Infiltrators needs C4

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by ArcKnight, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Inf1nite

    The infiltrator class is focused on anti infantry fighting. You can already hack vehicle terminals and pull a tank or hack a turret and kill the other vehicles if you really want to. Infiltrator excels in it's anti infantry role unlike any other class by being able to OHK out to render distance with sniper rifles and decimate at close range with high RoF SMG's. An anti vehicle role and 100 less health are practically the only drawbacks on the infiltrator class, which forces you/makes you want to pull a HA or Engineer to take out enemy armor. Long story short, I am completely against infiltrators with any form or vehicle explosives.
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  2. Stinneyt

    Please tell me how many explosive darts it takes to take out a basic lighting?
    Also can I see a video of your suicide flash?
  3. quatin1

    Infiltrators can have C4 if it removes their cloak slot.
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  4. kingskorpio80

    Not sure quite a few 9 12 possibly which means 3 4 clips( said those weren't great option , just options) regarding the ***** flash is something i used to do on bf2142 as cqc recon adapted to ps2, I'll try make a video for you but in short you spawn a flash, put c4 on the back of it where you can easily and extremely quickly shoot the c4, snd roam around for a vehicle which you will approach from exactly dead atraight on it's back , when close enough exit flash at full speed which will make it go with momentum, when it's stopped by the back of the vehicle you shot the c4

    Edit: i use wraith for stealth, and stealth for not appearing on the radar, ill say a min of lvl3 lvl4 needed for not giving player paying attention to minimap enough time to react

    Edit 2 i suggest you to try both on the vr and see how u feel with them
  5. HlllBllly

    i like the original poster's idea. get rid of C4 from every class except, infils. then we too would have a viable anti vehicle option or just let us (a VS infil for example) hack the vehicle the lock out (the NC vanguard) the enemy until an infil (an NC for example) hacks it back. (this is not to say the VS infil could car-jack the tank, just disable it)
  6. m44v

    This is an old thread and this was probably already said, but while the infiltrator needs some interaction with vehicles, I very much hope that this doesn't come in the form of C4 'cause that's the same thing every other class have. We want class specific abilities, not more of the same, right?
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  7. Stinneyt

    The reason I ask for the video is that the Flash Bomb, used to work by shooting he C4. Now it seems the C4 explosion doesn't damage other C4. Making it all but impossible to effectively destroy a manned vehicle in this way.
  8. Neptas

    I don't feel like Xbow-explosive darts is very effective against vehicles. And anyway, there is already so many things against them (and much better than crossbow), from taking another vehicle, RL, turret, C4. I don't think we need another stuff to destroys vehicles now.

    I'd however really enjoy if we could do stuff on vehicles without affecting their life directly. Hacking (mentionned countless time, still no news?), being able to stop them, or prevent them from firing, for a small 5 seconds or so. Being able to hack infantry terminal on sunderers. Making vehicles utility or other slot unavaible when a device is placed on them (which only another infiltrator could remove)(would replace recon darts?). And why not a little something on our own vehicles too? Like being able to place a temporary scout radar on them, or making them immune to enemy hack for a few minutes, or being able to stealth them for few seconds?

    I mean, we should be able to have something for vehicles. Why even medics (which is support class for infantry) can still do something against them, but not our assault class? I think C4 for infiltrators is a bad idea (at least with the cloak), but I don't think possibilities are missing for us.
  9. kingskorpio80

    Started playing yesterday again, i tried the flash bomb twice but was unable to get to a vehicle so it is worth testing again today. First try flash exploded after few seconds, might have one of those very rare spot where your vehicle instant explode or some joker friendly shot my c4, second time i sneakily approached a tank , hid my flash behind a rock and let the tank pass, was ready to go complete the mission when a max burster came around the corner and thought to destroy my flash from mere inches away, and died. was hilarious.
  10. LovesLost13

    new to the game on the ps4 beta.. infiltrators.. are lacking alot from what i have played. i keep trying to use them as main class or try to make em my fav.. but they just have to many short comings towards helping the team. when your engineer you can help out maxes repair vehicles and support the team with even ammo boxes. then you have the medic. nuff said. heavy assult. nuff said. and the rest. i enjoyed them more as much as i love being a stealth person.. its useless. never done the hacking thing as an infiltrator.. that taught me something new i think. but what the thing missing that makes all the classes better in my regards. c4. i can get up close to any tank and put c4 on em like nothing. but infils i feel need em the most.. i mean.. their job is sabotage yes? sabotage can mean stealthily blowing stuff up. and getting away nobody would know tills its to late. another thing about the infil.. which.. annoys but i can work with.. i can't even open up or doing any action when cloaked.... so.. yay.. i could hack a terminal.. lose my cloak most likely get seen and shot right away... that... doesn't sound right.. in my regards a man who can go cloak can't even press a few buttons? ehh and if you do hack em. people will just re hack after you leave or something. again. not much help to the team in my regards. the shooting and cloak.. thats.. ehh off..for me hard to get used to.. i think it should be.. (R2 is the shoot button if none of you know that on ps4 XD ) you press R2 while in cloak. your cloak will go off instantly. but you won't shoot the first R2. if you press it again you can shoot.. i hate reminding myself to press L1 to take cloak off before shooting missing opportunities of kills or close fights... anyways thats enough of my troubles and concerns.
  11. Quinnocent

    Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by ArcKnight, Dec 29, 2012.
    Discussion ended: ArcKnight, Jan 18, 2013

    First necro: Firebat013, Apr 19, 2013
    Discussion Ended: Sockpuppet, Apr 23, 2013

    Second necro: DexterDanielA, May 18, 2014
    Discussion ended: kingskorpio80, May 28, 2014

    Third necro: LovesLost13, Yesterday at 4:20 PM

    I suppose this was a nice trip down memory lane for those of us who remember the active voices in the community from back then. Not sure it's really productive to dredge up old threads like this, though. Generally, it's frowned upon, as once a sufficient time has passed from the original post date (like a few years, in this case), a lot of the information in the thread will be outdated.
  12. MarkAntony

    dude you have no idea what you are talking about. you may have had a point in 2012 when infils didn't have SMGs/Stalker cloak/ Scout rifles were bad compared to now/ Nanoweave(sniping).
    Infil is fine.
    all your issues are solved by one thing: L2P
  13. Pomelo

    I have not read the majority of this thread, but i will state my opinion about op's post.

    The infiltrator does not need c4, it would be broken. What the infiltrator needs is to hack abandoned vehicles.
  14. SupaFlea

    If i remember correctly in PS1 you couldnt even take out a MAX with a single Boomer so you camped a sundy with boomer kills but the way we took out Sundies in PS1 was to hack them not blow them with boomers.

    you remember infils with shotgun, that was just damn insane, now you want a perfectly invisible class sitting still camping vehicle bays.

    Maybe acceptable if they only carry 1 block of C4 and cant cloak while the C4 is deployed ant cant detonate while cloaked either, That way it helps against tanks and vehicles as part of squad and also can take out a MAX if they sneak up on.

    Infil is my second class LA being my first and id hate to see LA with Scout rifles or Snipers which would give the same result.
  15. OldMaster80

    Do you realize I wrote that more than 2 years ago, when infiltrators had no stalker cloak and not even Scout Rifles?

    Giving c4 to infiltrators today would be impossible.
  16. Cancerion

    HOLY THREAD RESURRECTION! My apologies. Just noticed after posting.

    How about the ability to disable or hinder a vehicle's movement speed/primary function via hacking? So that the personnel have to get out and repair prior resuming their operations?

    The infiltrators primary mission as a stalker is sabotage and creating chaos.

    1. Degrading an AMS by hacking it's re-spawn time or re-classification ability (or both!).. delaying enemy troop deployment but not stopping it. (I would love to re-supply at enemy AMS's.. I'm always out of mines & darts)
    2. Laying concertina wire (actually, that should be an ENG function) or hacking to bind up a vehicle's tracks/wheels to reduce movement or halt it all together. (Time based tiered hack.. 1hack for reduction, 2hacks for complete disability)
    3. Hacking the vehicles targeting system to disable the use of thermals/zoom/or targeting reticle until it's fixed by an ENG. (How great would that be against skyguards!!!)
    4. Hacking primary propulsion so it only works in reverse, the steering and turret movement is backwards.. CHAOS

    I don't really care to hack and pilot a prowler or a magrider.. though, I will admit, it was fun in PS1 to take their stuff and leave them on the battlefield.. or run them over with their own vehicle.

    I'm not too upset that I can't destroy a vehicle while strutting around in my shimmering spandex suit.. But it is a shame that I have absolutely no way of trolling the personnel piloting the darn thing. That would make for some interesting AV Infil gameplay gaining XP through assists via disabling vehicles while more capable troops demoralize them in their compromised state.

    Another idea I'd like to see is the ability for the infiltrator to hack a friendly AV/AI/AA turret and automate it, at reduced capacity & range, for a short time which could be overridden by any other player jumping in and utilizing the apparatus in a normal capacity for their own use.
  17. Meserion

    Instead of C4 how about they can disable enemy vehicles so its require an infiltrator to reactivate them, this way they could shut down deployed sunderers preventing enemies from spawning in.
  18. TR5L4Y3R

    i say it should require an infil or an engi for reactivation with the engi needeing longer to reactivate it ...
  19. Dualice

  20. HeLLoEthnicTR