[Video] Banshee nerf - now on PTS

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Matti, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. BlueSkies

  2. TheBurningLegion

  3. miraculousmouse

  4. TheBurningLegion

    I've never used the Banshee in my entire life. And my infantry skills are fine. None of my k/d is padded thanks. Maybe you need to learn how to fly or use skill based weaponry?
  5. BlueSkies

    Yes.. that unbelievably high <30% of the kills (vehicle and MAX combined) on this character make it a vehicle/MAX farmer... :confused:

    So which one of those incredibly skilled characters is yours?

    BTW, I'm glad you're happy. Being miserable probably wouldn't help your performance.
  6. FrozenCustard

    Your both going off topic so let's try and stay on the topic of the banshee
  7. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I'll just leave this here.
    • Up x 2
  8. Cyrek

    I am somewhat glad they toned it down, even if its only a placebo effect for some players (good players will still burst down infantry/maxes) and make more of my fellow mosquito pilots actually do their job and fit for a A2A setup.

    I'll also leave this here.
  9. TheBurningLegion

    I'm SeverTheWicked. Please tell me how bad I am.
  10. lothbrook

    Whats a video of an AH reaver getting point blank against maxes prove? Exactly what NC has been saying all along, you have to get into the dumbfire danger zone to use it? Seriously hit a max with the banshee sometime and see how long he lives, except do it from 200m away.
  11. OminousZ

    Dude come on...just like the PPA was a little much...you know very well the Banshee in it's current state is exaggerated. You didn't even really have to aim too much with it because of it's splash damage.
  12. Atis

    Serpent is fine http://ps2oraclestats.com/?stat=kpu&weapon1=7214&weapon2=19000&weapon3=7169

    TR carbines are fine http://ps2oraclestats.com/?stat=kpu&weapon1=43&weapon2=44&weapon3=3

    Banshee was OP and new one still is great, it it is not overnerf like in PPA case. http://ps2oraclestats.com/?stat=kpu&weapon1=4305&weapon2=4906&weapon3=4605
  13. TheBurningLegion

    All I know is, the PPA was nerfed because it ruined fights and made infantry gameplay impossible outside of camping corridors. VS were very bold in abusing the hell out of it and they got punished for it. You canot expect to lower the quality of the game and then get away with it.

    On the flipside, the Banshee requires a very active and aware playstyle. There is alot of risk with simply flying a mosquito, especially when everyone and their dog has lockons and light armour damage dealing weapons. I play all 3 factions and the players who farmed with the Banshee were good flyers who took advantage of infantry stupidity as well as illustrated the skill to use the weapon in a successful fashion.

    There is absolutely no comparison.
  14. OminousZ

    I don't necessarily disagree with some of your points, but you expect me to believe that the banshee users are not abusing it? Then why are 90% if not more pilots using it? Because as gamers, we ALL are going to use the best thing to kill faster and better. It's the nature of the beast. NO ONE is going to say, "I think the banshee is OP so i'm not going to use it" ;)
  15. Haquim

    Hmm .. yeah it was/is a bit overperforming. But did anybody actually did the math on what they did with it?

    For some reason - that can only be a some kind of brain malfunction - they decreased direct hit damage by 25%.
    They also decreased indirect damage by 25%.
    That means hitting somebody directly deals 25% less damage. (Indirect and direct damage were and still are equal)

    I would say that 25% less damage is already a pretty big nerf. More to the point, since the low TTK was what everybody claimed as problem, it means an increased TTK by 33%.

    But SOE did more....

    They decreased the inner splashradius from 0.5m to 0.3m. That is from 0,785m² to 0,283m².
    They decreased the area of the inner splashradius by a freaking 64%. Sixty-four percent!
    They also decreased the outer splashradius from 2m to 1m. That is from 12,57m² to 3,142m².
    The outer splashradius is decreased by 75%. Seventy-five percent!!

    So.... if you shove your nosegun down an enemies' throat your TTK is increased by 33% thanks to the damage being decreased by 25%.

    I'm not a math genius, so I can not really depict the effects of the splaradius nerf absolutely correct, but please accept this very crude and primitive depiction:

    If you only shoot at a single target you have to get 50% closer to hit with the same amount of bullets (splashdamage only!), since the outer radius has been halved. Doing this you will still deal 25% less damage, since the basic damage has been reduced.

