TR - The OP Faction.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PasitheeVS, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. \m/SLAYER\m/

    i still can't recognize where is rear on Prowler
  2. Scr1nRusher

    Its Glowing red.
  3. \m/SLAYER\m/

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  4. Isokon

    No need for that look. It's glowing red like the Vanguard is glowing yellow and the Magrider purple-ish.
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  5. Campagne

    +1'd partially because I somewhat agree, mostly because of the accuracy of your statement.
  6. FrozenCustard

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  7. Idiocy

    I'm strongly considering ditching VS and roll with TR. Their vehicle power is incredibly high at the moment.
  8. Liewec123

    i honestly can't tell if you're trolling or not because you have some points in there (like gatekeeper/vulcan/prowler/claymores)
    but then you have things like "pounder is the best AV max" "striker is the best AV",
    i'm NC main and i'll admit ravens are the best Av max.
    i love striker for AA, but it sucks for AV (in comparison)
  9. HadesR

    The KPH is due to how good they are versus infantry in choke points and places such as biolabs and not about how good they are versus vehicles ..

    TBH they could do with re-addressing their role and actually buffing them versus their intended targets ( vehicles ) and nerfing them versus infantry .. Maybe made more Falconesque longer range , slower fire rate ..
  10. RedArmy

    Pounder max is only high up on the list cuz its the only one we ever use, the frac maxes are less than useless, and the chainguns get out damaged by any other max.
    Claymores are the best cuz they are substantially taller than any other AI mine, and yes there IS an activation noise and delay on them. figured that out on my NC yesterday
    Striker is good vs aircraft only in large groups
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  11. Goldmonk

    I needed this laugh today, OP. Thanks for that.
  12. Koldorn

    "The Scythe? It's powered by magic and witchcraft, we don't need to worry about that."
    Gets me every time.
  13. Flag

    While they deserve a more nuanced description than "THEY'RE OP EHRMAGERD!!11!111!!2", they are justifiably called out for being something they maybe shouldn't be.
  14. Deffington

    I's not glowing on my graphic settings (one level above lowest). I want glowing butt too!
  15. Cyrek

    TR is so overpowered it needs to be singled out of Server Smash every time.
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  16. SQPD

    Depends on what server. Briggs TR is great. Emerald TR... should not even be talked about like the rest of us US East noobs.
  17. Moridin6

    i like fighting the TR, except for all the NC bootlicking they do..
    if any faction is op, tank shields, steerable rockets, scat maxs.. . . yehh
  18. Benton582

    Claymore: They only work in one direction, facing towards you, and they often stick out like other anti inf mines, not OP.
    -Gatekeeper, YES.
    -Prowler: Sort of true, but Magriders are not underpowered. You are probably not using it correctly.
    -Striker: It most terms, it is still too underpowered, but NC really doesn't have any empire specific that really AA, Phonix can't aim at aircraft well.
    -Pounder MAX, YUP.
    -Mosquito: No, they have about the same hitbox as other ESP aircraft, they are just agile and super fast. The HP should be between Reaver and Scythe.
  19. CorporationUSA

    The mossie has the 2nd smallest hitbox overall, with the scythe being first. It has the lowest DPS noseguns, and their muzzle velocities are surpassed by the scythe noseguns. The reaver has the highest DPS noseguns, a godlike hover and afterburner, and the largest hitbox.

    The mosquito's cruising speed is the only thing it excels at, and that isn't as important as you might think. It's nice for cruising around, but not really worth having the weakest noseguns and a wimpy hover and afterburner. It's hitbox doesn't compare to the scythe's hitbox either.
  20. FieldMarshall

    Could have been an ok troll thread if you didnt include this.