[Video] Banshee nerf - now on PTS

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Matti, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. Paragon Exile


    It can kill people with bursts, but the kobalt can do that faster and over longer ranges. So can the Canister and Marauder. Like I said, no reason to use it.

    The Current PPA is laughable

    Should I complain that it is no longer capable of sustained fire over a hundred metres with no reduction in AI strength? Or would that be unreasonable?

    "Sluggish TTK"

    Yeah, those explosive, rapid-fire bullets which can kill someone faster than the vehicle firing it can render is sluggish.

    You're making excuses.
  2. Goretzu

    It's a lot worse than any NC nosegun, so it is NOT an A2A gun performance-wise (never mind an "OP A2A gun"), it is however a decently performing A2A gun in comparasion with the Banshee and LPPA........ but that is a vastly different thing to an "overpowered" A2A gun (when clearly it is not).
  3. Goretzu

    Sorry I mean the Live version, not the Test version. The Test version currently will be very much not as powerful with this change (or at least not as generally powerful AI-wise). We'll have to see how it goes, if they nerf AI down a lot they may have to buff it A2A-wise.
  4. T0x1s

    Its OP A2A gun when comparing to Banshee and LPPA.

  5. Goretzu

  6. JudgeNu

    I didn't notice that the Banshee needed a nerf.
    I didn't even know what a Banshee was until I clicked on the link.

    Id say don't nerf it and just grabs some bursters if you need some DDT.
  7. Goretzu

    That's actually the biggest issue with the Banshee IMO, against AI MAXs, it eats them alive.

    Due to the way the Live version has high direct and high AoE damage as an AA MAX neither KA or Flak is really effective, and it kills you insanely quickly (AH quickly) only from greater range.
  8. Matti

    I use M+K.

    I have a couple of tutorials covering that, check out the A2G ones.

    Good Luck!
  9. TriumphantJelly

    20 minutes ago, I killed a burster MAX using the splash of the Banshee and ~3/4 of the clip in under a second, and he fired first.
  10. Noktaj

    Welcome to the PPA.
  11. DarkJackal

    This will help out the client-side lag so you don't die as often if on you're screen you moved but the shots are hitting next to where you were and you die.
  12. GoyoElGringo

    If the Banshee 1-mags a burster with full flak armor, then it's still a problem. If not, then it's perfect. Maxes are infantry, after all, and they can be revived.
  13. FrozenCustard

    AH and PPA can also 1 clip a max with full flak armor
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  14. Flag

    Yeah.... but how long time does it take the L-PPA to empty said clip? >_>
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  15. FrozenCustard

    About 21 seconds of high splash damage orbs that can be shot from long distances thanks to it's large clip size, tighter COF, large AOE range, and its velocity speed that isn't as bad as most people make it out to be.
  16. Flag

    Yeah compared to the 3.5 seconds or so for the Banshee.

    To say they both can 1-clip and leave it at that doesn't really do either weapon justice.
  17. GoyoElGringo

    I haven't tested it, but if they AH requires that all 9 rounds be fired at close range, then I wouldn't take it too seriously. And if a flak max eats a full mag of the PPA, he deserves to die. That thing fires slow.
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  18. Goretzu

    That's the problem.
  19. TriumphantJelly

  20. Matti

    That means the MAX was hurt from before and/or not using flak armor
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