[Video] Banshee nerf - now on PTS

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Matti, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. SpruceMoose

    me and this lock-on launcher are gonna make beautiful hot sexy certs together
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  2. Haquim

    I think I created a misunderstanding here - englisch is not my first language, but I'm trying.
    I don't have trouble circling over/around a ground-target (as long as I'm not using boost - that seems to almost immediately put me in forward thrust, which for some reason it doesn't seem to do for my opponents) , basically using my hover thrusters to move around while aiming at the target.
    What I meant is rolling and flying a circle, mostly used to prevent getting dalton'd when attacking a liberator. I always move my mouse up/down a bit when I do that and that quickly puts me off target.
  3. GoyoElGringo

    That's not even a threat. Lock-ons are barely even a deterrent, and people who use them make themselves even more vulnerable to the AI noseguns. I can't count the number of heavies I've killed while they were shooting those things at me. I'll even eat the rocket to get the kill because I can either pop fire suppression, or fly away and repair afterward. And people might not realize this, but if the heavy dies after they launch the rocket, the rocket misses.

    No, if you want to punish AI farmers, use dumbfires. This is coming from someone with hundreds of hours spent farming infantry.
  4. barunedpat

    I would agree if the hit detection of this game handled line of sight. If you get your rocket out it wont matter how many rocks, trees or whatnots is between that rocket and the ESF.
  5. GoyoElGringo

    I've read this 5 times and I'm still not sure what you said.
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  6. barunedpat

    Simplified: rockets usable since rockets ignore terrain
  7. GoyoElGringo

    Nope, they crash right into anything in their path. But it doesn't matter anyway, because(for the reasons I've already stated above) rockets are not a big deal when they do hit.
  8. Goretzu

    The AH is the worst performing A2A nosegun the NC have (every other NC nosegun is better as A2A), so I wouldn't call it "overpowered".

    It is just better at A2A than the LPPA and Banshee.

    Comparatively the current Banshee seriously outperforms the AH (and every other nosegun) in AI.
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  9. T0x1s

    Of course its worse than the dedicated AA nose guns. You cant compare those. AH is meant for AI not AA and you need to compare the other AI nose guns. I can compare Banshee with the needler AA and it will be even worse than AH compared to M20.
  10. Paragon Exile

    I love watching the TR complain about their ridiculously overpowered gun getting nerfed. Feels good.

    Before the details were made public, there was near-consensus across all factions it was OP, yet in this thread apologists are coming out of the woodwork to make excuses for it. Reminds me of the PPA discussions.
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  11. barunedpat

    I haven't been on the PTS yet. How is it working now compared to when it was OP? Are you saying the current nerf is too small for it to still be outperforming AH and LPPA?
  12. Bortasz

    TR Agree that it was OP.
    TR dont want it be to overnerf. What happen to ZOE and others stuff in this game.
  13. Paragon Exile

    The current iteration on PTS isn't an overnerf. I can still 1-clip MAX suits and kill infantry in a few hits :/
  14. barunedpat

    Even Rockepods can 1-clip MAXes, and the community thinks they're fine. What matters is if it can kill as effective at range as before, or if it have to be closer to players to get quick kills.
  15. Bortasz

    And? Since when one clipping the max is a base line to consider something good?

    Let's do comparison.
    Indirect damage 200 in 0,5
    Indirect damage 160 in 0,3
    this is 40% reduction in max damage range and 20% in max damage.
    It's goes to:
    1 in 2 meters
    10 in 1 meter.
    Losing 50% area of effect in this manner. And since drop in damage is linear the damage goes down far more quicker than the previous.

    So we kill Do less damage in general in smaller area. Sorry but this do not fly with me. I want viable weapon.
  16. Paragon Exile

    It's just as accurate, and can do it in less than 2 seconds. Slow rockets are much easier to avoid than bullets.
  17. Paragon Exile

    MAXes with bursters are the main method of killing farming ESF's, so one-clipping them is a pretty big deal.

    It's almost like this is supposed to be a nerf to something that is grossly overpowered. It's almost like significantly reducing its performance is the goal.
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  18. Bortasz

    I will use this line always when somebody from vanu will bring the ZOE back.
    Sorry but if you do not see the difference between nerfing, and nerfing to the ground that nobody use it than we have nothing to talk. SOE have reputation of overnerfing stuff, and than for long time keep it in under performance.
  19. Paragon Exile

    ZOE was nerfed so badly that using it actually puts you at a disadvantage in all situations. It is objectively bad; no reason to use it over charge.

    The PPA was nerfed so bad that it can't hit anything with something approaching a decent TTK beyond ten metres. It is objectively bad; no reason to use it over the Kobalt

    The Banshee can still kill infantry effectively instantaneously, one clip MAXes and do decent damage to ground vehicles. It is not objectively bad.

    Go to the PTS and try it. It's not weak.
  20. Bortasz

    I was there. And test it.

    PPA also can kill people. You just must shot 2 bullet per click.

    Like was I saying before. If you think that this changes are not overnerf that we have nothing to speak. Especial if you call this slugish TTK instantaneous.