Server Downtime for Hotfix December 20, 2013 6AM PT

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Raxxyl, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. Implementor

    VS and NC party after TR nerf
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  2. GrinNfool

    because those pounders were so OP...
  3. IamDH

    Its reload animation is broken. Instead of being a cassette player it has the normal vanu reload. The reload animation made it very cool (inserting ammo in the back of the gun)
  4. aceoyame

    Looks like Connery is up for everyone but NC =(

    Edit nevermind, my game is just reporting wrong
  5. Jonal

    I heard their was this one guy on some server who loaded up the pounder and found it kinda useful, so they had to nerf it.
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  6. Nopsled

    The Pounder has been so worthless that I've NEVER seen anyone use them EVER. I hadn't had a chance to check them out since the change but if they got over buffed then it's a good idea to balance them. Stop all the nerfing already. But if the Pounders are still just as worthless as before then what is everyone crying about?
  7. Mayo Blue

    Lord have Mercy....what Awkward Methadone clinic was THAT filmed at?????
  8. reticentbassist

    Today Planetside Learned: Do not do a cert dump into ANYTHING the day after a patch comes out. Wait at least 1 week of game play to spend those certs (basilisk)
  9. Xebov

    Explosives still dont set each other off, so still no combined traps with AI and AT Mines. Also Grenades still dont set off Explosives.
  10. Jump Jets

    EU players - Please stop your crying about the timing. While I understand that it can be frustrating to not be able to play.
    Lets look at it logically
    Your the boss of SOE you have X amount of employees that are going to working on the patch.

    1. Do you have them start it first thing after arriving at work, or
    2. Do you have them come in Early to please the EU players.

    Any person with any sort of business sense would just have it started first thing in the morning.
    1. You have all day (normal hours) and more if needed.
    2. You not paying overtime. (unless needed)

    Check the server status BEFORE posting as by the time you posted the EU server were up already.

    EU players also NOTICE HOW SOE UNLOCKED THE 3 EU SERVERS FIRST, and take a little comfort in that at least.
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  11. gregfox89

    Wow, that's cold SoE. And spoken as a former ZOE MAX user too who is still bitter. You finally improve one of the worst weapons in the game, and now it's decent so it has to be nerfed. I mean look at how much better the Comet is, and that's our default AV gun. Why the need to nerf everything, what is going on?
  12. LordMondando

    It was being used en-mass on miller.
  13. SkyezWars

    So many problems they fixet i cant way to see when the servers are back up and really see if its better witch im sure it is.THanks for the quick fix PS2 and love the game
  14. Keltova

    Anything that gets those TR annoyed is fine with me as long as it makes for some tense fighting when the servers come back online. As NC we like a challenge am i wrong?
  15. Shoot4Life

    servers(EU) are really up or not cause i'm in the 96% club right now?
  16. SniperApache

    a euro is worth more than a dollar
  17. SkyezWars

    I do not AGREE i think we should get like 500 SC to 1000 SC for downtime i have supported this game alot and have got 0 bennifits.But i do have to keep in mind the game is free witch is really awesome
  18. BigBooty

    You're telling me.
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  19. Defaceo

    Everyone were expecting a decent Christmas sale, 70% off SC and sales - we didn't get it and now this mess.
  20. SkyezWars

    And when will the servers be back up and why is it that most other servers are up but not us?