[Video] Banshee nerf - now on PTS

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Matti, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. TriumphantJelly

    Yeah, he was on around 3/4 health. I acknowledge that this isn't the best example, but if an infantryman with a rocket launcher could consistently survive AI tanks and kill them, I'd count that as broken. As it is, if you see the AA that's killing you and there's only 1 MAX, you can win. This is wrong, for in AA vs A2G, AA should win. Not the other way round. Lockons are also not much of a problem unless there are enough to kill you in one salvo. IK that the Air-Hammer can do all of this as well, but your aim needs to be good and you must be close.

    Also, just wondering, are you saying that the Banshee was balanced, or do you just think that the new one is an overnerf?
  2. Matti

    I think the air debate is just as bad as it always was. Pilots have been forced to learn, improve and get better.
    AA MAXes still, two years after release make the same mistakes I was laughing at in beta. Why shouldn't
    people on the ground actually need to L2P to counter air? An AA MAX standing still or being in a bad position,
    especially if already damage, should get punished for it. The Banshee is AI, the MAX is an infantry class.
    I never ever die to banshee in a AA MAX and I normally have no support if I quicky spawn a MAX for AA.
  3. Goretzu

    No AA counters Air (in PS2), the very best it can do is deny it airspace.
  4. TriumphantJelly

    No offense Matti, but I find it hard to belive that any MAX that isn't:
    A) you
    B) in a spawnroom

    automatically has an L2P issue. That's just silly, and while I don't think that MAXes should be invulnerable to those who outplay them, getting killed in 1 clip by an AI weapon when you shot first AT A FRAGILE FIGHTER, it should not escape with half health.
  5. Zeblasky

    Well, there's light assault and C4. And with AI noseguns you're stuck fighting with infantry only, no AA or AV duty(only if you're not with Airhammer), so sniping MAXes comes as nice teamplay bonus - you, as air, eliminating points of AA resistance, thus helping friendly air.

    Nope, usually it's about 5 rounds for me. And btw, in CQC non flak MAX can die even from 2 shots, even if it's really hard to pull off.
  6. TriumphantJelly

    C4 IS broke, though, but if you could shot 2 bars on the tip of a Lancer, it'd be to tanks what the Banshee is to infantry. And Coyortes sort AA, when the Banshee can also kill tanks. Alternatively, for ultra-A2G you can go with hornets.
  7. TheBurningLegion

    Do you know what me and my friends did when the noobs on the ground got our Liberators nerfed? We started flying ESFs and farming them with Rocket Pods.

    I told these guys "we will just find other means to farm you" - I f***ing called it! And we did. We picked up ESF flying and are now OK at it. Being that Rocket Pods were nerfed about 4 times, why am I still swimming in certs? Will they nerf them again because like some noobs say "they are just there to farm infantry".

    The Air debate will always remain toxic, especially when the 'gamer' generation is so coddled and self-entitled.
  8. nightbird

    IMO change the damage type to same as airhammer, and increase the direct damage to 250. Change the splash radius back to the same, and splash damage to 100, and you're good. Reward accuracy, overall less effective AI but same DPS when not missing, more effective AA.
  9. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    I dont get it.

    I always compared the Light PPA with the Banshee and felt it was even.

    +Magazine (70)

    Both weapons with their evenly pros and cons. And now they only want to nerf the Banshee? Why? Is it overperforming outside the AI area? Because i cant see much stat-balance difference compared to the other weapon.
    Ofc it has to be a pure nerf for TR, only negative: -DMG / -Splash

    I dont feel the need to nerf anything AI related here but if SOE rly have to do it they should at least increase the magazine size.
  10. xArchAngelx

  11. Goretzu

    You can see it in the stats:

    Aircraft KPH
    Vehicle KPH

    Which is to say it is significantly outperforming the LPPA and AH in AI.
    It is outperforming the LPPA in A2A (the AH performs best, however the AH is outperformed massively in A2A by any other NC nosegun).
    And all 3 are much or a muchness in AV.

    But honestly it is when you play against them it becomes most apparent, with the AH or LPPA as infantry or a MAX there's always the thought that you could have done something to not die, with the Banshee so very often you just die and you know there was nothing at all you could have done differently to survive.
  12. BarxBaron

    Yes. Air hammer deserves to own air considerably because other NC noseguns are better at their intended AA role.



    Plenty of things need nerfs in the AI nosegun department.

    We can start with LPPA splash of doom/no-aim-needed and Airhammers ability to be a jack-of-all-trades gun.
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  13. TriumphantJelly

  14. TriumphantJelly

    It got a fire rate buff (I'm fairly sure).
    No overperformance?

