms. Due to having no drop, most VS Small arms have lesser velocity, which IS useful due to making it easier to lead moving targets. As most infantry combat takes place within ~50 meters, this makes no-drop a significant detriment in the vast majority of infantry encounters. I have MUCH better luck on my TR, in general - having actual round velocity is a breath of fresh air in comparison, although the horizontal recoil does get irritating when trying to ping away at targets at 75+ meters.
  15. DeltaValkyrie

    Just for the record I am not saying any of the stuff is OP. I am simply copying him in his vein of thinking. Sarcasm is strong here yes?
  16. asmodraxus

    The only things that are out of balance are

    Max units

    Air to ground vs Ground to air.
  17. jmdafk

    Stats mean nowt with further analysis

    Assuming the VS LMG's are quite good (which they are) most players will play HA when they need to. So the BR100 grouping isnt a dedicated high skill group. Its all long term players. Many high skilled VS HA will use the BG anyway.

    Now TR. Most experianced TR will play LA or Medic to get kills. Only hardcore HA will play as HA and as such use the only gun that is remotly capable of winning a fight. The MSWr
    So the TR group is going to be largly dedicated, skilled HA's

    I could be wrong, but that alone would make me see those numbers in a very different light. All VS are happy using the orion - its a great gun. Where TR just dont play HA unless they are very good at it.
    Or a simpler way of putting it, the mswr is not 35% better than the orion, thats a fact. Its not 1% better, letalone that much. Theres more going on in those numbers than a gun difference.
  18. eldarfalcongravtank

    TR used to be overpowered, around summer 2013 if i remember. not anymore.

    also, threads like these are the reason...
    1) devs rarely visit this forum and rather go to reddit/twitter for feedback, because this place is toxic as hell!
    2) devs probably wont add more empire-specific stuff anymore. because people always go tear apart other empire's exclusive weaponry and call something unfair if they dont have access to it themselves.
  19. neostatic2009

    I thought this guy was being serious. Then I clicked "play" on his Swagrider signature, nuff said. Swag OP. :D
  20. Daigons

    Welcome to 2015, so you think that the TR Gatekeeper is fair and balanced?
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