    Shooting at a densely packed group of infantery, which does happen in 96+ VS 96+ fights, and not aiming for anything spefific, so basically spraying over the group as a whole - you will hit 75% less targets with 25% less damage. The total damage you deal is reduced by 81,25%.
    (This will propably be never true in practice, since no enemy force will be totally evenly distributed over a certain area, and you will always aim for the tightest packed cluster, but it works as a thoughtexperiment. Also the inner splashradius was reduced by 40% not 50%, but I don't think it would have that much impact anyway to warrant the added difficulty of calculating it).

    Also: I don't see any mention of resistances being adjusted. So the Banshee, who has already trouble dealing with enemy ESF, albeit not as bad as the LPPA, also deals 25% less damage/has 33% higher TTK against vehicles making it also worse at defending itself.

    Its not really impacting on me since I already got auraxium, and I don't farm stuff anyway. But I do occasionally grab a banshee if I have to break up infantery clusters that our tanks can't get rid of for some reason. Guess I'll have to stick to lolpods again if I want to engage infantery.

    Looking at those numbers.... makes me sad.
    It may come off as insulting... but I'm really starting to wonder how one can make a game and seemingly not know basic math. Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised and it will perform better than those figures suggest.
    ....I doubt it though.

    On a Sidenote:

    Dear VS who revel in the malicious joy of seeing the banshee nerfed after the PPA nerf,

    the LPPA, which is your ESF nosegun, has NOT been nerfed.
    What has been nerfed is the PPA on your Magrider and Harasser, the problem mainly being that the former sat atop mountains and shot into bases that were specifically designed to keep tanks and infantery apart. With a weapon that had no bulletdrop, making it effective at infantery render distance, quite a lot of splash, an above average magazine, and a low velocity as only drawback. (Ignoring that it does no damage to armor - since thats true for ALL AI weapons and is no drawback of the PPA specifically)
    Let me mount this thing on my Prowler (and give it antigrav) and you may compare it (it would be overperforming).

    A TR player that has tested all the weapons and has enough of VS comparing apples and pears because comparing VS apples with other apples doesn't support their demands.

    In case anybody cares for REAL numbers, those are the uniques for NOV 30:
    TR: Banshee: 1245 = 48.80%, Rotary: 452 = 17,72%, Needler: 854 = 33,48%
    NC: Mustang AH: 669 = 33,37%, Vortek: 548 = 27,33%, M20 Mustang : 788 = 39,30%
    VS: LPPA: 946 = 39,81%, Hailstorm: 434 = 18,27%, Saron: 996 = 41,92%

    ... ignoring the high capacity guns in that though.

    Am I stupid for researching and trying to keep to facts?
    • Up x 1
  16. KnightCole

    The nerf means the Banshee guys TTK goes from .025s to 0.5s

    Cuz your video there matti, I see no worth while loss in TTK of that weapon, it still looks like it murders **** in some pretty record time. Even a MAX lasts less then a second.
  17. Thurwell

    Yeah I noticed the MAX bit. Still can't counter mossies with bursters apparently. This thread is full of people saying the banshee is over nerfed and worthless now. But from watching him use it I see no difference in its effectiveness.
  18. Haquim

    In case someone actually bothers to read this: the braindamage lies actually with me - the DIRECT damage has not been nerfed. I looked to the wrong side of the screen and read the damage of a different weapon, sorry about that.
    Guess I shouldn't write such long posts when I'm getting tired - there just HAS to be an error I make :(

    The point about the indirect damage in combination with the radius reduction still stands though.
  19. FrozenCustard

    Don't you think that 90% is at least a little bit exaggerated? Just check with the oracle and see that it has not all that much playtime over the other two AI nose guns. And although it had slightly too much TTK at med range over the AH, I don't think that it warrants such a sizable max splash damage range nerf, just an inner range damage nerf might have been just fine, and if not then nerf it some more.
  20. Trebb

    I said that actually. Of course only after I auraxiumd it, and moved on to other mossie weapons. Unless I get terminal camped by a sniper. I will specifically pull a banshee mossie to punish his entire faction for his insulin, like all the diabetics!!!11!