  15. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Comparing those two, stats-wise:
    If you direct hit, the DPS is:
    Banshee: 4666.7
    L-PPA: 2250
    Close Indirect hit (most likely):
    Banshee: 2666.7
    L-PPA: 833.3
    Far Indirect hit (~1.5 meters):
    Banshee: 893.3
    L-PPA: 693.3

    So the Banshee has significantly more dps in all scenarios. Yes, the LPPA has more AOE and can fire for longer than two seconds, but in turn the Banshee has more projectile velocity and no easily visible projectiles. Hard to weight that.
    Regarding other stats, due to it's effective range, the Banshee is halfway decent against ESFs and Light vehicles, while the PPA is... not.
    Whether that's worth bringing out the hammer, or if tiny adjustments would do, I will not judge (more than I did in the past).

    I wouldn't be opposed to some LPPA changes; Say, +10% RPM, -100 direct dmg, +50 indirect, and 0.02 bloom per shot?
  16. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    This seems to be the only real argument why people want a banshee nerf.
    But as infantry i never had a chance against both. Doesnt matter if its a quick banshee death or a lightPPA shooting 70 times 425 damage with 4m splash on you, youre always dead. Its just a lie to say that only against banshee´s you cant do anything.

    You said it, LPPA more AOE and longer constant fire with more potential per round. And yet you still compare direct DPS.... thats like you compare the effect of a nuclear blast and a gun shot with a fly.

    No one ever complained about the projectile velocity. You know why? Because it doesnt matter against infantry with an ESF. The killspeed is still damn high, even for the lightPPA.

    Effective range? LPPA is more accurate than the Banshee. Other than the LPPA the Banshee cant oneclip ESF´s. So why should it be better against light vehicles? People hit ESF´s with Daltons, so only something is harder to use doesnt mean it has less kill potential.

    Your possible LPPA changes are worthless. Nerf AOE range, indirect DMG, direct DMG. Like they want it for the Banshee, because those stats matter for an AI gun. Without this you can just use rocket pods again. And dont tell me you have a better chance to survive as infantry vs 16 rockets than 40 banshee bullets/ 70 LPPA.
  17. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    I dont see anything here that the Banshee could do better, and this is what those AI guns are for.
    The Banshee is better for single targets and the fast RPM+low magazine leads to a lot of relead times.
    LPPA is better for crowds with its huge splash and magazine size.

    Faction specific advantages, nothing more. Yes if you look at some stats you will see the banshee is #1 but mby thats only because its easier to use, but that doesnt mean the other weapons are worse. Or because single targets are more common than crowd fights.
    If you look at those weapons in action you cant tell which performs better.

    With the Banshee you rarely get more than 2 single-target-kills out of one magazine but with the LPPA you do. Therefore the Banhsee has a faster killspeed and a smaller AOE. LPPA slower killspeed but bigger AOE. Ofc killspeed is relative. As infantry LPPA is still enough to kill you before you know whats hitting you.

    Btw if you want AA then dont expect an AI weapon to do the job, instead remove your afterburner and equip Tomcats or Coyotes. (and NO they are not lame. The opposite is the case since every "Pro"-Pilot is using repair instead of flares. Counter the meta Air gaming instead of going with it.
  18. Foxirus

    Wow, people are still trying to defend how OP the Banshee was? Seriously, The damn thing could one clip a flak max in 3 seconds. No other AI nose gun in this game comes even close to that. Take your nerf like the rest of us did and deal with it. You outta be glad they let it go OP as long as they did.

    As for the LPPA being able to hit air units effectively? Haha... Oh wait you're serious... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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  19. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    LPPA has 4m AOE noskill aim, no other nosegun can do that.....

    You think a big target like a MAX will have a better time with 50 direct dmg reduce and 1m AOE reduce after the nerf? 800RPM x 150DMG inside a 1m radius to hit a MAX.... you wont feel the difference.

    They only destroy the AI mechanic for the gun but if they would nerf it in other stats like RPM it would just become a different looking LPPA. Stats that just dont matter for AI guns like this.

    Look at the videos and tell me the difference, THERE IS NONE.
    If people can really force such an unnecessary nerf i want at least 15 more bullets on top of the 40 in the magazine.

    If the Banhsee nerf goes live i bet it wont take long until everyone calls for LPPA nerfs because that thing will take the lead by far.
  20. vanu123

    Still not as nerfed as PPA or ZOE, banshee got off easy IMO.
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